
Brightness is Dark (Lunew Drabbles)

Jinki loved her dearly, but it was never enough.

It was a rainy afternoon, when he saw Luna walking through the university campus, drenched in rain. He pulled out his umbrella and raced to her side. But he was too late. A tall handsome boy had bet him to his destination. Watching the pair smile and laugh together, he felt out of place, he felt small and insignificant, as if he was wearing an invisible cloak.

“I think he’s the one.” Luna told him one day. She had fallen in love with the umbrella boy.

“Then what am I to you?” Jinki questioned, hiding his pain behind a smirk.

She smiled, “You are my best friend, and you will always be second place in my heart.”

The words pierced through his chest, carving a wound that will never fade away. Loving her was not enough, because in Luna’s heart, Jinki was only a silver medallist.

Maybe if he had ran faster, he would have won the race, and attained gold.

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Chicken_xoxo #1
Chapter 11: I'm sorry, But I don't get chapter 11.

Good job though!!!!! (Some even made me cry)
Oh my! Chap. 13 is soo .. :)) I like it!:D update soon
majdina_lee #3
oh my,
I've just read the 8th chapter, and it's
Ah jinki oppa, why did you do that??
Thank you everybody for the encouraging comments! Let's hope I succeed in finishing 30 chapters this month!
StarlightN #5
Wow... You are good. Evil, but good. Great job, author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfics!
Both chapters are so :( but great!:) your a good writer update soon:)
Awww.. Chapter 7 is soo sweet^^ love it!:))
Nice!:) yey!! It's a happy Drabble!! Kekeke!^^ update soon