i am fine

Lie To Me
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► Chapter 17 ►

He walked towards you happily and hyper , waving to you . You simply stood there waiting for him to reach you , fighting the shown  tears . You let out a sigh while glancing at the ground , " yeah , it's for the both of them " you repeated to yourself . You closed your eyes as the tears had finally fallen all over your cheeks . 


" Kim Ah Reum " Scolded the teacher . " Yup " you answered , placing your legs on your desk and searching for a comfortable position . " What's wrong with you seriously ? " he continued " your grades dropping and not listening during classes " " Annoying " you sighed . " You don't even have friends around , I should meet with your mother , really ! " 

" Good , Go check on her grave , tell her i said Hi " 

You took your blazer as you walked away . Whispers surrounded you as you reached the hallway , you brushed your bangs with your fingers letting them cover you swollen eyes . Yeah , right , it is already been a year , since she passed away , leaving you behind and going to a better place . Then you raised your head , complaining your sorrow to the heavens , and then your gaze stopped at his sight . Byun Baekhyun . He passed you as you weren't there ... as you never existed . You laughed rubbing the back of your neck . right ... you forgot ... that you had always been transparent . 

What's new ? Then why among of all the people in this earth  , the fact that He's ignoring you , is killing you inside . You coughed a few times to chase the sadness devouring yor hearts , Yes Kim Ah Reum , you are madly in love with him .

You actually don't have the right to complain , you're the one who let go of him , you're the one who choose this loneliness over your happiness for an unfaithful friend . You shook your head , no , it's actually pretty normal to ask what she asked right ? She  needs someone cheerful and strong  and you're nothing like that . 

You sat outside , in the school's garden .  Watching the trees dancing to the wind , closing your eyes  giving your lost  self some vacation .

" Hyung ~ I don't want to attend that lesson , so boring "

" SeHun , Shut up ! and sit here some one might see us "

" Damned !  I am hearing footsteps , guys hide your self  , he's coming ! "

 You felt a presence next to you , you opened your tear

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Dotiah2 #1
It's funny how it describes be perfectly except the good-looking part
exobabyelf #2
Chapter 20: Yes please we want a sequel
Dotiah2 #3
Chapter 20: Sequel maybe?? Great fic I really liked it
Chapter 20: Sequel ; 3 ; aksjkdj pleajeuuu *^* otl otl. I was really disgusted my ahreum's character at first but then asjkfj
Chapter 20: loved it !! That was amazing!
randomm #7
omg i'm the main character in this story :o thx so much XD
lol jk i know it's not but love the storyy <3
OMAYGUDNESS!!! Is it me or did I just see my username in there???? WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH... if that is real... *le dies* if it was just because my eyes got blurry or because of my stupid illusionist brain... T.T wish it was true

I SO LOVE THISSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: New reader here!!! This is awesome :')
5K1G1S #10
Chapter 17: I used to be a slient reader . But I can't help but to comment . So I just hope tht Baekhyun can just understand Ahreum and help her . I was tearing up while reading . Lol , I am emotional . Anyways , please update soon ! C: