I wonder

Lie To Me
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► Chapter 14 ►


You walked to school , as depressed as ever . You're doomed , you knew it . But more than that , you were heartbroken , and nothing in this world , not even spacing over your bias's picture , would cure you , since he is the main cause of your sadness . You took off your blazer , feeling all stuffy and hot . How not like you , in this cold winter , feeling hot? . 


You reached the place , sighing as ever . Oh look , you told yourself , this is their van . How funny , you can't run to him and embrace him like you usually would do , you just can watch him walking like a prince with his five friend . You somehow , made an eye contact with him and you noticed him wanting to say something , but something stopped him and you moved your gaze to the floor feeling a little disappointed . 


You entered your classroom , thinking about a good way to tell your classmates the lie , they lived in . You bitted your lower lip imagining the mess you're gonna create , and in how horrible ways they'll bully you . Lesson started , and you're still lost in your thoughts , you feel dizzy , and wink you eyes ,several times , trying to clear your view . What's this ? you

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Dotiah2 #1
It's funny how it describes be perfectly except the good-looking part
exobabyelf #2
Chapter 20: Yes please we want a sequel
Dotiah2 #3
Chapter 20: Sequel maybe?? Great fic I really liked it
Chapter 20: Sequel ; 3 ; aksjkdj pleajeuuu *^* otl otl. I was really disgusted my ahreum's character at first but then asjkfj
Chapter 20: loved it !! That was amazing!
randomm #7
omg i'm the main character in this story :o thx so much XD
lol jk i know it's not but love the storyy <3
OMAYGUDNESS!!! Is it me or did I just see my username in there???? WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH... if that is real... *le dies* if it was just because my eyes got blurry or because of my stupid illusionist brain... T.T wish it was true

I SO LOVE THISSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: New reader here!!! This is awesome :')
5K1G1S #10
Chapter 17: I used to be a slient reader . But I can't help but to comment . So I just hope tht Baekhyun can just understand Ahreum and help her . I was tearing up while reading . Lol , I am emotional . Anyways , please update soon ! C: