Gift Giving Time and Ships

Aish! That Jung Daehyun!


“IT’S PRESENT TIME!” The maknae line of B.A.P, EXO and Teen Top screamed in delight, doing a happy dance.


So, that’s Zelo, Jongup, Sehun, Kai, Tao, Ricky and Niel.


That’s a lot. I smirked at Yongguk’s direction. Zelo and Jongup were trying to get the gift that was behind his back, and I tell you, they weren’t going easy on him


So, what happened to the ahjummas? Well, they gave their gifts to their sons and went back home. I got a new book called “House of Hades” by Rick Riordan from my mom and almost died from happiness.


Who wouldn’t like a book for Christmas? Well, Daehyun had a clever answer for that.


“The rest of the world?” Daehyun had answered sarcastically when I glared at him. Daehyun received a cake of cheesecake from his aunt and jumped up and down in happiness.


He was currently eating it, not minding me. Yes, I’m serious. He on the ground beside me, cross-legged as he inhaled the cheesecake with a spoon as I was reading the book.


Oh, and is it weird, I’m reading with only one hand and Daehyun’s eating with only one hand because we were holding hands?


I hope it isn’t.


“Fine! We’ll have our exchange gifts!” Kris exclaimed in English out of exasperation as Tao successfully jumped in the air. I put down my book and glanced amusedly at Tao.


“Tao!” I called out as Tao turned to me, still smiling.


“Did you even understand what your hyung said?” I asked incredulously as Tao shook his head happily.


“What I know is, that if he’s mad and exclaims something in English because I pestered him, then that means he agrees!” Tao whooped in the air as Sehun and Kai danced out of happiness. I chuckled and turned to Daehyun who still busy inhaling the cheesecake.


“Daehyun? It’s gift giving time,” I lightly shook his hand, to snap him out of his cheesecake daze. It didn’t work. I huffed and thought of a plan. A plan presented itself to me as I grinned.


“Yah Himchan!” I called over Himchan who turned his body towards me.


“Yes, Nam- OOF!” Himchan exclaimed as I tossed him my back, landing it hard in his gut.


I rolled my sleeves and let go of Daehyun’s hand. I sat in front of him, grinning with my arms spread out wide.


“Last chance Daehyunnie~” I sang as Daehyun closed his eyes, as he ate his strawberry cheesecake. I smirked and dug my hand in the cold dessert, pulling away and slamming it on Daehyun’s face. He dropped his spoon in shock as I laughed at his face


“YAH! KIM MARIE NAMJOO!” Daehyun demanded as I stood up and ran away as fast as I could, away from the raging turtle. Making Daehyun mad was one of my specialties.


“I love you too Daehyun!” I responded enthusiastically as I heard Daehyun growl. I spotted Chen talking to Lay as I smiled in relief.


I dived and hid behind Chen and Lay, who looked startled that a certain hobo- I mean girl hid behind them.


“Don’t let that turtle bite me!” I exclaimed in fright as Daehyun stomped over to us. Chen chuckled and ruffled my hair as I pouted.


Daehyun stopped in front of us as I smiled nervously at him. He pouted cutely as his shoulders drooped.


“All I wanted to do is tease you, and you make me jealous,” Daehyun complained, his doe-like eyes staring at me cutely. My heart melted at the action and words. I loosened my hold on Chen’s shirt and pushed through them, throwing my arms around Daehyun’s neck.


“You wouldn’t notice, that’s why I went to Chen and Lay oppa for help,” I mumbled as Daehyun smiled happily, cupping my cheek.


“You should’ve just taken off-“


“Daehyun!” I scolded him as he blinked at me.


“I meant you should’ve taken off your shoes and threw them at me so that I could chase you easier and catch you. What were you thinking, jagiya?” Daehyun teased as I blushed crimson red.


Yah! I’m eighteen years old! You know I already know…some stuff related to innuendos. I glared at Daehyun who was smiling mischievously.


“Yah! Don’t act so innocent! I knew you thought of…that!” I exclaimed, blushing even redder. Daehyun laughed loudly before pecking my lips lightly, nuzzling his nose in my cheek.


“Unless you want me to show you what I really meant, I suggest you stop being so beautiful,” Daehyun whispered in my ear as I shivered a bit. I pushed him away, glaring at him weakly.


Aish, that guy. Always finding ways to kill me with his words.


“Yes, jagiya?” Daehyun asked, smirking as he cocked his head to one side. I wanted to give him the finger when Yongguk screamed.


“Okay! Okay! We’ll exchange gifts now!” Yongguk gave in to the maknaes requests as Zelo and Jongup hi-fived each other.


“Come on, I’m ready to give my gift to Youngjae,” Daehyun encouraged, grinning before taking my hand and leading me to the place where B.A.P, Teen Top and EXO all gathered. We sat in clusters, mingling. We didn’t have groups, which was a relief to see.


Sehun and Kai were interacting with Niel and Ricky well, as with C.A.P and Kris.


“I’m first!” Chanyeol announced loudly, grinning like a maniac. I giggled as he tossed his present to Baekhyun. Baekhyun caught, surprised.


“Should I-?”


“OPEN IT! OPEN IT!” We all chanted as Baekhyun laughed before tearing the wrapping paper. Tao clasped his hands together in prayer, closing his eyes.


“Please let it be a Gucci product, please let it be a Gucci product,” he kept on chanting as Kris slowly covered his mouth. Everyone glanced at ‘TaoRis’ as Kris swallowed uncomfortably.


“I’m sorry,” he said unenthusiastically as some snickered.


“Yeah, me too bro,” Himchan clapped Kris’ shoulder as he shrugged it off.


Baekhyun gasped as he took out a box filled with eyeliner of different brands. Chanyeol and gave a thumbs up to the shocked Baekhyun.


“CHANYEOL! I LOVEYOU, YOU HYPER VIRUS YOU!” Baekhyun exclaimed loudly, scrambling up to tackle Chanyeol on the ground.


“It’s really no prob- BAEKHYUN!” Chanyeol moaned as Baekhyun tackled him on the ground, hugging him tightly.


“THANK YOU HYUNG!” Baekhyun shouted cheerfully as Chanyeol managed a chuckle.


“My turn!” Niel announced, hopping on his feet and going over to C.A.P. He shyly handed the present to C.A.P. C.A.P looked at it curiously before ripping out the wrapping paper. His eyes bugged out as he stared at his present.


It was the beanie C.A.P wanted to buy, but didn’t have the time nor money to buy it. There was also a Rayban sunglass that he admired for so long. He glanced at Niel who smiled happily at his hyung.


“What? Ho-“


“Just accept it, or I will!” Ricky teased the leader as C.A.P smiled gently, ruffling Niel’s hair.


My heart could not take it.


BaekYeol and N.A.P scenarios all in one day? Holy mother of-


“Okay, I think it’s my turn.” Daehyun chuckled. He bent down to kiss my forehead before going over to Youngjae.


He offered the present to Youngjae whose eyes lit up. He grabbed it and started ripping the wrapping paper apart. He gasped loudly as he glanced back and forth from the amused Daehyun then back to his gift.


“Did you really by me this trunk, full of Harry Potter books and other stuff related to it inside?!” Youngjae demanded as Daehyun nodded and shrugged.


“Yeah, so-“


“I LOVE YOU JUNG DAEHYUN!” Youngjae exclaimed, scrambling up to hug his hyung. Daehyun chuckled and hugged back. They both stood there for a few more seconds before pulling away. Daehyun patted Youngjae’s hair as Youngjae beamed.


“Okay! I’m officially dead!” I exclaimed as I tried to contain my feelings.


DaeJae, Taoris, N.A.P and BaekYeol. My gosh.


“It’s Namjoo’s turn!” Lay announced happily as I glanced at him and smiled. I stood up and went over to Yongguk, giving him the paper bag.


“Thank you Namjoo,” he said appreciatively, looking inside the bag.


“YOU GOT ME ‘BATTLESHIP’?! Can I marry you right now?!” Yongguk asked, bewildered as I laughed at his priceless expression. This guy loved war movies too much.


“Yes, I got you ‘Battleship’, no I can’t marry you. Sorry oppa, but I’m only reserved for my one and only husband,” I said thoughtfully. In the corner of my eye, I saw Daehyun look at me proudly.


“Yeah, m-!”


“LEE TAEMIN!” I shouted as I glanced at the shocked Daehyun.


“Yah! Kim Namjoo!” Daehyun scolded, a furious expression on his face. I bowed once to him and winked.


“Well?! Let’s eat!” Suho announced loudly as we cheered. We all got the snacks that EXO and Teen Top handed out. I was about to dig in my tuna sandwich with Daehyun, but Baekhyun intervened.


“Here’s my gift for you, Namjoo. I hope you like it,” Baekhyun shyly mumbled, offering the red and green present to me. I smiled and took it.


“Thank you, Baekhyunnie. I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything.” I pouted, cursing myself.


“Ah! It’s alright, really! As long as you like my gift…well, that’s your present to me.” Baekhyun blushed before bowing hurriedly, power-walking away from me. I chuckled at the weird boy.


I tore open the gift, looking to see what’s inside. I gasped when I saw a silver infinite necklace.


There was also a note. I unfolded it and read it. It said,


“Merry Christmas Namjoo! So, here’s my gift to you! I hope you like the infinite necklace, because it symbolizes our friendship. So yeah. Kekeke. I love you! From: Baekhyunnie”


“Awww,” I cooed as I stared at the necklace. I put down my tuna sandwich and put on the necklace. I grinned and started eating the sandwich. I turned around to see Daehyun glumly munching on his. I cocked my head to one side, curious on why he wasn’t inhaling the sandwich like he’s supposed to.


“Daehyun?” I asked timidly.


“What?” Daehyun snapped, his eyes fleeting to the necklace. I sighed, knowing why he was in a crabby mood. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him. He didn’t stop, and instead, he sighed sadly before wrapping his arms around my waist.


“Are you jealous? Again?” I joked lightly, brushing his blond hair off his eyes. Daehyun nodded slightly as I smiled to myself. He was just too cute.

“Why are you jealous?: I questioned, tightening my hold around Daehyun’s neck.


“It’s just…he’s richer than me, he treats you better, he’s a better singer. The only thing I beat him at is height,” Daehyun mumbled, sniffling.


“Yah! Jung Daehyun! Don’t pity yourself just because he gave me a gift. He’s not richer than you, he doesn’t treat me better than you, and honestly, you’re a better singer than him,” I encouraged as Daehyun continued frowning.


“Who’s always there when I’m sad?” I inquired as Daehyun sighed.


“Me?” he asked nervously as I nodded in approval.


“Yes, who’s always there to make sure I smile all the time?”


“Me,” Daehyun replied with a lot more confidence.


“Now who was the person I played the Pocky Game with in the auditorium of my high school?” I questioned again. Daehyun smiled sweetly and pecked my nose.


“Me,” he answered again.


“See? You were always there for me since the very start. Love has got nothing to do with money, fame or singing abilities. It’s about two persons loving each other, taking care of each other, and probably teasing each other. In our case, that is,” I chuckled and paused for a breathe.


“What I’m saying is…I don’t care if Baekhyun will propose to me now. My heart belongs with you, and only with you. I love you, Jung Daehyun. And I’m still in shock I’m in love with a cute pabo.” I laughed out loud as Daehyun cracked into a wide grin.


“You always know the right things to say, jagiya. I’m glad this cute pabo turtle fell in love with the sarcastic and beautiful puppy too.” Daehyun leaned in, capturing my lips with his. I could feel him smile as I did the same.


Ah, Merry Christmas everyone.


“YAH! Stop kis-“ Kris covered Tao’s mouth immediately. 

So, did you guys like it? Taoris, N.A.P, BaekYeol and DaeJae are my ships, so I kind of added them here :) And I featured Chen and Lay more, since I feel they don't get enough love OTL. They're my two biases in EXO-M, so...yeah :D

This is my favorite GIF of Tao atm. Look at that amused face. He's like "Fine, I'll let you think I'm going to kick the bottle while I awesomely tip it over with my hand" OTL

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Chapter 18: i was reading this chapter when 'at the same place' (pd101) started playing :')
Chapter 105: Awwwww... I was crying... this is beautiful ❤
fernandagz #4
Chapter 37: Lmao I've never read a fanfic that doesn't have a "like what you see" scene, really haha
jk_saranghaeyo #5
I can't believe I finished this fanfic YEARS AGO (I still remember being so excited for the next chapter to be updated ❤️), and I guess I was feeling a little sentimental. So, I re-read it all AND I STILL LOVE IT AND IT SET MY FANFIC STANDARDS SO HIGH AND UGH I JUST-- LUUUUUUUUV IT SO MUCH!!!!!
kjvhsdcf #6
Chapter 1: Just finished first chapter and so far, im liking it! :D
aegyo-kid #8
Chapter 105: Ok i guess i did finish this since i remember the ending haha anyway thank you for this author nim!!! This fic is too funny to handle haha thank you so much
aegyo-kid #9
Chapter 87: Idk if i actually finished this fic bc i guess i accidentally unsubscribe to it but i gladly found it haha anyway i really LOLed in every chap especialky to the christmas carol namjoo sang haha anyways i'm gonna continue reading haha
Chapter 63: Holy fudge, my dads birthday is November 28th O.o My friends moms birthday is on November 28th too....