Chapter Eight

A Midnight Kiss
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I was walking on the path home when there was a sudden blur of flashy bright colors running past me. Wait, what? I focused carefully; it was Minx with her face full of horror. Her make up was a mess and instantly, I became worried. I grabbed her hand, stopping her mid-way. "Minx, what's wrong?"

"Lay?" Minx stared at me in shock before breaking down completely. Desperately clinging onto my shirt, Minx shrieked in worry. "Lay! I'm so sorry! It was an accident, I swear! Oh my gosh, she won't die, would she? It wasn't my fault, I had nothing ---" What the hell was she taking about? Confused beyond belief, I shook Minx's shoulders, trying my best to calm her down immediately. Minx steadied her breathing but she was still shivering madly.

"Okay, Minx, tell me slowly. What happened?" I stared into Minx's frantic eyes. I frowned slightly; something was wrong, very wrong. Minx had never freaked out like this before and she had never stepped out of her house without a perfectly made up face. What could have happened? I wondered mentally. Minx slowly whispered, "It's Ailing. She rolled down the hill."

I stopped breathing.

No. It can't be. Ailing... She couldn't.

"Where is she?" I frantically asked as worry flooded within. Nothing must happen to her. Nothing.

"She's... she's over by the hill." Minx nervously answered, pointing a shaking finger at th direction that she had come from. "It's none of my fault, you understand! She tripped and fell, all by herself." Minx shivered but I ignored her. Nothing else mattered more than Ailing's safety now. That's all that's important right now.


"Ailing! Ailing!" I called out, worry in my voice, as I glanced around frantically. Where were she? "Ailing! Ailing, where are you?" My eyes darted from corner to corner of the vast forest. It'll take me a whole day to search this forest and honestly, I don't think Ailing can wait that long.

Just then, a lock of long black hair caught my eye. I froze for a moment. Could it be? Unfreezing myself instantly, I rushed towards Ailing. Grabbing a branch, I skidded to a stop. My heart leaped for joy; it was Ailing. Then my face fell as my eyes dropped lower; her leg was twisted in an unnatural angle and blood was slowly oozing out of a wound on her head. Ailing's eyes were closed as if she was sleeping but I knew better.

I kneeled in front of Ailing and as gently as possible, I cradled her head in my arms, carefully not to touch her wound. There was minor scratches on her cheek but nothing major. I touched her pulse and found it to be incredibly weak. My glaze ran down towards her leg; th

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bearrypooh #1
Chapter 2: used my Chinese name in this story.
Chapter 10: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
so sweet!
Chapter 10: Such a nice story <3
Chapter 10: creys such a nice story ;~;
Chapter 10: I just read it and I just love it! It's so amazing @.@
Chapter 10: The 's fine so relax~
your fic's so sweet! seriously
Chapter 5: i have the same birthday as Ailing and your friend!! except, im born 1995 :) thats cool!
I read this a while ago... I loved it! <3 ^0^
I just reread it again... XD
You're an amazing author! ^0^
Chapter 10: Kind of short but I still love it! ;)
Great job on the , btw ^^
Chapter 10: Wow! It ended already! The unicorn parts were so adorable! =D