Chapter 7: Cries



"Let me go!" A cry pierced through the rundown shack cleverly hidden in the woods. 
A small group of burly men surrounded a lady, not that young but not too old. It was easy to tell that she had gone through some ordeal, her normal straight hair now messed up with some strands of wispy hair that stuck to her face, now beaded with sweat.
Her clothes, torn and tattered from the violent acts of her capturer,hang loosely from her shoulders. The back of her shirt was torn, the sight of flesh could be seen through the shredded holes of her shirt. Her once milky skin was now covered with dried blood, albeit some fresh blood flowing down her back as the crack of the whip implied another painful scar on her .
She had refused to play with them, flinching at their every touch, retorting at every taunt though her voice became hoarser and hoarser after each one. They were mad, their veins popping as they grew frustrated at her indefatigable refusal to their game. They could have used force but what was fun with a half-dead woman? 
Her pretty face was now contorted with pain as she pleaded her last plea through dry lips,"let me go... I won't succumb to you. Ever." 
The crackle of the whip was soon followed by an excruciating scream and then the smell of fresh blood, forming a puddle on the floor. 
"This woman wouldn't budge. Why not let's kill her now?" one whispered.
"That's right. She is not fun. Captain, why don't you just kill her already? I am getting tired of her." another chipped in. They were supposed to have fun, not have a woman screaming. They didn't expect her to be so strong and she did not even falter at her attempts to stop any physical contact. 
The captain stood, his face emotionless. Interesting. Looks like we have a fighter. He looked down at the woman lying on the floor, her face covered with sweat. Her hands were now bounded together and they hung helplessly behind her back as she struggled with her last breath to get away, inching slowly towards the exit with her legs. Her legs were tired too from all that running. 
His eyes ran over her body as he scrutinized her slowly, unaffected by his comrades. On one hand, he felt annoyed with her determination but on the other, he felt this woman was a tough one. He liked tough ones, especially those with a fighting spirit. That makes the game so much more interesting.
He walked slowly towards her, his eyes gleaming with interest as he knelt down and whispered into her ears,"I doubt you can move anymore. But it's okay. I have been waiting for my little fighter to get tired. Let's have some fun, shall we?" 
She trembled, unable to move any more as he closed in on her.
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Chapter 13: Wow. Amazing and inspiring.
Omg ;A; you write so well. Amazing story. Omg It was so intense and ugh! Amazing job!
Cliffhanger! ><

It's so sad ;_;
intense story(: update soon^^