
My Empty Heart


It’s already morning and I am sitting on my bed with a blurry eyes.  I am still sleepy after all the efforts I gave up for my history project. Sitting in front of my laptop while typing 89 pages of paper work is not an easy job .


Why am I doing such thing , when I could be spending precious times with my friends just hanging around , living our young , free , and happy lives .


Now, I’m stuck on my bed, doing nothing , just doing stuffs a girl in my age shouldn’t be doing . Feeling exhausted of doing that project. Indeed very boring.


And don’t forget that at 10 I have to submit my project right to my teacher’s before class starts.


I am now studying in NYU. You know, right. Well about my economical life, I am not rich.  But, my parents are. No, my stepparents are. I was adopted around 8 years ago when I was 10 years old. They adopted me in Korea, but now I live in New York.


My dad owns an oil company, BRM Oil Company. It’s one of the most successful oil company in the US. It spreads almost to every country in the world. Like Dubai, Greece, and Indonesia.


My mum is the vice president of a foundation called WUF USA. So my mum, yeah, she is very busy.


And who would even hate being adopted by them? They have everything starting from money, jewels, estates, malls, brands, almost every single thing anybody dreamt of. So who would hate it to be adopted by them? None.


At least for those who admires those things , not me.




It was already dark and clouds are already turning into a black clouds. Black sky, strong wind,  and freezing.  There were no stars at all,  it was very quite.


I was alone. Running like some idiot little girl looking for a game and toys to play. I lost my parents sight. Running along the beach, crazy,  my heart is thumping really heart, I was sweating really hard. The feezingly weather didn’t affected me a bit.


My brain is not working very well and I don’t even know what am I doing, why am I like this, what am I doing, what happened, these questions are hanging in my brain.


I lost my strength. I was really tired of all those running and I don’t know why I am not crying. My heart is.

Where will I fond my parents in this big city? There is no way. None.


Let me take the simplest thing and easiest way okay. No one would even bother to care.


I stood up. I reach my decision. Green lights. Perfect timing. 2 step closer. 4 step and finally, I reached the streets. Memorize. Everything seemed to be okay, without me. At least.


My heart can’t stand it anymore. It’s way too painful. Everything was made for me to be useless in this world. It was crowded, cars were crossing like there is no tomorrow. Everything went blurry, my tears fell on my left cheek.


People were looking at me as I was walking along the zebra cross. They were shouting and asking me to stop and to get back. It was useless. I made my decision already. No regrets.


A limo was getting nearer to me. Wow, I didn’t expect that a limo will crash me, cool. I am ready for this pain. I will never regret my decision. I can’t. it’s too late.


It was so stupid of me to sacrifice my love for my parents. How I love m parents, it’s just an air.


Devoted, crazy, tired, exhausted, pain, that can describe it.


The limo, stopped.


What, aren’t you supposed to be crashing me into pieces, I was waiting for it, I don’t want this to happen.


A woman came out of the car, and man was following her right behind her. The man wore a black trench coat and the woman wore a coat, cream colored coat with a beautiful black ankle boots.


She is very beautiful despite her age, she is her forties. She is still gorgeous and she has this light lilies scent and she also has this aura. Gorgeous.


The man was very tall, he is also in his forties, he has this incredible awesome face that everyone would love to see. His hair is perfectly done and his eyes were as sharp as a sword. Oustanding.


“Young girl, what are you doing?”


The woman asked. Her lips were as red as rose and her voice was very pure. Her white skin was clashed together with her beautiful thin lips.


“I am lost maam”


My tears fell again. My cheeks were frozing despite the cold wind.


“Why are you alone?”


His words went right through my heart. It was hurting to know that you are alone.


“I, I lost my parents sight when we were in the beach. They said that they are going to buy me an ice cream”


“Dear, I lost my child too. Would you like to come with us? To our world?”


Her smile was really beautiful and her hair was flowing perfectly.


“What is our world maam?”


As I sob my tears a hand touch my right hand and she asked me to come with them. I was really confuse, I can’t think staright.


“Welcome my darling, to your new world”


She, smiled in joy.


Flashback End~


“Hah, memories, how I wanted to forget that thing”


I whispered in between my sigh.


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update please..i beg u..please..please..
i love this story..
Update pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Hehe please update soon ;)) Don't know who t ship with.
Chapter 10: nice chapter..
update soon..and write more please :)
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 10: Luhan FTW!! Ha Kai!! That's watcha get for being a jerk!!
Chapter 9: Cheer Luhan all the way. Please update soon:))
Chapter 9: OMG~ it's great . Really great moment :D
Luhan's confussion :3 kyaaaa,, update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 9: WOAH~~~~ CONFESSION!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #9
Chapter 8: Omg Kai what do u call it er/headblocker? Update soon