Chapter 4

At the end, I chose you...


All other members were just leaving the restaurant, forgetting for a moment the wounded friend, except Jonghyun that continued to think  Minho and Yuri, could not bear the idea that she was taking care of him, he could not bear that Minho looked  her instead of him.
These thoughts continued to turn around his head.
° Meanwhile, across the sea, there was another girl who could not think of anything other than a person, had not yet told anyone who he was, she wanted to keep  secret for herself,  because she was afraid that someone had tried to steal it.
Friends did not suspect at all that the girl had a crush on, although in recent times she had become more thoughtful than usual, that person became her fixed idea.
- "Krystal! It 's time to go" She awoke for a moment from dreams world, she took his things and went out with her friends °
Everyone had gone separate ways, both groups going to their hotel. Both the four members stayed all the time  in silence, only in front of the hotel was broken the moment of silence.
- You know that Minho has a much better chance of you ...
- What? Jonghyun said "What do you mean?"
- I mean, if Minho  falls in love with her, you are doomed ahahhahah. Key went away, but  Jonghyun was stopped with violence
- What do you mean?! What is he interested in her!?
- No. .. I was joking, why do you warm so much!? What are you scary of? Continue Key bothering the boy
- Okay, harasso...I run the hospital. - Jonghyun
- At times he may be here, what do you  ... - Key
- Minho is unpredictable, so I'm going! Said Jonghyun, running from the opposite side.
- He has my admiration - Jinki said
-  Yuri does not matter - continued Key
- I honestly do not want them to stay together, do not want anyone of us is with her Taemin interfered 
Jonghyun ran and took a taxi to get to the hospital faster. He went in and picked up the phone, glancing the time and then begin to see all his old posts with Yuri. Tears began to cover his face.
"Why do I have this bad feeling on me?" "Why do Minho makes me so scared!?"
The tears had no intention of stopping, the driver became aware of his tears, but he pretended not to notice, did not want to pry too much. Car stopped in front of the hospital.
- Why you do not think your own affair!? Yuri jumped up, walking quickly towards the door, Minho stopped her by a pulse, she turned to get away from his grip
“I want have a date with you!” Minho said, looking straight at her , he slowly taking the wrist
- ex-ex-ex-excuse me, can you repeat please?! Yuri's eyes widened, he was serious.
- I said I want have a date with you. She did not know what to say, her face became pale and her heart was bursting because of embarrassment
- Pffff AHAHHAHAHAHA You must see your face! Minho began to laugh in the face of the girl "AHAHHAHAHAH I was kidding, do not even think about wanting have a date with a girl like you." Yuri took a slap in Minho and went away angry.
- Where are you ...!?
At that moment appeared Jonghyun, who had attended the scene.
- For a moment I thought you really wanted to go out with.
- I told you that I do not care of her.
- Your hand how is it? Jonghyun changed the topic
- Doctors  put five points.
Yuri in the meantime had moved away, leaning back against the wall near a shop, with an empty mind. Suddenly her phone rang.
- Yobuseyo?
- Yuri ah! where are you? Minho how are you?
- Onni ... Yuri began to cry, even if she did not feel anything for that boy, there had been very upset
- Yuri what happened!? She turned off the phone.
 Minho realized thatJonghyun he had not tried even the slightest touched  the speech "Yuri",  he kept asking "why he didn't!? ". Eventually she had run away, why he has not tried to follow her and see how was she!?
They reached the hotel and both noticed a familiar shape, it became increasingly clear as they approach.
- YOU! Tiffany said, pointing her finger at Minho "Where you left Yuri!?"
- And 'run away and then I do not know where she gone..."
- She was close to you and you ...
- Noona nobody told her to help me, she did everything ...
- Minho are a disappointing! And you Jonghyun?
- me?
- Do not say you love her!? why ...
- I stopped him to follow me! Minho said lying, in that instant Tiffany hits in the face Minho
- Noona! Jonghyun said
- You lost her and you find her! Tiffany was  furious with Minho.
- I will not do it ... that she manage alone! I'm sick of you all.
- stop guys! Suddenly came running Taeyeon, Sunny, and Seohyun saying that they were  unable to call Yuri again, Minho went , Jonghyun only remained.
- However ,Minho never stopped me for following her, I did not think to follow her... They turned all.
- It 's useless to protect him!
Minho was on the stairs, headed for his room, then suddenly came in his mind a flash of him, Yuri and Jonghyun front entrance to the hospital
"I was really  serious... now ... where are you?" He looked at his bandaged hand, went up another step, then stopped.
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I love your story, please update soon.
I have very curious what will happen :)