Chapter 9: Start Over

Alice In Wonderland

[same time as last chapter]


After walking for a few blocks, we finally stopped. Everything we passed were all big houses and buildings. There were no trees at all.


“Where are we going?” I asked Dongwoo.


“We’re going to a mall. And we’re going to ride a bus.” He replied. Before I could ask what a mall and a bus were, Hoya told me and Sungjong.


“A mall is a place where people sell things like clothes and bags. Girls love malls.” Hoya said knowingly.


“You mean people don’t make their own clothes here?” Sungjong asked.


“No. They’re too lazy to,” Dongwoo chuckled.


“And what’s a bus?” I piped up.


“It’s a type of transportation. Like horses but it can carry more than two. It’s a big thing. And it’s not alive.” Hoya said in a spooky voice. Me and Sungjong’s eyes widened in fear.


Dongwoo laughed. “Don’t let him get to you. A bus works with the power of petrol.”


“What’s petrol?” we questioned blankly.


“It’s a type of oil.” Hoya laughed.


“Like cooking oil?” Sungjong asked thoughtfully.


“Yeah, something like that.” DOngwoo muttered carelessly. He was looking around for something.


“Ah!” He exclaimed, “The bus is here!”


A massive rectangular-like machine moved and finally stopped in front of us.


“Woah,” I said under my breath.


L sniggered, “Country girl.”


I turned to him and blinked. A sense of guilt came to me. I didn’t acknowledge his existence along the way to the bus. Honestly, I didn’t even notice he was there! He looked at me peculiarly at my lack of reaction to his comment. I just shrugged and walked into the bus.


“Woah,” Sungjong repeated me. Inside the bus, metal chairs were stuck onto the walls. Metal sticks stood in the middle of every section; front, middle and back. The metal sticks were even put horizontally above us.


I wasn’t even aware that I was gaping for a long time until L pulled me down to sit beside him.


“Sit down country girl.” He muttered, “You’re embarrassing me!”


“Sorry..” I whispered back.


“SO, we’re going to the mall?” SUngjong questioned.


“Yes, but before that, we are going to introduce you to the 21st century’s delicacy- COFFEE!” Dongwoo made big hand gestures.


“Coffee?” I asked.


“It’s a type of drink.” L told me.


Hoya stood up, “Oh look! We’ve arrived.”


The five of us stepped down out of the  bus.


The mall was definitely huge. It was more greater than any tree I’ve ever seen in my life! Well, The Mall isn’t a tree, but yeah.


“Cool!” I gawked. Sungjong bounced in excitement.


“So where is the coffee?” he beamed.


Hoya chuckled, “Right there, “ hoya pointed, “IN that shop. It’s called a coffee shop.”


“Lets goooo” Dongwoo dragged Sungjong. Hoya ran behind them.


“Don’t leave me!! Yah Jang Dongwoo!”


L chuckled. “Okay, C’mon Sungra.” He took me by the arm firmly and tugged at me. I walked beside him.


As we entered, a small chime sounded from the bells. We moved towards the trio who were taking their orders.


“5 cappuccinos please,” Dongwoo grinned. The waitress nodded and bowed. The waitress left.


“So, what really brings you here, Sungra and Sungjong?” L asked.


“Sungra… was going to be married off to a stranger.”


My forehead creased, “A really strange one, too.”


L raised and eyebrow and titled his head.


“How strange can he be when he’s from our world?”


“Just Very mysterious. He felt like danger. And the way he talked was so vulnerable.. yet powerful.”


Hoya and dongwoo turned towards them with a curious face.


“That’s the only reason you left?” L didn’t look convinced.


I pouted. There was no way I could explain how I felt.


“Nevermind.. I don’t know how to explain the feeling.”


Hoya shrugged. “Oh well, then.”


L leaned in closer to me.


“Do you know why we left?” His voice was soft and mystifying.


“Your order is here!” The waitress interrupted. L quickly leaned back to his chair. The waitress placed all of their coffees in front of them.


“Sungjong, this is a type of coffee. It’s called cappuccino.”


“Cappuccino~” Sungjong repeated with awe.


“Be careful, it’s hot!” Hoya warned.


I held the cup of cappuccino in my hands and let the warmth spread over. I looked up curiously at L.


“L, you were saying..”


“Saying what?” he was looking down at his coffee.


“You were about to tell me the reason.” I said


“Reason?” L looked up at me and sipped at his cup of cappuccino. “What reason?”


I sighed. “Nothing.”


“Suit yourself.” L shrugged.


I sipped at my cappuccino.


“This is good,” I almost drooled.


Sungjong stuck out his toungue with a , “It’s hot and bitter!”


“I warned,” Hoya said.


Dongwoo pouted, “It’s not bitter, you gulped down too much!”


L butted in, “Coffee is supposed to be bitter.”


“Bleghhh! Give me lemon candy instead please.”


“Awwww” Dongwoo frowned.


“Okay guys, let’s stop pestering and get these maknaes some clothes.” L said.


Hoya laughed out loud. “Oh look who’s talking! Weren’t you the maknae before they came?”


L’s face reddened. “That was a long time ago.”


Dongwoo snorted. “That was yesterday, Casanova.”


“Oh shut up.”


* * *


Hours passed and me and Sungjong had a share of our own shopping. Who knew Wonderland had a wide variety of funny fashion! Nonetheless, they were pretty anyways.


I had a hard time carrying the bags. They kept slipping off my arms. And not to mention heavy!


“Hey, you need help with that?” A voice asked.


I snapped my head towards the voice. It was L. Before I could answer, he took most of them and eased my arm.


“Thanks,” I said breathlessly. The rest were currently occupied with the water fountain in the middle of the mall.


“SO,” L started, “I think we got off on the wrong foot.”


“Well, yeah.” I muttered.


“I’m sorry, I may have been a bit too harsh on you?” he bit his lip.


I smiled warmly at him. “Apology accepted.”


“Start over?” L asked hopefully.


“Yes.” I laughed.


“Okay. Hi, my name is myungsoo, Kim Myungsoo.” He stretched out his arm.

“Myungsoo!” I grinned.


L looked uneasy. “just call me L.”


“Okay, and my name is Kim Sungra.” I shook his hand.


“Nice to meet you!”


“It’s nice to meet you too.”


And for the first time, I saw a real sincere smile from Kim Myungsoo.




This is so bad and random. I am so sorry. TT^TT I'll  be updating another better one very sooonnnnn :D


Btw my lovelies


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2 lost. how sad.


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chiaka #1
Wow...this is nice! N y know wats funny? I was called Alice in wonderland when i was a kid XD AWESOME COINCIDENCE!!!FOR THE FIRST I DO NOT REGRET BEING CALLED ALICE
xolexiox #2
Chapter 10: Woaaah aurthor-nim you did a really good job, please update soon ^^
awwwwwww jonghyun is little sunggyu's daddy thats so cute ^_^
Chapter 8: Woooooooooooohyun. Hahaha. Keys, i responded for Woohyun hyung :3 <3
Chapter 8: nobody reacted to namu XPPP
Arizona118 #6
Chapter 8: Yay! Yeollie appeared!
Chapter 8: Hwehehe *whalesream Yeolieee!!!
Chapter 8: Yay for Yeollie!!!! :')
Chapter 7: Daebak!! update soon! cant wait!