Unknown Number

10 Word Drabble Challenge ft. KimKei




*ring *ring*


Kim heard the constant ringing of her phone against her ears near her pillow. She gave off a soft moan on every ring and tried to cover her ears using her pillow, doing her best to ignore the constant noise coming from her mobile. However, the never ending call just kept her in her misery and hindered Kim on her precious sleep.


Giving up, she tiredly picked her phone up and looked at the screen where she found an unknown number plastered on its surface. Kim blinked twice trying to figure out who the person was and just decided to press the ‘END’ button for safety. Who knows? The person might be a killer or something. Yes! That’s Kim’s wild imagination for you ladies and gentlemen.


Yet, to her dismay, the number kept calling and calling which definitely made her quite uneasy. She then took all her courage to pick up and answer.


“H-Hello?” said with a slightly swollen voice, yet stuttering vocals.


“Hello… Kim-chan?” suddenly, a familiar voice was heard over the phone that sounded like having second thoughts and worries.


“Kei?” Kim said half-asleep, yet her voice burried with a quite annoyed tone of voice. She then looked at the nearest clock to see the time and sighed desperately under her covers as she breathe normally – relieved that the caller was not a killer like she watch in the movies. “Why are you calling this late? It’s 3:00 in the morning!” she continued, giving an impression that she’s not indeed happy… “And you scared me like hell! I thought you’re a killer! What’s with the new number?”


“Sorry… It’s just that…” Kei on the other end of the line struggled to speak, hesitating to say his reason for his late night phone call.


“What is it? Is something wrong?”


“Hmmm… I – I just have a nightmare” he said quite silently, only enough to make the person on the other line to hear.


“A nightmare? Awww… Kei-kun you’re such a baby…” Kim replied with a chuckle, 100% awake from the sudden call from her boyfriend.


“URUSAI BAKA… “ Kei suddenly said with a loud voice… “I dreamt about you eating me alive!”


After hearing this, Kim blinked twice trying to process what the boy on the phone actually said. She just can’t believe her boyfriend is getting so bothered about a dream. Yet, on the other hand, she can’t help but to smile on the sudden proclamation from her boyfriend.


“You know that will never happen, right? If ever I’m gonna eat someone, that will be the woman flirting with you back at that café!!!” Kim said teasingly then heard a soft relieved sigh on Kei’s part… “You’re such a GIRL!!!”


“Then can this girl ask you for a date tomorrow?”


 “Idiot … Aren’t you sleepy yet? We should talk about that tomorrow instead” Kim said after giving off a yawn.


“I’m not gonna sleep peacefully until you agree…”


By this, Kim just gave off a blushed face, thankful that the one she’s speaking to is on the other end of the line… “Okay then… Just let me sleep for now so I won’t look like a panda tomorrow on our date.” she continued with a soft giggle.



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Lol Inoo-chan demonstrated the kiss