Cooking Disaster

10 Word Drabble Challenge ft. KimKei



Kei blinked twice after seeing the state of the kitchen – it’s like World War 3 broke just now as he saw the place trashed. Pots and pens all over the table along with other kitchen utensils scattered messily on the floor. This scene seems to be possible by one particular culprit who’s now basically waving a white flag in defeat.


“What the --?” Kei mouthed the words of amusement as he has no idea how Kim managed to trash the whole place. He immediately dropped all his shopping bags to see if Kim was okay after the ‘battle’ with the kitchen utensils… “How the heck did you manage to do this? You said you got it under control!”


You see, only a few hours ago, the couple challenged each other to see who will be the best one to cook some homemade omelette. Yes! Just a simple omelette and Kim struggled to do it.


With this, Kei tried to picked up the pot on Kim’s hand and started like a real cooking handsome…. One problem though… he also doesn’t know how to cook!


He gulped before holding a piece of egg on his hand and started tending its skin to get what’s inside. It was as if he was doing a science experiment – just without his goggles and gloves. Kim didn’t lose face when she gained the motivation to join Kei and do another omelette.


“I can never leave an idiot like you do these complicated stuffs like cooking!”


“Hey! Look who’s talking! You can’t cook yourself, right?” Kim back fired.


“Who said so? I’m the next great cook!!”


Within seconds, both of them are mixing, cooking, chopping and everything…


Trial one= BURNT




Trial three= TOO SALTY


*130 minutes later*


Kim and Kei sighed deeply after seeing their work of art… it’s not perfect, but it’s their work! A normal omelette indeed… For the first time, they didn’t argue… they are just proud of the finish product.


“Ahh! I forgot to buy drinks!!” Kei suddenly remembered.


“You’re an idiot…” Kim replied while rolling her eyes. Within seconds, the couple, went through the door – Kim instructing what drinks to buy while Kei getting ready (leaving their omelette on the table).


As Kim turned around, she suddenly saw a sight definitely displeasing for her… HER TWO CATS EATING THE OMELETTER LEFT ON THE TABLE!!!!


“AHHHHHHH!!!!” Kim shouted continually which is enough to make Kei turn back to see what happened and check up on his girlfriend.


“What happened?” Kei said in panic as he shook the girl. With this, Kim just slowly pointed at the table with her two cats still enjoying the said food. Kei then took the initiative to pull Kim out of the house and lock the door – leaving the two cats still eating what they cooked.


“Where are we going? We can still save that precious omelette!!” Kim uttered. Yet, Kei just pulled her away from the door, not letting her go back to retrieve their hard work.


“We’re eating outside!” Kei replied… “I won’t cook ever again with those cats of yours!” he continued while pulling Kim’s hand. Kim just can’t help but chuckle at the frustrated Kei before pulling him closer to her side – more like they walking hand in hand.


“Then you’re treating me…”



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Lol Inoo-chan demonstrated the kiss