Chapter Two

A Midnight Kiss
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This is not good. Not good. I stared at the unconscious female in front of me. I took a step forward, switching back to my human form. I squat down and gently touched her wrist.

Her pulse was fine and regular. She probably fainted from the shock of seeing a unicorn which reminds me. Why was I so stupid to show myself to this girl? And why in the world was she doing here in the middle of the night alone? I scanned the unconscious girl's body and decided that she didn't seem to be here for hiking unless she hikes in high heels.

Suddenly, her eyes flew opened, startling me a bit. Her black eyes darted around the surroundings madly before locking themselves on me. A smile broke out on her face as she assured herself, "Unicorns aren't real, Ailing, they aren't real. That was just an illusion, nothing but an illusion." I tried not to make face at her words; who says unicorns aren't real?

"Er... Ailing?" I called out while noticing that she had a Chinese name. "Are you alright?"

The girl, Ailing, snapped her head towards me and asked bluntly, "Who are you and you didn't happen to see a unicorn, right?" She continued checking her surroundings for the unicorn who was actually just in front of her.

I cleared my throat and answered in my most honest voice, "Of course not. A unicorn?"

"Exactly what I'm trying to tell myself. Unicorns aren't real, they're just a myth, a legend..." Ailing stated to herself until her eyes fell on my T-shirt and her eyes widened in shock and realization.

I mentally face palmed myself. Of the three hundred and sixty-four days in the year, I had to chose today to wear my favorite unicorn T-shirt which coincidentally was in white, the same color of my unicorn form. Ailing wasn't dumb so I wasn't surprise to see her face pale.

"No, no, please don'

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bearrypooh #1
Chapter 2: used my Chinese name in this story.
Chapter 10: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
so sweet!
Chapter 10: Such a nice story <3
Chapter 10: creys such a nice story ;~;
Chapter 10: I just read it and I just love it! It's so amazing @.@
Chapter 10: The 's fine so relax~
your fic's so sweet! seriously
Chapter 5: i have the same birthday as Ailing and your friend!! except, im born 1995 :) thats cool!
I read this a while ago... I loved it! <3 ^0^
I just reread it again... XD
You're an amazing author! ^0^
Chapter 10: Kind of short but I still love it! ;)
Great job on the , btw ^^
Chapter 10: Wow! It ended already! The unicorn parts were so adorable! =D