Chapter 10

At the end, I chose you...


She did not understand why she reacted that way. why she had hugged? why? Both embarrassed walked slightly apart, they couldn't both look at each other. He began thinking that quick moment start to sweat, Yuri was distracted watching the people go by.
They reached the car. Yuri was driving, put 'music to break that awkward moment.
"What happen to me?" Yuri said to herself, "Now he thinks ... weird"
She stopped, they were in front of SM Building. They went down.
- You have arrived!
- "Hyung! Yeah .. sure ... "Minho ran immediately be directed to the bathroom.
- Where did he go? Said the choreographer
- Ehheh not .. uh ... I do not know. Yuri began to stutter.
- That you have? Why stutter?
- I-I-I  I'm no no not-bal-ba-babbling. Could not control herself, "Why can not I talk normally?"
- Oh take this is your change! Fast. SHe ran to the locker room
She was alone,looked at the time, it was late. Then suddenly she remembered what had happened just before
"It does not matter ... I do not tire yourself too much, I don't want you to feel bad. Simply want to be with you." The image of the embrace and emotions at the time.
YAAAAAAAAH! YURI AH STOP IT! STOP IT! She tapped her face with both hands "NOW FOCUSED ON THE CHOREOGRAPHY." She put pants and black T-shirt, which made her stand in  S-line.
Meanwhile Minho had reached the rehearsal room, she still had not arrived. He began to do some stretching along with the choreographer, with music in the background.
Then the door of the room opened.
- Where were you over? Asked the choreographer, while Minho looked at from head to toe.
- Uh ... I had a problem with the tap. Yuri did not know what excuse  inventing  and said the first thing that came to mind.
- A tap? Repeated Minho.
- There aren't  taps  than once ... they are so arrogant ...
- Come on guys let's get ready, there's not a moment to lose! Interjected the choreographer
- I have to stretching ... Yuri said, but the choreographer did not listen. He took her firmly and pulled her close to another guy.
Rehearsed, Minho put his hand around her waist, she blushed, she tried to be cold as possible, trying to speak as little as possible.
They spent three hours and both began to tire, Yuri suddenly in the arms of Minho, he dropped to the ground, supported by guy.
- Yuri... are you okay?
- "Do not succ ..." She took a little  breath "I can't anymore" The choreographer looked
- Try to make one last effort, just missing and choreography will be ready. Minho refreshed the face with a wet cloth.
- I leave you a 15 minute break! He left to go and have a coffee.
Yuri threw herself on the floor, with her face to the ceiling. Minho stood up and reached the water bottle to drink. Both were silent.
 She closed her eyes, he looked at her from the mirror huge. The choreographer returned a few minutes later with three coffee.
- are u ok now? Asked the choreographer.
- Yeah .. maybe ...
- Make a little effort and then you can go home to sleep. It was 3:40, and then she turned to Minho.
- You ... you owe me!
- Eh? you? Minho stood up and got up from the ground. Resumed.
After an hour and a half completed the whole choreography.
- PERFECT! You did great, Yuri! Now go home and rest. Tomorrow afternoon we will do a refresher so that you do not forget anything.
Minho and Yuri reached the two dressing rooms. They both did a shower. It was very late. It was almost five in the morning.
Yuri finished first and waited for the boy. Went out.
- I'm staying here tonight! Yuri said.
- You'll sleep here?
- Yes, I will go in the rooms above, they are for the idol who remain here three thousand hours. She said, smiling, hoping that he decides to stop.
- I told Jonghyun that I would return home.
- You go ... no one asked you to stay. She continued to hope ...
He decided to go, they were a bit cold and they said goodbye. Minho was reaching the car, opened it.
Yuri was sitting on the bench, she tried to climb up the stairs, but she was  scaried of the dark that she had given up, maybe it was better if she went home. Then suddenly a voice rang in her ears.
- Are you still here? She turned, Minho had come back.
- I? and you?
- I can not leave a girl alone in the middle of the night.
They decided to climb, Minho noticed that it was dark, he tried to look for the switch but did not know where to find it, the screen of your mobile phone.
Yuri glanced at the screen.
- You have a message! She said.
- Yes, I've seen ... and you're a curious! He said, smiling, climbing the stairs and walking on the dark hallway. Then he realized that Yuri had attached to his shirt, turned
- Are you scary of the dark?
- Eh? I? Yuri pulled the plug and denied that she was afraid.
- Give me your hand! He said.
They reached the room. Several beds were empty without blankets and anything.
- why no sheet!?
- There is not even the pillow! Yuri tried to search the lockers.
- Let us be satisfied ... it is too late! Minho said, taking a seat on one of those beds. Yuri did the same., Which began to fall asleep, he instead continued to turn.
- Minho sshi! Stop moving!
- I'm hot! She stood up, she realized that the idea of ​​sleeping in that place was bad.
- We have to go home?
- No! Minho said suddenly.
- I can not sleep if you move.
- Let's go to sleep in the car!
- In the car?
They decided to get to the car, Minho opened his car. He lowered the seats in front making them lie down, pulled out a cover that he always carried with him.
- Take it, if you feel chilly.
They fell asleep.
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I love your story, please update soon.
I have very curious what will happen :)