Chapter Seven

A Midnight Kiss
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"Where were you?" Minx appeared in front of me suddenly. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was currently tapping her foot impatiently. I frowned at her, asking, "Where were I supposed to be?"

Minx flared up immediately. "You was supposed to have lunch with me, remember? Gah, you're such a jerk!" Minx shrieked furious, her shrill voice filling up the whole living room. "Do you know how long I waited for you? Two hours! Two freaking hours!" She stamped her foot in annoyance before glaring at me. "Well? What's your excuse?"

"Er..." I stammered nervously. Obviously, I couldn't tell her that I was Ailing, celebrating her birthday the whole day. Minx hated competition and rivals so I'm pretty sure that the introduction of Ailing isn't exactly a good thing. "Er... I forgotten." I answered instead.

"Oh. You forgotten?" Minx echoed, staring at me intently with her suspicious eyes. "You forgotten?" Minx repeated again, her stare on me as intense usual. I shifted my weight from one foot to another while replying uncertainly, "Yeah, I forgotten."

"Okay, I'll accept that." Minx finally decided and I heaved a sigh of relief. Then, Minx dropped the bomb. "Who gave you that hickey on your neck?"

Immediately, my hand flew up to my neck. And I realized what I a fool I was.

Her suspicion confirmed, Minx snarled in fury, "There was no hickey at all! Who was the girl?"

"What girl? There was no girl!" I blurted out under Minx's glare. She leaned closer and hissed dangerously, "Don't you dare lie. Tell me who is it or I'll make it worse for her when I find out."

"Minx, leave her alone, okay?" I told her in a steely tone. "It's none of her fault. She doesn't know at all."

"Then tell me, who am I supposed to go after? We're practically engaged yet you're still hooking with some ." Minx spat out and I winced inwardly. Ailing isn't some . "Don't call her that, Minx." I ordered, my voice

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bearrypooh #1
Chapter 2: used my Chinese name in this story.
Chapter 10: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
so sweet!
Chapter 10: Such a nice story <3
Chapter 10: creys such a nice story ;~;
Chapter 10: I just read it and I just love it! It's so amazing @.@
Chapter 10: The 's fine so relax~
your fic's so sweet! seriously
Chapter 5: i have the same birthday as Ailing and your friend!! except, im born 1995 :) thats cool!
I read this a while ago... I loved it! <3 ^0^
I just reread it again... XD
You're an amazing author! ^0^
Chapter 10: Kind of short but I still love it! ;)
Great job on the , btw ^^
Chapter 10: Wow! It ended already! The unicorn parts were so adorable! =D