Shopping and Christmas

Aish! That Jung Daehyun!


“Kids, stop playing-“




“Oh no you didn’t!” Himchan snarled as he dashed after Zelo who was laughing merrily, running away from Himchan. I chuckled and propped my feet up on the seat in front of me.


Yes, today was Christmas day, and it’s also the day when we go home.


Sad really, to leave this beautiful place, but the idols need to get back to work after their three day holiday. I felt the seat sink next to me as I glanced to my right.


Daehyun smiled down at me before ruffling my hair up. I shoved his hands away and laughed briefly.


“Are you not sad we’re going to leave his place? We’re not coming back for like, a year. Shouldn’t you be kissing the grass or something?” I asked curiously as Daehyun rolled his eyes and flicked my forehead.


“Yeah, I am sad. It’s nice spending time here in Idol Camp, especially with you,”


“Awww, Dae Dae finally knows how to sweet talk,” I said in a small and girlish voice as Daehyun laughed.


“Yah, I am the king of sweet talk. Anyways, it’s hot out there, so I’m not going to kiss the grass in that heat,” Daehyun whined, flipping his hair. I scoffed.


Diva Daehyun Mode activated.


“Fine. I’m going out there and say goodbye to the idols,” I decided cheerfully, trying to walk in front of Daehyun when he grabbed my wrist.


“Namjoongie, can we just sit here and cuddle?” Daehyun pouted so cutely I almost gave in.




I smirked and yanked my wrist hard enough so that both of us could get out of the van.


I stood up from the ground, brushed the dirt off my jeans and took off, not even glancing behind me.


Why? Because in 1.2 seconds, a deranged turtle will come after me.


“KIM NAMJOO! GET YOUR CUTE LITTLE BACK HERE!” Daehyun bellowed five feet away from me. I glanced back to see him get up, brush the dirt off his shoulders and run towards me with a devilish grin on his face.


There is no way am I going to get my back to him.


My eyes widened as I sped up. I already knew my destination of course.


To SHINee we go!


I ran a couple of meters more when I spotted a familiar group of five males, chatting amongst each other.


I hoped Taemin liked piggy back rides.


I ran towards him as fast as I can, squinting my eyes in concentration. A few inches behind Taemin’s back, I jumped and landed on him.


Taemin stumbled a bit, since an extra weight has been added on his body. Onew looked at me and grinned as I smiled back sheepishly.


Hey, I’ll do anything to get away from the murderous turtle.


“Hey, is that you Namjoo?” Taemin asked, chuckling. I nodded and hid my face behind his neck as Daehyun came to view, running slowly to SHINee. Once he got there, I snuck a peek and waved.


Daehyun didn’t look happy.


“May I have my girlfriend back?” Daehyun asked tiredly. I whispered something into Taemin’s ear discreetly. It was a plan. If those things weren’t there in the place I told Taemin, I’m so dead.


But then again, this is Daehyun we’re talking about here. Time to have fun.


“Okay, I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t get wet, I’ll hand over Namjoo,” Taemin told him professionally as Daehyun raised his eyebrows in confusion.


“Alright then, but how-“


“NOW!” I shouted as Taemin took off, pushing past Daehyun. I didn’t tell the rest of SHINee the plan, but I think they figured it out. They ran in different directions, but they were still near the maknae of SHINee in case he needed help.


“Gosh, what did you eat for breakfast, stones and cement?!”


“A whole boatload of pancakes. Now run Taemin! Before he kills me!”

”You mean, before he kills us,” Taemin commented jokingly as he sped up his pace. We were still going slow, since Taemin had to lug me, but we were doing good. Daehyun’s not a runner, but he looks like he could win the gold medal in the Olympics in the running section.


“Kim Namjoo, I swear if I get you-“


“I love you too turtle! Faster!” I urgently urged Taemin who nodded determinedly. We reached the edge of the forest, Taemin dropping me as I landed on my feet. I ran to the nearest tree and stuck my hand inside the hole in the trunk.


I smirked and pulled out two water-filled water guns.


I ran back to Taemin who was panting. I tossed him the water gun as he caught it one-handed. Just then, Daehyun arrived, already stomping over to Taemin.


I aimed my water gun at Daehyun and squirted him a little, just to get his attention. He immediately glanced at me, and his eyes reflected fear as he stared at my large water gun.


I cornered the diva.


“Hey Daehyunnie, isn’t it so hot today?” I asked casually as I circled him. Daehyun gulped and shook his head.


“No? Oh, that’s a pity. I for one feel the searing heat. I suggest we get a little colder, don’t you think?” I whispered in his ear as he shivered. I smiled triumphantly as I aimed my water gun.


“Namjoo, I love you, so please don’t squirt me. If you do, I’ll find Lime and kiss her,” Daehyun threatened as I laughed.


“She left three hours ago, Dae,” I told him, still smiling.


“And I’m dead,” Daehyun admitted, raising two amused eyebrows.


“Glad you know.” I squirted Daehyun for a couple of seconds, along with Taemin who recovered. Once the gun was out of water, I dropped it and ran to the nearest cabin, which was SISTAR’s cabin. I didn’t even stop running.


I reached my hand down and grabbed the bag that was loaded with guns. I got one out of the bag while still running.


I saw B.A.P putting our luggage in the van, Himchan looking aimlessly at the horizon.


Perfect target in sight.

“FOR POSEIDON!” I cried out as I squirted water at Himchan who was so frightened he jumped high and landed on the hard ground on his . I laughed and glanced behind me, Daehyun already there, smiling.


I handed him a gun as we aimed it at B.A.P.


Now, you’re wondering, why the hell did I gave Daehyun a gun when I know he’s going to squirt me.


Fact is, I knew he wouldn’t. Enemies or friends, we’ve got each others back.


“SARANGHAEYO!” We shouted in apology as I and Daehyun squirted B.A.P with happiness.


“YAH, WHAT DID THEY SAY?!” Himchan managed to splutter out as Daehyun attacked him with the water gun. I sprayed Yongguk and Youngjae mostly, since they were the bossiest members in the group next to Himchan.


“I love you,” Daehyun surprisingly said as I glanced at him. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I closed my eyes in content, still spraying whoever.




“JONGUP BELLS, HIMCHAN SMELLS, YONGGUK’S IN LOVE WITH HIM, YOUNGJAE’S SMART, DAE HAS A CARING HEART, AND ZELO LOVES TO WIN!” I sang out loud as B.A.P all laughed at the lyrics I made up. I smiled along with all of them.


Wait, you don’t know where we are? Ah, that’s sad. Here, I’ll tell you.


Instead of going straight to the dorm, we decided we should shop for Christmas decorations and gifts. We held the Secret Santa, and I got Yongguk. I wondered who picked me, but I suspect Jongup.


We went straight to the mall and shopped for decorations and a Christmas tree.


So far, we have bought: nothing.


“Here, let’s split up. Jongup and Zelo, you guys are in charge of buying the ingredients to make the Christmas food. Youngjae and Himchan, go buy the tree. Daehyun and Namjoo, go shop for the Christmas decorations,” Yongguk decided as we all nodded.


“Okay, but what will you do hyung?” Zelo asked curiously, tilting his head to the left. Yongguk smiled as I backed away a bit.


Something about his smile told me he was up to something.


“It’s a surprise. Oh, if you guys could buy your gifts for the person you picked, all the better,” Yongguk added happily. We all bid each other goodbye and separated. I looped an arm around Daehyun and started skipping happily.


“Namjoo, I’m tired,” Daehyun whined as I rolled my eyes and continued skipping.


“Come on, it’s Christmas day. Let’s have fun,” I persuaded as Daehyun looked me in the eye for a moment as I did my best puppy look. He sighed and nodded as I clapped victoriously.


I looked around and saw a shop that would’ve disgusted me before when I was not yet with Daehyun.


I smirked and pulled him into the shop called- 

Annyeonghaseyo! I'm sorry for not updating for 2 days! We just won the pop dance competition, and we kind of over-celebrated that's why I wasn't able to write the chapter. I promise to try to update tomorrow. Tomorrow's Monday, and tomorrow we have to practice for our Christmas performance that will be held on Wednesday (we didn't even start the practice yet OTL), report for one class and also act out a poem I barely memorized tomorrow. Oh, and did I mention I had to catch up and learn one week's worth of school lessons?

Eh, I'll get through it. Somehow. 

Thank you guys for still supporting and reading this story :3

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Chapter 18: i was reading this chapter when 'at the same place' (pd101) started playing :')
Chapter 105: Awwwww... I was crying... this is beautiful ❤
fernandagz #4
Chapter 37: Lmao I've never read a fanfic that doesn't have a "like what you see" scene, really haha
jk_saranghaeyo #5
I can't believe I finished this fanfic YEARS AGO (I still remember being so excited for the next chapter to be updated ❤️), and I guess I was feeling a little sentimental. So, I re-read it all AND I STILL LOVE IT AND IT SET MY FANFIC STANDARDS SO HIGH AND UGH I JUST-- LUUUUUUUUV IT SO MUCH!!!!!
kjvhsdcf #6
Chapter 1: Just finished first chapter and so far, im liking it! :D
aegyo-kid #8
Chapter 105: Ok i guess i did finish this since i remember the ending haha anyway thank you for this author nim!!! This fic is too funny to handle haha thank you so much
aegyo-kid #9
Chapter 87: Idk if i actually finished this fic bc i guess i accidentally unsubscribe to it but i gladly found it haha anyway i really LOLed in every chap especialky to the christmas carol namjoo sang haha anyways i'm gonna continue reading haha
Chapter 63: Holy fudge, my dads birthday is November 28th O.o My friends moms birthday is on November 28th too....