
My Empty Heart


Kai’s Point of View ~


It was noon and I am currently at my dad’s office, waiting for his client to come and greet us.


Sometimes, my dad asks me to come to his meeting so I can understand about what does the meeting talks about.


It’s not really that matters to me since bunch of time my dad asks me to come with him and greet all his counselor. To help him do his works.


It was a boredom, to me. It really is, just listening to all words coming out from the meeting was just an influence to my fresh brain. All I needed that time was an iPod, heatset and a cusion to rest my head from standing straight behind my father’s desk.


Like I said before, it was as boring as watching a history movie over and over again.


Why the hell am I here? To answer the question, as a son of a father wo workd as an owner of an airplane company, I, Kim Jongin, will be the heir of the company.




All I needed is freedom, not a meeting.


When will my freedom come? I just have to wait for it, it may take forever to come, or all I need is just a luck, my luck.






Central Office Park, Seoul.


Finally, the meeting is done, DONE.


We, me and my dad walked through the hallway of my dad’s office, heading to the lobby of my dad’s work place.


“Son, how was the meeting?”


It’s my dad’s usual words after we finished all the meetings, and it’s just his common question to start our conversation.


“It was great, I get to know about the process of the plane production father, and today, the meeting told me a story about the difficulties of an airplane company owner, Father”


As my dad’s limo came in front of the lobby, my dad get in to the car, and I heard him ordered the driver to go straight to his parents house in Seoul.


I bowed to my father and he left me there. It’s not I don’t have a car, I have.


But sometimes, it felt boring to go home everytime your dad and you finished a business together and ended up going home alone.


So I went to Luhan’s house.


It’s pretty near to my dad’s office.


Luhan is my best buddy. He like all the things I like, he also prefer black than blue, even it doesn’t matter, and he also loves to play basketball. Like me, hehe.


My SUV finally came, finally.


My white car were shining as bright as a the weather today, I guess my driver clean it today, gee, thanks mate.


I was really tired and I am wondering what am I going to play or do at Luhan’s apartment.


Even though we likes everthing pretty much the same, his ecomic life is not the same as me.


He is not that rich. His parents owns a restaurant, an chinnese cuisine restaurant.


His dad’s business went well, before the place was robbed.


It was a chaos. His dad’s house was robbed, every thing was taken, TV, her mother’s jewels and accessories and their money.


Now, Luhan is studying really hard to get a scholarship everywhere, at least if he doesn’t pay the fee, or we can say free.


I offered him some help, but he refuse. He said that he will try his best to get what he wants without every one to worry. It was really wise of him to do so.


 I was really amuzed by what he said, and now, he finally accomplished it.


He got a scholarship at Yellow Gate University, which means that he is attending the same school as me.


AS I arrived in front of his house, his head pops out from the door and greets me as usual.


“Hey yo brooo, how was the meeting?”


His words seemed to be teasing, not asking. Geez.


“It was boring, same topic over and over again. God please refresh my brain”


I sat at the living room. His house was not as big as mine, but has this warm feeling that made me want to stay and live there.


“Haha, but you’re a heir, nothing will change”


Realizing the fact that I am the heir of Aero Company, it . After I finished my studies, I have to be the next owner of the company.




Papers, pens, travelling around, hearing to some words from another company, my brain is not going work well anymore.


Adios brain cells, enjoy the meeting.


So me and Luhan ended up playing basket ball, in his backyard.


We played one on one.


And he ended up winning it again, good.


But it was fun, very fun, a way to freshtened up my mind.


Sometimes, I needed a companion to help me, well like Luhan.


But, like an assistant? No.


More like a companion in love.


When, will I find you and ever find you?


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update please..i beg u..please..please..
i love this story..
Update pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Hehe please update soon ;)) Don't know who t ship with.
Chapter 10: nice chapter..
update soon..and write more please :)
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 10: Luhan FTW!! Ha Kai!! That's watcha get for being a jerk!!
Chapter 9: Cheer Luhan all the way. Please update soon:))
Chapter 9: OMG~ it's great . Really great moment :D
Luhan's confussion :3 kyaaaa,, update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 9: WOAH~~~~ CONFESSION!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #9
Chapter 8: Omg Kai what do u call it er/headblocker? Update soon