Chapter 8

At the end, I chose you...


The next morning was coming,  Sooyoung and Hyoyeon got up early  to go to SM Building. Yuri was still sleeping.
Hyoyeon entered in the girl's room that was shared with Tiffany, trying to wake her.
- Fany! Fany! Fany! Tiffany turned around several times in the bed, then slowly open your eyes.
- what?
- Wake up ... shouldn't you go to SM to get the modules?
- Yeah, yeah ... one more minute! Hyoyeon began to shake her whole, finally managing to wake her up completely.
 Yuri opened her eyes even because of noise. She saw only friends leave the room, stood up with difficulty, took her cell phone to check the time.
Sge drank the water that was on her bedside  stood up. She began to hear her friends talk about special perfomance, she had  a flash that Kibum and Minho would do the show.
- I wonder why SM staff chose you !? Fany said, laughing.
- We are beautiful and brave! They laughed togethere. Yuri listened behind the door, immediately after opened.
- Yuri a! you're awake! Sooyoung said enthusiastically huged
- Want to come to SM!?
- Huh? I? me? no, aniyo... ...
- I'll keep you away from Minho or from every  member there! Fany said, successfully accepting
Minho and Key in the meantime had left the house. Minho took the car to reach the agency. Krystal and Victoria had already arrived and had brought with Luna who wanted to see the perfomance. Siwon and Eunhyuk came soon after. They reached the changing rooms.
The machine of Hyoyeon stopped when all others were reaching rehearsal room, Sooyoung and  Hyoyeon descended ran because they were late.
- see you later! Sooyoung said goodbye.
Yuri and Tiffany went together to get the modules.
- After going to see what they do...
The room door opened.
- You arrive! I was showing the performance.
- Sorry! They bowed. The dancers began to dance and show them the choreography. It was divided into a modern dance and sensual dance.
Tiffany get modules beginning to give them a look, both girls began to go into rehearsal room, where were all there.
Yuri was to open the door, it all turned for a few seconds, but then returned to watch the show, except that Minho looked Yuri come, bowing to the ground and sit next to her friend. Yuri pretended to nothing, though she felt his eyes on her.
After a few minutes everything was over and the choreographer standing up all member and got them to mate with their partners.
Krystal  approached Key timidly , but tried to conceal  her shyness remained cold as possible.
Fany, Yuri, and Luna sat on chairs available.
They all began to learn the first steps, they were all so close to their partners, there was plenty of physical contact . spent an hour and a half, there was a pause. Minho drank. Victoria approached to Luna and the other two. while He began to speak with his Hyungs, who soon after joined the rest of the group, greeted them all, starting to make them laugh, especially Eunhyuk that took Fany that would not stop laughing and he started to dance with.
- Oppaa ahaahahahha
Minho see Eunhyuk took Yuri's hand too  and made her dance, he was ablot to make people laugh.
- Come on guys! stop break, continue! Yuri came back, at the same moment Minho touched with his fingers Yuri's wrist, she turned, he had reached Victoria that had gathered to himself. She could not help but watch him. And ...if I tried to dating!?
"- Yuri! He called her, closing the car door, she turned.
- Take care of you
- I ... Minho ...  I'm not interested you too.
- I know
- If you know this, why do you want ...
- Go out with me just once! Give me a chance ...
- MINHO FAST! Yelled the manager.
- We'll talk more another time. Minho climbed inside the car.
Fany decided that she wanted to eat with Luna, Yuri instead wanted to stay and continue to look the perfomance. There was a second pause, Minho drank again, and put the bottle of water on the floor, his eyes fell on the heels of blacks, he lifted his gaze and noticed that Yuri was in front of him.
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I love your story, please update soon.
I have very curious what will happen :)