Chapter 7: Settling In

Alice In Wonderland


Lee Sungra woke up calling out to her mother;


“Umma! Why aren’t the birds chirping?” Sungra murmured loudly in question. She quickly added in with a calmer murmur, “They usually chirp.”


After a few seconds, when she didn’t get a response, her eyes shot open. Her ceiling was gone. Her ceiling of well-grown flowers weren’t there- it was replaced with a plain, white cement ceiling instead. Sungra sat up in a bolt. Her surroundings were unusual. It wasn’t her room.


“Naneun eo-eodiya?” she stuttered. It suddenly snapped to her as her memories of last night flashed in her head. Tears welled up in her eyes. She didn’t think she would miss her mom that much. She thought she could cope with it. But it was her decision. It was her final decision. It was a choice she made. She chose that path. She chose to follow Sungjong. Guilt did not overcome her. Because what she did was a right decision. She was not going to leave Sungjong all alone by himself. She felt that she and Sungjong should always stick together no matter what. And that was what she did.


I hope you will understand me omonim.


Sungra wiped her tear-streaked face quickly, hoping none of the others would notice her slightly red eyes. That was when she realized that her feet were cold. The temperature was slightly freezing. She got out of bed and rushed to the window. Her predictions were right- it was winter here. (Well, it was pretty obvious) And it wasn’t just that. It was also snowing!


“Snow!” she said breathlessly. Winter was her favourite season. And snow was her favourite feature!


There was a tap on a door and suddenly, Hoya’s grinning face popped out from the door.


“Sungra?” he peeked.Sungra looked back at him.


“Eo, Sungra,” he came in at greeted her, “You’re awake. Yo!”


“Yeah, hahah,” she smiled at him, “Morning Hoya!”


“Morning to you too!”


Sungra noticed Hoya holding some clothes in his hands.


“Hey, what’s that?” she asked.


“Well, they’re my clothes,” he said, looking at them, “But I grew out of them and want to give them to you.”


Hoya gave me the clothes and put his hands into his jeans pockets.


“And since you didn’t bring any other clothes along. Dongwoo already helped Sungjong with his clothes.”


“Waah.. Gomawo Hoya!” I thanked him gratefully.


He smiled at me, “Nah, it’s no problem. Better hurry up. Breakfast is ready.” Hoya added in.


“Arasseo,” I nodded, “I’ll change now.”


“Gwenchana. I’ll be leaving now.” He waved and made way for the door.


“Thanks again!” I bowed.


* * *


-Sungra’s POV-


After a quick shower, I put on the clothes Hoya gave me. It was perfect for the weather; a slightly huge but comfy plain purple t-shirt, well-kept faded blue jeans, a belt to stop the jeans from endlessly slipping down and a warm, brown winter jacket.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It fit my perfectly, even though they were boy clothes. I didn’t mind. I owe them so much.


I stepped out of my room, walked down the stairs and approached the kitchen. The room was filled with the aroma of cooked food. A very nice smell if you were hungry.


“What’s cooking?” I asked enthusiastically. Sungjong was already settled down, devouring his cereal.


“Sunggyu’s famous fried rice!” Dongwoo replied.


“Very very tasty.” Hoya continued his sentence.


“You know me,” Sunggyu said cockily, “I’m a great cook.”


“Pshft.” The voice of Kim Myungsoo commented from behind, “Here comes the cockiness.”


“Like you arent,” I muttered.


“Well, a good morning to you too, Sungra.” He rolled his eyes at me sarcastically. He strode to the table and took a seat.


Feeling guilty, I muttered an apology, “Sorry.”


“What was that?” he said.


“Sorry.” I said a bit louder.


“For what?” he asked nonchalantly.


“For just now.” I told him, furrowing my eyebrows.


“What happened just now?” he asked me.


“For my assumption.” I was getting annoyed.


“OHHH,” he finally said.


“What’s your problem?” I asked irritatedly.


“What problem? I like to be specific.”




I stalked to the other far end of the table, to avoid L.


“Now, now, children,” Sunggyu said as he walked to the table with a bowl full of fried rice, “Don’t fight over a silly thing Myungsoo says.”


L scoffed. “It’s her who’s way too uptight.”


“Uptight?” I asked through gritted teeth as I grabbed the bowl of rice from Dongwoo who was passing it on. He almost jumped in his seat due to my sudden (and unexpected) strength.


Everybody else tensed up, carrying on eating their food calmly, hoping that peace would shortly come.


L smirked and tilted his head. He started to recite, “Uptight, hypersensitive, worked up, edgy, snappy, irritable, irascible, grumpy, grouchy, moody-“


“WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?!” screamed Sungjong furiously in his feminine but not-so-feminine-when-you-get-on-his-nerves voice.


We kept our mouths shut for a few minutes. Sunggyu finally broke the silence.


“So, did you two sleep well?” he asked Sungjong and me.


Sungjong was still too angry so I answered for him.


“Yeah, we slept fine,” I smiled at him, “Thanks for asking.”


“Since you guys have a lot to catch up with,” Sunggyu started, “Like what is what and where is where, why don’t you let Dongwoo and Hoya give you a tour? A private tour in Seoul~”


“We’d love to!” the four of them (Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungjong, Sungra) exclaimed.


L snorted, “Tour. Hah!”


“Myungsoo, you’re in charge.” Sunggyu said flatly.


“MWO?!” L’s eyes widened. “Aishhh, shiroyo!”


“Myungsoo.” Sunggyu looked at him intensely.


L stared back and responded with a huff, “Arasseo..”


“Great!” Sunggyu smiled at them, “You guys better get going!”


Slowly, each of them stood up and walked out of the now-messy kitchen. Not so very soon later, the sound of the front door shutting was finally heard by Sunggyu.


His smile faded. His face turned serious and full of worry. Taking a deep, steady breath, he hastily walked out of the kitchen, not caring a thing about the mess, and entered his library. He walked up to a shelf and started to shift some books aside, revealing a hidden ancient-looking compartment. He touched the lock and it clockwise in three turns. Magically, the lock clicked. Sunggyu gripped the side of the compartment tightly and opened it slowly, as if he was dreading the object inside. Finally, the view of the inside of the compartment was seen. It was a handmade book. More like a scrapbook. Sunggyu took it out and stared at the cover. The title read: “The Prophecy”


[A/N: Yeah, yeah, I said 2 copies only in the previous chapter, but this one is another copy Gyu made himself. I didn’t want to spoil things.]


It was roughly made. But it was still fine. Something a kid would make in art class or something. Sunggyu flipped through the pages. It was full of neatly- written paragraphs and points, and self-drawn pictures, just like a typical history book. But in this situation, it wasn’t a history book. It was a book of the future; a book of a prediction. It was another self-made copy of the prophecy. This copy was made when he was just ten years old. When his mind started to broaden and being the giftedly clever that he is, he thought that the information told to him by his father needed a proper place to be kept; written on paper tidily; and not to just rely on his memory. So he spent most nights making and writing it in secret, with just dim light from his lamp.


Sunggyu sighed heavily and his face looked grave as he looked at a picture he drew himself, a perfect picture that looks just like a photograph. The picture was none other than the picture  of the saviors. It was not exact, but it’s called a prediction, isn’t it? The picture contained eight saviors in protective armour, one of them being him. He wasn’t sure which one of them was him, since there were no facial features, just a face. But his mind had told him to colour a certain drawing’s hair orange, which was the colour of his hair. Other than that, the character was holding a scroll, with probably meant the one with information, the one with tactics and plans, the one his the brains and the truth.


That’s definitely me.


Sunggyu sighed again, this time less gravely. He started to face the truth and that running away from it doesn’t change a thing. And that bringing the people he thought wouldn’t be involved in it but actually were was meaningless since they were the truth.


Appa, I’m sorry that I actually tried running away from it. I was scared, I felt hopeless! And now, I find out the truth is with me wherever I go. And now, Since Ive run away from home, from you, I have nobody to confide to. Nobody to assure me its all going to be fine. Appa, mianhae. I wish you were here. I wish youve forgiven me for what I’ve done.


He choked back his tears as he gazed at the picture. He worked very hard on this one, making it look very specific and perfect after so much tries until the picture looked very much alike just like the one his father had described. There was a girl in armour with long, flowing hair, a boy with a messenger bag and wearing bunny ears, two similar looking males with matching armours, differentiated by their heights and their face shape, a chic-looking male wearing cat ears and himself- a male in armour, with orange-coloured hair, holding a scroll. Sunggyu knew this wasn’t actually how they’d look like entirely. The bunny and the cat ears were just to distinct between the two and the rest of the saviours.


Sunggyu smiled for the first time after entering the library.


Sungra, Sungjong, Dongwoo and Hoya, Myungsoo and me.


Suddenly, his forehead creased. His eyes lingered on the characters one by one, reciting which one was which. But there was one missing, or an extra one, he thought. The last was at the end. He was the tallest and was the only one wearing a full-on armour, except without the helmet to show his face, and he was holding a shield and a sword. A knight.


Sunggyu gasped. How could he forget?


The Knight Guardian..


Sunggyu thought hard.


Who could this be?




Another chapter update, guys! Hope you like it! xD Since it's the holidays, I'll try to update both fanfics as much as possible :D


Next two chapters are gonna be a bit comlicated and hard, the draft in my mind it a bit too rough, since.. ;) [WARNING! SPOILER ALERT!] It's gonna involve both worlds and the situations happen at the same time. I dont like using that person's POV, this person's POV and whatever on important things like these, and the fact that it's seperate worlds, so I hope I can come up with a solution soon :)


If anybody has an idea, please help or suggest me the solution :D Thanks~


Enjoy your holidays! x)

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2 lost. how sad.


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chiaka #1
Wow...this is nice! N y know wats funny? I was called Alice in wonderland when i was a kid XD AWESOME COINCIDENCE!!!FOR THE FIRST I DO NOT REGRET BEING CALLED ALICE
xolexiox #2
Chapter 10: Woaaah aurthor-nim you did a really good job, please update soon ^^
awwwwwww jonghyun is little sunggyu's daddy thats so cute ^_^
Chapter 8: Woooooooooooohyun. Hahaha. Keys, i responded for Woohyun hyung :3 <3
Chapter 8: nobody reacted to namu XPPP
Arizona118 #6
Chapter 8: Yay! Yeollie appeared!
Chapter 8: Hwehehe *whalesream Yeolieee!!!
Chapter 8: Yay for Yeollie!!!! :')
Chapter 7: Daebak!! update soon! cant wait!