
My Empty Heart

Author's Point of View~


Walking through the hall way, Jieun was really confused about yesterday's topic. She regret  of agreeing in the deal, foolish childish deal that she and Kai has made. It was a bit stupid and Jieun has been thinking about it over and over again. She was looking for some ways to attract Krystal, for the king of course, non other than Kai. She stomped her feet while she was walking and stopped in front of her class room. It was pretty morning, so not many student was arrived at the university, few students even come late. What can we say about that? Rules were made to be forgotten. 

"Ahh! Stupid stupid stupid!"

Jieun entered the class room, and some students was, whispering behind her. Almost every students, their eyes are shifted to Jieun's presence. It seemed that her popularity was rising pretty fast, but in a bad way. She knows already that something was up so she walked to her desk and sat there silently. She put all her things on the table. And that's when Krystal came barging in to the class with shocked face. 

"JIEUN!!! Come with me! Now! You have got to see this!"

"Kryst- wah!"

Her pull was a bit shocking so she just followed to where Krystal is heading, and they both stopped in front of the school's head board. She took a peek on the article on the board. 


The new-bie is starting a drama or it is just coincidence?

Well it seemed that our new student that has just transfered to our university is starting a haptic drama! The two of them are caught together talking in the hall way of the school. They both seemed pretty annoyed by each other's presence! And everything was pretty clearly that she was asking some demands to our beloved king! 

Find out what it is and boy you'll get some hidden something!


The photo was where she was putting some smirk in her face and showing some face to Kai. She was in the hallway alone with Kai and wthout notice, someone caught them together. 

"What the hell! URGH!"

She stomped twice this morning and it was almost started their class, and she ran over to Kai's class with Krystal following behind her. She opened the door harshly and ran over to Kai's desk where he was sitting on his chair with legs on his desk. He was smirking playfully and Luhan sat nest to Kai. He was pretty happy since his plan worked on her. 

"I assumed that thing was your doing! Kai! You're crazy! I am still new Kai! And because of you my life is no longer going to be what I have expected to be! It's all because of yo-"

Her words were cut by the two girls that was now behind Kai. 

"It's not his fault. We made it. Isn't it masterpiece? You should have been proud of us! On your first day, no, is it second day Hara?"

"I think it's second day Gyu"

"Okay, on your second day, you're popular! You are noticed by all the student in this school! Be happy!"

Jiuen was now shading some tears and Kai felt that he was a bit pissed looking at her crying image. He was supposed to be happy, but it seemed that it was going off board. 


Kai's Point of View~


I felt something was burning when I saw her crying figure, and she seemed to be hope less. I thought that it was funny seeing her being tricked. It was also because of her stupidity in believing my words. I am not saying that my words are crap tho. 

I stood up and i put my hand in front of Gyuri's face. God damn she was a bit unstopable. 

"Shut it."

After my words she and her fellow friends moved one step to the back to avoid my glare. She was pretty annoying and she talked to much. That's why I stopped her words. It . 

"Jieun jieun jieun, aren't you stupid student, I hope you are not expecting this to happen right?"

She was glaring at me with some sorrow showing in her face. 

"Your own stupidity has brought you to hell, ay? You should've known me. I am pretty playfull, especially with humans, and I also love teasing new bie. I guessed it was your own fault on falling to my trap. And you are-"


She slapped me. Hard. 

I glared at her and rubbed my cheek. I bet it'll be swollen in a few minutes. 

"Why you-"

"Me? What did I do to you to make you do this to me? I am still a stranger and you treat me like like a already. What have I done to you? What? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU KAI! WHAT!"

She ran as fast as she can. She quickly opened the door and slammed it. I looked at her in disbelief as I rubbed my cheek. 

"Kai, was it really you?"

"Dude, seriously....."

Luhan was now chasing with Krystal following him. They are running in full speed. What have you done Kai? I think this is not you. I sat on my chair and suddenly, out of nowhere Hara rubbed my cheek but I pushed her away. 

"Just leave me alone, Hara. Just go away form me."


Luhan's Point of View~


Was it really him? I have never seen him doing that to a girl before, but why suddenly her?

I ran as fast as i can to catch Jieun but too bad she was nowhere to be found. I ordered Krystal to look for her to the front yard and I will look for her outside the building. I was still running when my eyes caught some person was sitting on the bench out side the university looking on the floor. She was mumbling something but I can tell that she mumbling something which is not good. 

I walked over to the bench and stopped for awhile. I looked at her figure, sobbing her tears. I bet it hurts so bad. It must have been hurt. If someone did that to a person, I bet the person will get really pissed, and especially when a girl gets it. 

And that's when her phone rang. 

"Mom? Yeah, I am doing great here in Korea. It was a bless mom to come here. Yeah, mom. I love this place. What? How's dad? Oh, good. have you seen Ail? Thank God Ailee is fine there. Give here some words from me, okay mom? What? You are coming? When? TOMORROW? Oh, okay. See you mom. Love you."

I tapped her back and she was pretty shocked. Her face shown some of her sorrow. She looked at me and she finally cam up some words.

"Who are you?"

"Don't tell me, you have forgotten about me already."

I pouted for a bit to distract her from crying again. 

"Oh, Luhan right? How can I forgot about you. Come, sit."

I sat on the bench and after that, silence. But then i started the chat.

"Sorry. About what he did to you. He was not usually like that. This is the first time seeing him doing some thing to a girl."

"No, it's fine. I am okay now."

"Is it because of me you're okay now?"

I for awhile and we both cracked to laughter. 

"Haha! But, it's really okay. Huhhhhh, what should I do now"

"About tomorrow?"

I asked her. 

"Yeah, and I knew that you were behind me, before."

"Sorry. I can help you."

What am I doing now?

"I will help you. For tomorrow, we will meet your mom, or probably your parents. I will pick you up tomorrow."

What was I thinking now?

"No, it's okay. I will bother you day-"

"I don't mind. It's what friends are for."

I tapped her back and she smiled for the first time. I was distracted by her smile and looking at her sad smile remind me of when Kai's sad smile. It was pretty same. And I moved my hands towards her cheek, but i stopped it. Preventing from starting a shamefull act. And what I know, two person was looking at us with some angry expression. 

Kai and Krystal. 











Hello! I am back! Yippie! I am really happy for my come back(?)!

To all readers, I am truly sorry for the delay of my updates! I haven't been thinking about what should I write in this chapter! But thanks to you all loyal and friendly comments i finally update a new chapter! And poster is done! Take a peek on my poster! Gorgeous right!

Comment and subscribe! Love you all!


Sincerely, Author-nim. ^^

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update please..i beg u..please..please..
i love this story..
Update pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Hehe please update soon ;)) Don't know who t ship with.
Chapter 10: nice chapter..
update soon..and write more please :)
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 10: Luhan FTW!! Ha Kai!! That's watcha get for being a jerk!!
Chapter 9: Cheer Luhan all the way. Please update soon:))
Chapter 9: OMG~ it's great . Really great moment :D
Luhan's confussion :3 kyaaaa,, update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 9: WOAH~~~~ CONFESSION!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #9
Chapter 8: Omg Kai what do u call it er/headblocker? Update soon