Happy Beginnings

Aish! That Jung Daehyun!


I stared incredulously as B.A.P, EXO and Hyojn sat around one giant table, grinning at the two of us.


“What the hell are you guys doing here?! Wasn’t it your plan to get me and Namjoo alone?!” Daehyun asked loudly, causing the ahjumma to chuckle.


“Yeah, but we decided to monitor you. Who knows what goes through that dirty mind of yours,” Himchan replied, smirking at Daehyun who scoffed at his hyung.


“Hey, it isn’t me who has a cellphone only for female celebrities!”




“Okay! Calm down before any kills each other,” Luhan said calmly, causing Himchan to glare at Daehyun one more time before staring at Hyojin lovingly. I laughed as I saw Yongguk’s jealous expression.


Daehyun rubbed his temples and counted to ten. I chuckled and pecked him lightly on the temple where he was rubbing. He stopped rubbing it and looked at me confusedly. I shrugged and pointed at the vanilla cupcake that was on display.


“Can I have that one?” I asked excitedly, doing my best puppy dog eyes. Hey, if I want something, I do everything to get it. That includes acting cute for food.


Daehyun chuckled and told the ahjumma my order. I was about to pay for it when the ahjumma shook her head.


“It looks like you two are on a date when those people over there interrupted you. I believe they’re your friends?” The ahjumma asked politely, handing me the vanilla cupcake. I accepted it with two hands, bowing slightly.


“More like annoying friends,” Daehyun muttered as we went over to B.A.P and EXO.


Himchan, Yongguk, Luhan and Xiumin started to order for the group, since they were the four oldest in the group. I sat beside Hyojin as Daehyun sat to the left of me.


“Noona! Can I eat your cupcake?” Zelo asked, his eyes shining excitement. I was about to answer “yes” when Daehyun interrupted.


“Do you want a chocolate cake Zelo?” Daehyun asked Zelo happily. Zelo nodded vigorously, along with Jongup, Kai, Sehun and Tao.


“Then go asks the hyungs!”


“HYUNG!!!” The maknae line of B.A.P and EXO shouted at the four people who were currently ordering. The four of them turned back, glaring at the maknae line.


“What?” They asked in chorus.


“CHOCOLATE CAKE! CHOCOLATE CAKE!” The maknae line chanted over and over, which caused the remaining members to laugh.


“Well, you can’t really stand against the maknaes. They and their fans will bury you alive,” Chanyeol commented happily.


I laughed and held the cupcake tight, biting into it. I grinned happily. It was delicious.


“Enjoying yourself?” Daehyun asked as he slung an arm around my shoulder, his eyebrows wiggling up and down. I laughed a bit and nodded my head.


“Let’s go to the gift shop, I want a souvenir,” Daehyun whined. I rolled my eyes and agreed. We quietly left B.A.P and EXO and went towards the elevator. We got in and rode down to the second floor where the gift shop was. There was a lot of couple stuff in the shop, which made me cringe.


I stuffed the whole cupcake in my mouth and threw awake the tissue I was holding. I looked at Daehyun to see him holding in his laughter.


“You look like Xiumin hyung!” Daehyun exclaimed, clutching his sides. I glared at him and punched him in the chest.


“No worries, you look cuter than Xiumin hyung,” Daehyun pecked me lightly on the lips before pulling away, looking smug.


Okay, even if I wasn’t able to talk because of the cupcake, I yelled silently in the head. He kissed me for the second time for heaven’s sake. Who wouldn’t freak out about that?!

I swallowed the cupcake, feeling the blush creeping up to my cheeks.


“Y-Yah! Jung Daehyun!” I shouted, trying to rid the blush. He just chuckled and pulled me towards the locket area. Daehyun chose two lockets for us and he shooed me so he could buy in peace. I rolled my eyes and went over to the bear section.


I browsed through there when I spotted a cute couple stuffed bunny. One bunny was black and white and the other one was white and black. Funny that it also had matching masks. I grinned and took the stuffed bunnies and paid for it.


“Thank you!” I told the cashier lady. She smiled before handing me the bag with the stuff I bought. I smiled and went to look for Daehyun. He was already waiting outside the shop, holding the lockets and a bag behind his bag. I decided not to ask about it.


“Come on, I want to show you something,” Daehyun said as he grabbed my hand and led me once again inside the elevator. We rode until the top floor. We got off the elevator and I gaped at the view.


We were at the top of the Namsan Tower, where you lock your padlocks around each other and throw away the key. Daehyun pulled me towards the nearest fence, handing me one open locket as he held his.


“I have to make a promise first,” Daehyun stated nervously, making me roll my eyes.



”Shut up?”


“Gladly too.” I saluted him as he laughed a bit.


“Kim Namjoo, I promise I will love you. I know you dislike cheesy stuff, but I couldn’t resist. Thank you for tolerating me. Thank you for never giving up on me. Most of all, thank you for loving me. I love you, my Namjoo. You’re mine and no one else’s. I love you my puppy.” Daehyun pulled me into a hug, his forehead touching with mine.


My heart started beating faster, my knees turning into Jell-O. Oh! And don’t forget those damn butterflies fluttering in my stomach.


“I have to promise to you too. I promise I will never desert you. I also promise to try not to irritate you that much. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything, Daehyun.” I smiled at him.


He frowned and raised his eyebrow playfully.


“You forgot you promise one thing jagiya,” Daehyun told me. I pretended to act clueless.


“What’s that?”


“Kim Namjoo,”


“Oh alright. I love you. I promise to love you until B.A.P disbands-“


Kim Namjoo,”


Alright! Alright. I’m joking. I love you, Jung Daehyun. I love you too much, actually.” I chuckled at my own words. Daehyun tucked a strand behind my ear and smiled.


“Thank you baby,” Daehyun responded, pecking me lightly on the nose.


My gosh Daehyun, can you stop making my heart explode?!



“TAO!” B.A.P, EXO and Hyojin chorused. I chuckled and looked towards them. The lot of them were laughing a bit as Tao burst into more tears.


“I can’t believe how crazy those people can get,” Daehyun commented.


I chuckled slightly and rested my head against his chest.


“Believe me, it’s only the beginning of the craziness,” I responded, smiling a bit.


Daehyun tilted my chin upward, making me look into those warm, brown eyes.


“And it’s just the beginning of us too.” Daehyun leaned in and put his soft and plump lips against my own.













Hey, you know what they say.


Beginnings are usually the hardest,











But they’re also the happiest



Annyeong! I hoped you guys liked the double update! Tomorrow, I'll officially be busy with schoolwork. Don't worry! I check this site regularly so I'll be kind of active. 


Here's a happy Yongguk and Daehyun for you guys~! ^^



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Chapter 18: i was reading this chapter when 'at the same place' (pd101) started playing :')
Chapter 105: Awwwww... I was crying... this is beautiful ❤
fernandagz #4
Chapter 37: Lmao I've never read a fanfic that doesn't have a "like what you see" scene, really haha
jk_saranghaeyo #5
I can't believe I finished this fanfic YEARS AGO (I still remember being so excited for the next chapter to be updated ❤️), and I guess I was feeling a little sentimental. So, I re-read it all AND I STILL LOVE IT AND IT SET MY FANFIC STANDARDS SO HIGH AND UGH I JUST-- LUUUUUUUUV IT SO MUCH!!!!!
kjvhsdcf #6
Chapter 1: Just finished first chapter and so far, im liking it! :D
aegyo-kid #8
Chapter 105: Ok i guess i did finish this since i remember the ending haha anyway thank you for this author nim!!! This fic is too funny to handle haha thank you so much
aegyo-kid #9
Chapter 87: Idk if i actually finished this fic bc i guess i accidentally unsubscribe to it but i gladly found it haha anyway i really LOLed in every chap especialky to the christmas carol namjoo sang haha anyways i'm gonna continue reading haha
Chapter 63: Holy fudge, my dads birthday is November 28th O.o My friends moms birthday is on November 28th too....