Chapter 4 : Failed Attempt

Alice In Wonderland


"So.. Where.. Do you come from?" Dongwoo asked uneasily.

"Should we?" Sungjong asked.

"Well, it's for the better.." Sungra's voice trailed away.

"Tell us what?" Hoya asked sharply.

"Tell you that.." they stopped in front of the house before entering. Their new friends were listening closely.

"We're not from this world." Sungjong blurted out. Their eyes widened.

"Come inside. QUICKLY." Hoya ushered them inside.


The house was just nice. It wasn't too small and it wasn't too big. Just as Sungra called it - 'cozy'.


"Hyung, where's Sunggyu?" Hoya asked urgently.

"Library, probably."


They went into a room and saw a guy sitting down in a comfy chair with huge armrests. His feet were crossed over and were resting on a small table just right infront of him. His arms were on the armrests, and his face were covered with a book, entitled: Hidden Mysteries Of The World.


Hoya rushed to him. "Hyung," Hoya whispered urgently and shook him lightly, "HYUNG."


Sunggyu stirred and finally woke up. A hand reached out for the book and lifted it.


"Ah, Hoya," He rubbed his eyes, "You're back. You know, that silly book I was reading- It didn't mention our world at all-"

He stopped as he saw the two unknown people in front of him.


"Uhh.. When I say 'our world', I meant the world of living in frustration, desperation and inconsolability. I mean, it MIGHT not apply to that book, but who knows, right?" Dongwoo face-palmed himself.

Sungjong giggled, "You're funny."

"Hyung, there's something you need to know." Dongwoo walked up to him. The three went away out of earshot from Sungra and Sungjong.


-Sunggyu's POV-


"They say.." Hoya started.

"That they're NOT from THIS world." Dongwoo continued excitedly.



-Sungra's POV-


I looked at Sungjong who were gazing at the books.

"Jongie," I called out.

He looked back at me, "Mmm?"

"What do you think he meant?" I asked, "By- 'Our world" ?

"Molla.. But, do you think they're one of us?!"

"Maybe," I started to feel slightly safe, but the thought of them forcing us to go back occurred to me.

"Jongie!" I whispered, "What if they ask us to go back?!"


-Sunggyu's POV-


"So you're saying they found out about the portal?!"

"WELL YEAH OBVIOUSLY, MR. OBVIOUS" Hoya finally flipped.

"But what if they're joking?" Dongwoo pointed out, "I mean, their age is not far from High School Student age here."

"Let's act all gangster around them, you know, scare them with a book or something." Dongwoo suggested.

"No, no," Sunggyu said, "I don't think they'll be scared. I mean, if they WERE from HERE, they would know how to handle with gangsters."

"No, we should ask nicely, like innocent little kids." Hoya said sarcastically.

"As a sign of defeat." Sunggyu retorted.

"Lets do that." Dongwoo nodded, "My first suggestion."


-Sungra's POV-


"OMONA," Sungjong gasped quietly.

"It's okay, it's okay. We'll think of something," I was the one assuring this time.

"AH!" Sungjong brightened, "I have an idea!"

"What is it?"

"We'll ask nicely." Sungjong was happy with the idea.

"Pabo," I hit his head, "What if they're bad guys?! You expect them to sit down, have a cup of tea and chat?!"

"I was thinking just that." Sungjong said bluntly. I face-palmed myself.

"Oh Sungjong," I sighed. I looked up to the three guys talking far away from us. I caught Hoya glancing at us. It got me alarmed.

"JONGIE. I think they're planning something."

"M-mwo?!" he stuttered.


-Hoya's POV-


"Yah. YAH. " I nudged them.

"What?!" Sunggyu shot an angry look at me.

"Sungra was looking at us. And she saw me looking at her."

"Yah. They're moving to get something. DO SOMETHING, HOYA" a horrified Dongwoo almost shrieked.

"Why me?!" I asked in a high voice, "This is YOUR idea!"


-Author's POV-


"Let's beat them up! Take a book," Sungra said confidently.

"OK!" Sungjong pumped his fist. She slowly reached out for a book. Dongwoo was looking at them. She swiftly took it and pointed it to them. Sungjong did the same.

"I have a weapon," Sungra started, "And I'm not afraid to use it."

Dongwoo gave a loud cry and kneeled in front of them, "NO! SPARE ME! I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE!"

He pointed to Hoya, "Take HIM instead!"


Sunggyu gaped at the person who suggested for them to act all gangster and dismissed his idea of asking nicely.


"JANG DONGWOO!" Hoya whined.


Just at the right moment, a quiet, mysterious-looking boy entered the scene.


His eyes scanned from the gaping Sunngyu to the outraged Hoya, then to the kneeling Dongwoo and lastly to an unknown girl and a boy who were holding thick, heavy books in their hands as protection. This person knew that they weren't brave enough to even hurt a fly, judging by how wide-eyed they looked. But Jang Dongwoo was too naive to see that. The person couldn't stand it. It was such a hilarious scene.


"GAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHH!!" he rolled on the floor, laughing his head off and clutching his stomach, "HOW HILARIOUS IS THIS?! THE JANG DONGWOO GETTING THREATENED BY A GIRL WITH A BOOK! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


Sungra pouted, "What's wrong with a girl holding a book?"


"It's just- HAHAHAHAHH" He laughed again for a few seconds and finally stopped. He stood up and fixed his clothes. He took a step forward to Sungra and held out a hand.


"Annyeong hasayeo, " he smirked, "Kim Myungsoo imnida."




Updated as promised! :D <3



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2 lost. how sad.


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chiaka #1
Wow...this is nice! N y know wats funny? I was called Alice in wonderland when i was a kid XD AWESOME COINCIDENCE!!!FOR THE FIRST I DO NOT REGRET BEING CALLED ALICE
xolexiox #2
Chapter 10: Woaaah aurthor-nim you did a really good job, please update soon ^^
awwwwwww jonghyun is little sunggyu's daddy thats so cute ^_^
Chapter 8: Woooooooooooohyun. Hahaha. Keys, i responded for Woohyun hyung :3 <3
Chapter 8: nobody reacted to namu XPPP
Arizona118 #6
Chapter 8: Yay! Yeollie appeared!
Chapter 8: Hwehehe *whalesream Yeolieee!!!
Chapter 8: Yay for Yeollie!!!! :')
Chapter 7: Daebak!! update soon! cant wait!