
10 Word Drabble Challenge ft. KimKei



“I think Kei is cheating on me…” Rio rubbed her sleepy eyes as she heard this phrase left by her beloved nee-chan. It’s not long when Rio felt herself being shaken by a very worried Kim, not even aware that she woke Rio up this early in the morning. Yes! Kim can basically enter the Yamada residence without even knocking since Rio’s parents are already fond of her.


“Oy! Are you listening to me?”


“Hai hai… I’m listening” Rio said, still half asleep… “What makes you think that?”


Kim then looked down and frowned as she remembered seeing Kei’s phone full of a certain girl’s picture. With this thought, Kim just can’t help but be insecure. Her boyfriend is an idol after all… girls basically swim around him… “I saw his cell phone with a girl’s image all over it. He even made her as a wall paper…”


“Eh? Are you sure nee-chan? I don’t think Inoo-chan will do that…” Rio said while patting the older one’s shoulder. Yet, to her dismay, Kim just sighed deeply, obvious that she’s definitely concern about it. This made Rio speak her own thoughts which is enough to make Kim fired up…  “Why don’t you try and ‘stalk’ him… Follow him for a day or something” Rio said informally, not knowing that this idea was taken seriously by Kim.


Within seconds, Rio found herself being dragged by the older girl with proper disguise on them. They stayed outside the Jimusho, waiting for one particular person – Inoo Kei.


It’s not long when Kei walked happily outside the establishment with Keito, talking about something about the show. Kim and Rio immediately hid themselves behind the bushes and eyed the two figures not far away from them.


“Ahh~ Keito-kun… Here~” Inoo handed a cell phone to Keito – the same phone Kim was suspecting… “I’ll give it back… I already transferred all your songs on this iPod. I hope Kim-chan will like my gift” Kei continued while grinning massively.




“WHAT? BUT I GOT WORRIED OVER THAT STUPID PHONE!!” Kim shouted quite loudly out of impulse as she stood up on her place, enough to make Kei and Keito look at her direction. Rio on the other hand was quick enough to pull Kim down.


They just hoped that Kei will ignore her voice but their hopes faded as they heard sets of footsteps coming towards their way.


It’s not long when she felt herself biting her lower lip as Kei stared at her with doubtful look. They are indeed busted!


“Okay okay~ I get it…. you’re not cheating…” Kim pouted as Kei pulled her up and expected a decent explanation from the latter.



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Lol Inoo-chan demonstrated the kiss