Chapter Nine

A Midnight Kiss
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Lay's sudden kiss was a surprise; a nice surprise which I would welcome happily if it wasn't happening right now when I particularly needed a sane mind to figure out the truth about his and Minx's relationship. And obviously, with Lay's kiss, my brain had officially went dead from too many emotions.

"Lay, I ---" I tried to regain some of my senses but it was damn hard to when said guy was giving me tiny little butterfly kisses around my shoulders. Okay, focus, Ailing. Focus. I told myself before placing my hands on Lay's shoulders and gave him a slight push. "Lay, we have to talk first." I managed to tell Lay.

Lay gave me a sad expression but nodded his head, asking me. "Okay. What do you want to talk about?"

Well, that was easy. I noted before nervousness hit me immediately. Now that I had Lay's full attention, I wasn't sure how I was going to broach the question. "Er..." I twirled a lock of my hair nervously and began, "So the only reason I had actually came here today was," Lay pressed a small kiss onto my collarbone and my breath caught. What the hell is he doing?

"Continue, Ailing." Lay murmured against my skin and I shuddered involuntarily. You're making it harder than it is, Lay. I mentally  I cleared my throat, continuing, "I just wanted to know... know..." My voice failed me as Lay gently pressed me against the tree trunk behind me.

"Know what, Ailing?" Lay questioned me curiously as he gently nibbled on my ear, making my mind go blank for a moment. What did I wanted to say at first? I wondered in confusion, racking my brain.

Then I pinched myself, bringing me back to reality. I have to know the truth. With that thought in my mind, I gently pushed Lay away. "Lay, enough already!"

I guessed I was a tad too harsh on Lay as he stared sadly at me. "You really want to do it, don't you?" He asked soberly, his eyes full of hurt. But I was very confused.

"I want to do what? I don't understand you, Lay." I told him, approaching him slowly.

"Is that why you're breaking up with me, Ailing? Because you don't understand me?" Lay yelled at me, losing his calm out of the sudden. I shrunk back instinctively; why was Lay so angry? Then something else stuck me. Breaking up?

"Hold it for a second, breaking up?" I repeated in disbelief as I stared at Lay in surprise. I echoed in disbelief as I repeated his words. "I'm breaking up with you?" I jabbed an finger at myself before pointing at him to emphasis my point.

"You're really breaking up with me? But that's acceptable. We're not meant for each other." Lay's voice trailed off sadly, looking away. He must have took my sentence the wrong way. I realized after a moment and I exclaim

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bearrypooh #1
Chapter 2: used my Chinese name in this story.
Chapter 10: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
so sweet!
Chapter 10: Such a nice story <3
Chapter 10: creys such a nice story ;~;
Chapter 10: I just read it and I just love it! It's so amazing @.@
Chapter 10: The 's fine so relax~
your fic's so sweet! seriously
Chapter 5: i have the same birthday as Ailing and your friend!! except, im born 1995 :) thats cool!
I read this a while ago... I loved it! <3 ^0^
I just reread it again... XD
You're an amazing author! ^0^
Chapter 10: Kind of short but I still love it! ;)
Great job on the , btw ^^
Chapter 10: Wow! It ended already! The unicorn parts were so adorable! =D