Kim Ah Reum

Lie To Me
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► Chapter 1 ►


" I guess i need some explication ." Said the boy in front of you . The five others nodded silently devouring you with their glances . You sighed , rolled your eyes then closed them remembering all the events and the reason why you were stuck in such  situation.Everything started by the start of the new semester , Everyone was like always making fun of your blond hair . " Blondie " "Do you understand math? " " Blondie! " you grow tired of those stupid remarks , and to tell the truth , you have beaten the hell out of many guys who  told you those silly jokes . 

Still , you were more like transparent . No one gives any importance to you until they need you for a homework or to replace them at doing chores. You never stick up for yourself and you always ended up accepting half hearted . Despite your beautiful look , you never had a boyfriend .. Who knows why . You never really showed your true self to anyone . You were a lazy panda  who liked to eat while watching his favorite band perform. You were a crazy exo stan who collected all Baekhyun's pictures and had them everywhere in your room . On the floor , on the walls , on your computer , on your bed . 

You believed that the cute , good looking , y beast Baekhyun would surely like you if he knew you and that there were big chances that you would end up alone and old without meeting him . You sighed at that thought and you shook your head to forget about those negative ideas . So , at school you were the Blondie geek , the last one to rebel . The forever alone . You looked at the kingas with envious eyes . You too , you wanted to be popular and liked by others .  

" Don't you feel lonely  Kim

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Dotiah2 #1
It's funny how it describes be perfectly except the good-looking part
exobabyelf #2
Chapter 20: Yes please we want a sequel
Dotiah2 #3
Chapter 20: Sequel maybe?? Great fic I really liked it
Chapter 20: Sequel ; 3 ; aksjkdj pleajeuuu *^* otl otl. I was really disgusted my ahreum's character at first but then asjkfj
Chapter 20: loved it !! That was amazing!
randomm #7
omg i'm the main character in this story :o thx so much XD
lol jk i know it's not but love the storyy <3
OMAYGUDNESS!!! Is it me or did I just see my username in there???? WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH... if that is real... *le dies* if it was just because my eyes got blurry or because of my stupid illusionist brain... T.T wish it was true

I SO LOVE THISSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: New reader here!!! This is awesome :')
5K1G1S #10
Chapter 17: I used to be a slient reader . But I can't help but to comment . So I just hope tht Baekhyun can just understand Ahreum and help her . I was tearing up while reading . Lol , I am emotional . Anyways , please update soon ! C: