
A Second Chance

NIGHT fell as they moved quickly through the dense forest and across the waste. Their skin melded with the darkness, masking them from the few eyes left in the castle. It was silent for all but their footfalls and heavy breaths.

Their ears filled with the hard thumps of their hearts while their libs were swallowed by adrenaline and anticipation. Joko shuddered at the thought of combat. He lacked experience and lost most often during the faux battles held in training. Nonetheless he felt the strength of his muscles as he gripped the gun and treaded quietly behind his friends.

Keke flexed, with a smile on his face, as he adjusted his grip on the blade countless times. He felt invigorated and yearned to move faster. He swished the blade lightly and watched it glint in the firelight from torches against the walls.

Dada’s breath warmed his face inside the mask. He shivered gently against the cool breeze off the Waste and the fire coursing in his blood. He clenched the gun and held it to his chest, more alert than he’d ever felt. The silence reverberated through him and a tickle of worry mingled with his trembling.

Shishi led the group. He ignored the cold and let his energy warm him. He held his rifle in the crook of his shoulder, his finger twitching on the trigger with each turn. They all played out different scenarios in their heads, deciding their moves in advance.

The Matoki came to a large corridor, echoing of the roars made it difficult to tell their origin. Shishi flicked a hand and Joko and Dada nodded moving ahead of him. Keke lost sight of them as they disappeared into a dark passageway, their steps fading with the roars.

The two were left in silence and Shishi turned to his companion. He jerked his head towards the end of the corridor at the largest doorway and crept towards it, gun cocked. They were engulfed in darkness and felt their other senses heighten. As they snuck along the corridor, they followed the wall as it curved and led them deeper into the castle. Grunts filtered along the brick, enticing them further until they saw a light glow bending with the wall.

They followed the glow to a doorway. As they inched around the framework Shishi’s breath stuck in his throat and Keke’s eyes widened when they realised the owner of the grumbles. Their eyes met with the familiar deep blue fur. Their hearts leapt to their throats when they noticed that there was twice the amount of fur, stretched along a beast twice the size of his brothers.  The Tyrant’s teeth were the length of Keke’s blade with spit flying as he grunted again. His eyes, deep set and redder than most others’, were the focus of a fierce expression weary from age. Shishi saw the monster’s nostrils flare as he filled his nose with scent of prey. The Tyrant’s eyes snapped to the two Matoki, breaking the stiff silence with a deafening roar that shook the castle and made their bones vibrate.

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Chapter 28: yay (: i like the ending and i'll look forward to the sequel (: I love commenting on your fic because you reply me :x i like it when authors do! sometimes i do'nt comment because they dont lol. i'm sorry. i'm sorta ranting here, a little :B hahaha. but yeah! I will wait for the sequel (: i think i'm subscribed to some of your other stories too...so update those as well ;) and if you've got time...read mine too? xD *shameless promoting as well* they're sorta action-y B.A.P fics so i'm not sure if you'll like them.
fighting! ^^
Chapter 28: that was a nice ending. :3 I'm glad you were able to finish it nicely. I'm looking forward to the sequel. (After Never Give Up of course, thats my favorite :D)
Chapter 27: oh! so quickly an ending? but i will look forward to the sequel! Your story is so well written^^
Chapter 26: well its been some time ;) but i'm happy you're back! when you update i'll probably go back and reread the previous chapter to refresh my memory. but so far what i can remember is that shishi is dying! or in trouble. anyway. i will look forward to the sequel! can't wait for the next chapter^^
Chapter 25: wow your writing is super cool! the descriptions are a little too much so i get lost sometimes, but other than that its good :) i don't really get the front part, how did shishi kill the tyrant? can he use fire or something? (and please don't let him die because yongguk is my bias >< haha :P ) also, i would really like a sequel :) yeah that's all i have to say! waiting for the next update! :D