Chapter Three

A Midnight Kiss
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"I'm waiting." I smiled at Lay as I moved closer towards me. I settled myself in a comfortable position and waited for Lay to speak. I gave him an encouraging smile and he opened his mouth.

"So, this little particular talent or extra power of mine was supposedly given to my family a long time ago." Lay cleared his throat for a moment before continuing, "No one really knew why we was given this talent but no one actually went to find out. We just accepted it, like it's a part of us."

"Okay, continue." I smiled again. Lay gave me a queer look before continuing, “And the gift was passed down with every generation and now it’s my generation’s turn to have the gift. I meant, the people before us are still able to transform and heal but they prefer not to do it because it drains them a lot of energy. As for me, I’m young so it wouldn’t affect me if I transform a lot of times.”

“Cool. This is like a manga or an anime kind of thing.” I squealed happily. I couldn’t help it; I’m a manga freak. “So besides healing, can you do anything else?” I questioned curiously. However, Lay shook his head and replied, “Only healing. I think that’s because of the horn.” Lay paused before adding, “And we don’t actually have to put the horn on the injured area to heal injuries.”

I turned pink, recalling my words a few minutes ago. “Well, I watched too many fantasy movies.” I defended myself, a bit self-conscious. Lay chuckled, “You have a lot of imagination.”

“Er… so, does the power of the talent weaken with every marriage?” I asked Lay. He gave me a queer look, like he didn’t understand so I elaborate further. “I meant, you can’t possibly marry your family member, right? So, ultimately, you have to marry a normal human and I’m wondering if that affects the talent.”

Lay shook his head again. "I don't think so. Judging from my family, it doesn't affect at all."

"Oh." I processed this new piece of information in. "So, those normal humans know about this talent?" I was kind of thinking that the whole extra talent business had to be a secret which cannot be revealed to anyone. To my surprise, Lay nodded. "Really? So you can tell anyone about the talent?" I blurted out and immediately blushed at my sudden outburst.


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bearrypooh #1
Chapter 2: used my Chinese name in this story.
Chapter 10: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
so sweet!
Chapter 10: Such a nice story <3
Chapter 10: creys such a nice story ;~;
Chapter 10: I just read it and I just love it! It's so amazing @.@
Chapter 10: The 's fine so relax~
your fic's so sweet! seriously
Chapter 5: i have the same birthday as Ailing and your friend!! except, im born 1995 :) thats cool!
I read this a while ago... I loved it! <3 ^0^
I just reread it again... XD
You're an amazing author! ^0^
Chapter 10: Kind of short but I still love it! ;)
Great job on the , btw ^^
Chapter 10: Wow! It ended already! The unicorn parts were so adorable! =D