
A Second Chance


Tats collapsed after he dragged himself into the plane. It couldn’t have arrived at a more perfect time as one of his team landed it between them and the Tyrants. Shishi was unconscious beside the commander, lying on the floor that was covered in his own blood. One of the other Matoki tended to his wounds but they were too severe to be fixed on the ship. Tats sat up and stared at the pilot with a terrifying intensity. “Get….us…out….of here Tami.” He breathed out the words slowly; his exhaustion starting to catch up with him now that the adrenaline was draining from him.

The ship rumbled out of idleness and Tats felt his brain sink as the ship lifted faster than his body could adjust. He lifted his eyes to see a grey mask hobbling towards the excess red. Tats wondered how he could be lucid even now. "Keke, what...are you doing?" Tats spoke between heavy breaths while Keke shuffled Shishi around until he was in a sitting position. The commander was stupefied when a low groan slipped passed Shishi's lips almost inaudibly.

"Shishi? Listen to me." Keke's voice was firm and he placed his paws on the elder's shoulders. "What do we do?" The other groaned again, louder now. "Shishi, tell me." Tats placed a hand on Keke's arm, urging him to stop but The only response was a fleeting look. Shishi's head lolled but his eyes hadn't opened, instead his mouth formed silent words. "Shishi!" Keke didn't force down his frustration, shouting at his elder as he slammed his fist on the thin but sturdy metal that protected them from the outside.

He stopped when Shishi's voice came out, heard even as a whisper. "It....hurts." For each word he gave several laboured breaths. Tats wasn't sure how he heard it but he used every effort left in his muscles to drag himself closer to the pair. 

"Hush Shishi. It won't hurt much longer, we'll get you Cece and the others in no time." The commander could only assume that Shishi nodded when his head rolled on his limp neck. Shishi's eyes were half-lidded but they caught Keke's gaze and his lips moved again but the sound was interrupted by a loud spattering just beyond the walls of the ship.

Several Matoki moved to the right and Tats felt the machine shift under them. "What the-?" One of those who'd moved cut himself off with a spine tingling gasp. "It's them! It's the Tyrants!"

Tats chest burned with fear. He could only guess that in the time they'd flown half-way home, the tyrants had fixed their ship just to the point of being to fly with their fixation on vengeance guiding them to the Matoki.

"Shishi! What do we do!?" Keke's voice was strained, frantic and scared, a combination Tats thought was impossible for his friend.

Keke's expression became frenzied. He gripped Shishi's shoulders tighter than he should but he was desperate. Tats knew that dying had never been on the agenda.

The elder's paw flittered briefly. "Shishi!" His action hadn't caught Keke's attention but it did catch the commander's. He glanced to the corner. At first he thought he'd guessed wrong until he noticed the blueish tint to the metal that would never have been seen during the day. Tats stumbled over to the faint light and pushed the kits and guns, that covered its sourced, messily onto the floor.

Behind the kits was a cylinder. It was made of metal at the base and where it attached to the roof. The middle was transparent and glowing blue. Tats felt his heart beat crazily when he touched the glowing glass. Inside was another sphere, like the one that had destroyed the castle but less than half the size. Tats pressed a button on the side of the container and the door slid open.

The commander placed his hand beneath it, feeling the weight of it drop into his hand after being denied the suspension that had held it in place. He pulled it close to his chest to ensure its safety before he allowed one of his paws to close the cylinder. Tats' head snapped back to the others but Shishi was already unconscious again and lying down. Tats carefully slid his hands around the sphere, feeling a faint heat from the blue light that penetrated the holes that reached deep into its core. The biggest fear Tats had about the small sphere was that he had no idea where it had come from. 

Determination set into his body, and with one swift movement the commander switched on the explosive, opened the large side door of the ship and despite the force of the wind threw the it at the Tyrants' ship on their flank.


Okay Babyz and Warriors. That was the last chapter :) but i will post an epilogue. Enjoy~!! <3

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Chapter 28: yay (: i like the ending and i'll look forward to the sequel (: I love commenting on your fic because you reply me :x i like it when authors do! sometimes i do'nt comment because they dont lol. i'm sorry. i'm sorta ranting here, a little :B hahaha. but yeah! I will wait for the sequel (: i think i'm subscribed to some of your other stories too...so update those as well ;) and if you've got time...read mine too? xD *shameless promoting as well* they're sorta action-y B.A.P fics so i'm not sure if you'll like them.
fighting! ^^
Chapter 28: that was a nice ending. :3 I'm glad you were able to finish it nicely. I'm looking forward to the sequel. (After Never Give Up of course, thats my favorite :D)
Chapter 27: oh! so quickly an ending? but i will look forward to the sequel! Your story is so well written^^
Chapter 26: well its been some time ;) but i'm happy you're back! when you update i'll probably go back and reread the previous chapter to refresh my memory. but so far what i can remember is that shishi is dying! or in trouble. anyway. i will look forward to the sequel! can't wait for the next chapter^^
Chapter 25: wow your writing is super cool! the descriptions are a little too much so i get lost sometimes, but other than that its good :) i don't really get the front part, how did shishi kill the tyrant? can he use fire or something? (and please don't let him die because yongguk is my bias >< haha :P ) also, i would really like a sequel :) yeah that's all i have to say! waiting for the next update! :D