
My Empty Heart

Auhtor's Point of View~


Looking at the mirror, Jieun was now slightly confused about what she was going to wear for tonight's dinner with her parents, and Luhan. Yeah, that guy was a bit weird to offer her a weird request, she knew that it will help her, preventing from making a fuss with her parents, that her promise was not accomplished. her father always pursue her to get some good careers, and specialy, about having a good man for her.

She had always been a bit confuse about accomplishing her promise, and now she has to face her parents. And before she could even find one, Luhan came and helped her. 

So what can we say now, she used him. For awhile.

"Shoot, it's already 5, I have to be there at 6!"

So in the end, she picked a random dress, and after that, and she quickly changed her hoodie to her random dress. She took her dress from her walk in closet, and closes the door hurriedly. 

She took her purse and put in a phone, wallet, and a lipstick, after she was done with her simple make up, she chose a red pumps that matches pretty wekk with her maxi dress.her dress will flow as she walks, and her dress fits perfectly on her thin, small body. And she wore a simple modern necklace just to add some more fancyness in her simple dress. 

She opened the door and then she checked twice at the things she was going to bring, and locked the door.  

And then she left her apartment. She took a taxi, and head towards Urband Kitchen, one of the daring dinner place for flaunt people. Which means, she is also one of them. Her parents, is.

Same thing was happening in a room, Luhan was looking for a perfect jeans and and the perfect clothes for tonight. But in the end, he picked a light brown trousers and a soft blue pinched sweaters. He took his iPhone and his wallet, and just then he took his car key and put it inside his pocket. He sighed.

He went outside his apartmentand, he didn't even have to lock his apartment, after the door closed silently, it will lock automatically. And he took his car key and a bip sound from his Nissan Juke was heard. His father sure owns a big chinese restaurant. He then drove his car to the place he was going to head. The Urban Kitchen. An urban dine in resto.



A few while after alll the light traffic, he parked his head for awhile, and then he heard his phone vibrated. He knew that it was from her, so he opened his phone, and text was displayed on his phone.

Yesterday, he and Jieun shared theri numbers. Just in case.

'Hey, I am already inside the restaurant, where are you? My parents are going to be her, soon. -Jieun-'

"I will be there, wait."

He opened his car's door, and in a second he was now in front of this urban restaurant.

He met with the bartender who led him to Jieun. "Hi! I thought that you would not come" She smiled at Luhan. "I promised. And I love to help" "Sure you did, and I think they will be here in any.... Mom!" He looked back, in front of the lobby of the restaurant, woman was now walking to their direction, side by side with a good looking man beside her. She was wearing a cream coat and the person beside her was wearing a neat dark brown suit. They both looked pretty, no, gorgeous together.

"Jieun! My darling! I have missed you! Your dad was missing you every single bit!" "Mom, dad, I missed both of you too. If you are going to asked me about me, I would answer great. I have been doing great." "Glad to hear that. And my who is this good looking men beside you?" The man was now looking at his direction. He stiffen a bit.


Luhan then bowed to both of them, and he was now going to introduce himself. "Greeting sir, man, I am Luhan. Xi Luhan.Nice to meet you." "rare, a person like you is mow rare. Sit down boy, you both must be hungry. Right Jieun?" The guy in brown asked her beloved daughter. "yes dad" "What are you going to order sir?" "I would like to have a tenderloin beef, medium cooked." "I am going to have a salmon fried barbeque. "Me too, and Luhan, what do you want?" Both Jieun and her mother looked at his face. "Same please."

The woman smile and asked the waitress to do her work. And now, milady seemed to be pretty interested in Luhan. And then she smiled to her daughter in relief, and Luhan had no idea. His father looked at him, gazing everywhere. Yeah, they are judging him. "It's ver nice to meet you Luhan." "It's a pleasure, mam." Luhan smiled at Jieuns's mother, and she replied his smile. "Mom, dad, Luhan, I will go for awhile." She walked straight to the rest room, she left them so she can seemed to be in a real meeting, for a boy, but all of it was just an act. She sighed and went inside the restroom.

"So boy, what do you see in her?"


"Yes, my daughter."

He thought for awhile, and then, he moughted some words to them. "She is gorgeus is her own way, and she is also a kind person, from her actions, filled with desirable passion."

"You just known her for awhile."

"I will know her more in the future. And besides, she have all the graciousness from her generous parents."

"Glad to know you boy, you seemed pretty worned up, boy? Just relax. What we might not know, is that we might have the chance to see more often, and if you get what I meant."

"Of course. And I may be smart enough to know what she chose, right?"

"Haha, and let me know about you better. If I can know your background?"

"My background? I am not, a generous kind of person. Here, in the university, I got a scholarship, and I worked pretty hard to get that."

"Why would you want a scholar?"

"Backgrounds. My parents are not that well-off kind of parents, so, I had to do all my best to decrease my parents work. Maybe just a little."

"Well mannered boy. I like you, son."

"Not at all."

The man and the woman nodded their head, and she smiled to Luhan.

But one thing Luhan didn't know was a person was walking towards them, he was wearing a leather jacket and a jeans, just simple yet daring. He smile in front of all of them. He was smiling widely as he walked and hugged both of Jieun's parents. As if he was a part of them. he felt something strange was going to happen, in a sight Kai took a glance at the confused Luhan, and then his sight was now fully for Jieun's parents.

"Kai! How we missed you!"

"You all sure miss me, madam, mister."

"Haha, we sure did. Kai, meet Luhan." the man smiled widely as he tapped Kai's back.

"I know him, he is my best friend mam."

Kai smiled to his best friend. He looked at the other way where he was standing, and saw the shocked Jieun was standing right in front of them now. Not to mention her very very shocked face. She glanced at her father, her mother, Luhan and then the last person she would not want to see the most. Kai. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Jieun! It's not polite to talk to you guest! Behave your self!"

"I thought that mum reserved for four, not five"

She gazed at her mother who just smiled to his daughter, she led them all to sit comfortably so they can talk about this. In peace. 

"He came in peace, and I think you are curious about how we know this person, right Jieun?"

"Explain now mum, dad."

"My Jieun, why so serious? You are making the mood of the dinner more tense, chill out a bit. And I am now going to explain about this sudden thing. Sit down my dear, and don't make that face, it scares me a lot, Jieun."

Jieun glared at her father but it won't change her father's behavious. He then pinched Jieun's bubbly cheek. And jieun jolted from her seat. 

"Fine I will explain it now. He, Kai, is one of my investor's son. I often meet him, working with his dad. Me and his dad are a very close friend. And not to mention, he is kind of like a brother."

"Honey, I think we have to leave. Let them be."

Jieun's mother tapped her husband's wrist and asked him to go to their hotel. Just let the younger to 'solve' this sudden matter. alone. But first of all, Jieun is really curious about why was he here and how did he get to know their plans. She was getting pissed. First of all, the stupid incident that happened around 2 days a go was still making Jieun's nerves goes bad. Especially when she sees kai, and second of all, he had ruined her perfect moment to, maybe lie to her parents. 

"I don't know if you hate me that much, but what the hell are you doing and why the hell are you doing this to me?"

"Yeah Kai, what the hell are you doing here dude, I thought that you were going to play soccer with your cousin. And damn Kai, why are you ruining Jieun's plan?"

"Hell with the plan, we should probably call it a lie. And why am I here? To stop you all from lying to them. You beloved parents. Right Jieun?"

He smirked to Jieun. Jieun just gulped to her last lips. 

"What do you mean by that Kai?" Luhan glanced at the two of them. 

"Well, isn't it cruel enough?"

"How did you know about that?"

"Sources. I will never be blinded by you, ."

"Damn Kai, what are you doing to her?" Luhan pushed Kai aside to jieun.

"Me? I am making her a statement."

Kai then left the place, while Luhan was looking at Jieun intently.

"Why does he has to know?"

She sobbed, hard.



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update please..i beg u..please..please..
i love this story..
Update pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Hehe please update soon ;)) Don't know who t ship with.
Chapter 10: nice chapter..
update soon..and write more please :)
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 10: Luhan FTW!! Ha Kai!! That's watcha get for being a jerk!!
Chapter 9: Cheer Luhan all the way. Please update soon:))
Chapter 9: OMG~ it's great . Really great moment :D
Luhan's confussion :3 kyaaaa,, update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 9: WOAH~~~~ CONFESSION!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #9
Chapter 8: Omg Kai what do u call it er/headblocker? Update soon