Chapter6: Ready for combat



Sunlight streamed through the cove, its rays bending and curving as it bounced off the cool hard surface to shine directly in my eyes. I closed my eyes to avoid the blinding light before getting up to find dawn has broken. Minho had long woken up as he gazed into the distance, his bead necklace that hung around his neck. 
I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Minho. We should go." He sighed as he sat down. 
"You know, Baekhyun. I saw an eagle this morning. It made me remember the times when we could be so free and not hide in this cove like... I... " He inhaled a deep breath of fresh air, well, air now filled with the smell of smoke, ammunition and body corpses. "Baekhyun. I have a feeling that this is going to be our last journey together. I don't know how I can really pull this through. The stench of blood is overwhelming. How many people out there," his voice quivered," how many casualties are strewn on the earth, how many gallons of blood has been spilled, how many people have lost their family members and their loved ones? How? When? When... " 
He buried his face in his hands. " When will I lose you? Baekhyun. You are a brother to me and this war has finally made me realize what kinship really meant. I am an orphan, yes.Strong, independent and all the things that I show outside. But this war has made me realize how you can be emotionally attached to someone and how you can risk everything for them. Just like how you do for Kamin and your family, I know that I would do the same to save you."
"Minho..." My voice wavered. I was momentarily speechless, touched and glad to have a friend like him. Minho has been an orphan at a tender age, having been abandoned by his parents when he reached 5. He is independent and strong. Some may feel he is cold-hearted, being able to kill enemies without a blink of an eye. But now, you can only say he is lion-hearted. He is a true friend you can count on in times of crisis.
"Attention. A305-9. The enemies are located south, 5 miles away from your current location. Other soldiers are currently battling against the last of the enemies, many have suffered injuries. Get the last of them and this war would end. You are our only hope. " The pager sounded. Minho closed his eyes and opened them, a pair of flaming charismatic eyes, burning with the determination to win.
"Let's go. We are so gonna bring their place down. Get your weapons ready."
"Ready for combat." I smiled as we sprinted through the trees, disappearing among the green canopies.
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Chapter 13: Wow. Amazing and inspiring.
Omg ;A; you write so well. Amazing story. Omg It was so intense and ugh! Amazing job!
Cliffhanger! ><

It's so sad ;_;
intense story(: update soon^^