
A Second Chance

“Joko, what is that?” All eyes were on the small black bird that was now chirping quietly in Dada’s hold.

“Um, we don’t actually know.” The bird’s chirps made everything calm so Joko and Dada had felt no threat from it so at no point had they considered what the bird was and what it was doing in the castle but they knew they had to protect it, it was instinctual. Joko could see the commander felt the same way, his features taking on a rare caring expression.

“Well get it out of here!” The two Matoki on the staircase jumped but rushed passed the commander and his team that would have usually counted them amongst it along with Shishi and Keke. “Wait!” Joko froze, turning quickly to see the commander with his face in one hand, clearly deliberating. “Where’re the others?”

That was another thought that had never crossed his mind. Joko had no clue where they were and he felt a sudden and crushing panic surged through him. “We…we don’t know.”

“We split up hours ago and haven’t seen them since.” Dada chipped in what little information he had. Tat’s features were deadly in the red glow of the eclipse, he could feel extra power of it flowing into him but it was nothing compared to the dread he felt for his brothers.

“So you have absolutely no clue if they’re still alive?” It was getting to be too much, he had to act quickly otherwise Shishi and Keke could become lost to them like so many others had been the night before. Joko and Dada shook their heads simultaneously and a lump formed in Tat’s throat. “Alright go. But make sure you take that,” he jabbed a finger towards the small creature, “to Maki alright? Don’t bother if Yoyo says you can’t, you take it to him yourself.” They nodded along as he spoke taken in their orders but they were still somewhat paralysed from the fear that held them. “Well go!”

They took off through the large entrance to the castle and Tats turned his attention back to the Matoki by his side. He looked around at each of them, internally appraising each one’s abilities and discerning which weapons each one held. “Okay, so this time we’re going to split up. I want you two to get back in the ship and do some reconnaissance, let me know what you see. You four will go back the way Joko and Dada came, see if you can find anything that way.” His orders were taken quickly and the Matoki got to work quickly. He continued his orders until he and five others were left out of the 25 that had come.

They set off down one of the larger corridors. It took them only a few minutes, running through most of the castle to get to the large room Shishi and Keke been in only a few hours earlier.  It was roofless and red in the light that filtered in. Rubble had fallen about around the room and Tats felt sick at the sight of the pile of corpses of all kinds, Matoki and Tyrant alike. What worried the commander the most was the blood that had spread across the floor and settled itself in the divots and crevices of the cobbled stone floor. It was a contrasting mixture of green and red and the knot in his stomach grew tighter. His last glance was cast towards a great chair which sat in the centre of the farthest wall. The throne was stone like the castle and seemed to grow up from the floor. It was decorated with skeletons and carvings as well as splatters of blood of both colours.

Tats’ eyes darted around the room as he took in the different smears and trails finding his way to a large dark entrance. He gestured to his companions and they moved towards it, following the blood droplets like breadcrumbs.

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Chapter 28: yay (: i like the ending and i'll look forward to the sequel (: I love commenting on your fic because you reply me :x i like it when authors do! sometimes i do'nt comment because they dont lol. i'm sorry. i'm sorta ranting here, a little :B hahaha. but yeah! I will wait for the sequel (: i think i'm subscribed to some of your other stories too...so update those as well ;) and if you've got time...read mine too? xD *shameless promoting as well* they're sorta action-y B.A.P fics so i'm not sure if you'll like them.
fighting! ^^
Chapter 28: that was a nice ending. :3 I'm glad you were able to finish it nicely. I'm looking forward to the sequel. (After Never Give Up of course, thats my favorite :D)
Chapter 27: oh! so quickly an ending? but i will look forward to the sequel! Your story is so well written^^
Chapter 26: well its been some time ;) but i'm happy you're back! when you update i'll probably go back and reread the previous chapter to refresh my memory. but so far what i can remember is that shishi is dying! or in trouble. anyway. i will look forward to the sequel! can't wait for the next chapter^^
Chapter 25: wow your writing is super cool! the descriptions are a little too much so i get lost sometimes, but other than that its good :) i don't really get the front part, how did shishi kill the tyrant? can he use fire or something? (and please don't let him die because yongguk is my bias >< haha :P ) also, i would really like a sequel :) yeah that's all i have to say! waiting for the next update! :D