Chapter 3 : Welcome To Wonderland

Alice In Wonderland



I dropped in a sitting position on a really hard ground. My eyes were closed as I breathed in deeply. I did not dare to look up.

*Welcome to Wonderland~ *


“Ah-AAAAHH!” Sungjong’s muffled voice was heard.



He fell into sitting position beside me. Sungjong was shaking.

“Well that was fun,” he laughed nervously, trying to break the awkward silence.

“Sungjongie. It’s not working,” I told him.

“Ah.. Okay,”


Sungjong got up and helped me stand.

“Sungra noona,” he started, “You cant close your eyes forever.”

I sighed. “Then tell me when forever ends.”

“Noona!” he nagged.

“ARASSEO,” I shot back. I took deep breath and opened one eye. Everything was dark. I opened the other eye.

“Wh-where are we?” I asked.

Sungjong took a sharp breath, “Molla..”

“Mwo?” I aspirated.

“Don’t panic!” Sungjong was trying his hard to assure me, “We’ll just walk until.. This leads to somewhere..” He looked around the place.


It was a dark place. The light was from a tall, slim metal stick.

[A/N: A street light. LOL. I didn’t know another way to describe it. ]

It was dim, so we couldn’t see much. But we could still smell. It smelt rotten. We could see LOADS of rubbish under the dim light. We stepped forward out of the darkness.


Suddenly, we heard the sound of scurrying in a corner, among the dispersed rubbish. And saw a glimpse of a small, long tail.


“EEP!!” I cling-ed on Sungjong’s arm, “What is that?!”

“An animal..?”

It was a rat. Unlike our friendly-looking rats back at home, this looked just plain revolting.

“Eww. Eww. Eww,” It was Sungjong’s turn to feel disgusted.


*This is the end… *


We were trying to avoid the rats when all of a sudden,

“Yeah! Hahahahah~ Beat that!”

“Yah! You underestimating me?”


Sungra and Sungjong looked at each other.


“OH NO.”

“No, it’s okay. We might find help,” Sungjong was unsure.


The two unknown people were coming their way.

They sound normal. They look normal from the shadows. But are they normal as us?!

The first guy laughed as the second started talking rapidly. But then it was more like singing rapidly. I was intrigued.


“Woah. That sounded nice,” I said unconsciously.

“Hahah~ My rap is still better than yours~!” The first guy teased.

“Aniyo!” The second guy whined, “Hyung!”


They were coming closer by the second. We stepped back further into the darkness. But we were too slow. They saw us.


“Hey hyung,” the second guy called his friend, “ I think there’s someone there.”

“Yeah…” he agreed, “Hello?” They went closer. And closer. And closer.

“Jakkaman-yo!” Sungjong finally spoke up. He pulled us into the light. The two guys stepped away, surprised. The two guys were normal.


* Thank goodness.. *


Both were tall. One had a ghost of a happy expression. The other looked plain blank.


“Why are you guys here?” the second guy asked.

“Mianhaeyo.. But can you help us?” I asked. They looked at us curiously.

“Nae… Waeyo?”

“We’re homeless,” Sungjong quietly said. They two guys looked at each other and smiled.

“Jinjja?” second guy beamed, “Come with us! We know the place for you!”

“JINJJA?!” Sungjong’s eyes widened, “KAMSAHAMNIDA!!”


Sungjong literally flew to the guy and hugged him.


“Woah~ Heheh,” the second guy chuckled, “I have a feeling that we’re gonna be great friends!”

“Yeah, haha!” the first guy laughed, “Come on, let’s go.”

Sungjong pulled me, “Ppali, noona.” I smiled.


We started walking out of the contaminated place. The outside was WAY bigger.


“Hey, we forgot to introduce ourselves!” the first guy exclaimed.

“Oh yeah! I’m Lee Howon. But call me Hoya!” the second guy beamed, “I love to dance!”

My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.


“Jinjja? I love dancing too! My name is Lee Sungjong!” Jongie beamed.

“Woah! Really? And I’m Jang Dongwoo! And I’m best at rapping~!” he sing-songed.

“What’s rapping?” This time, I finally spoke up.

“You don’t know rapping?!” Hoya pretended to look taken aback.

“Mian. Ani. Is it that fast talk you did just know?” I looked up at him.

“Ne, saengie. NOW, you got it right,” he ruffled my hair.


* Wah.. I’ve never felt this close before to a person.. It’s as if he’s my brother! *


I kept quiet thinking about it.


“You haven’t introduced yourself,” Dongwoo pointed out.

“Ah? Mian, mian.”

“I’m Lee Sungra. And I have the same interests as you,” I smiled.

“Sungra saengie~!”


We entered a neighborhood.


“So what were you guys doing in the alley-way, anyways?” Dongwoo asked.

“Huh?” I looked at him, “We were lost.” I said truthfully.

“Lost? Aren’t you from here? We speak the same language, you must be from here.”


Dongwoo asked. We arrived in front of  a cozy- looking house. He pushed the gate open.


“Aniya.” I chorused.

“We’re not from here.” Me and Sungjong said in unison.




NO WONDER something felt OFF! My chapter 3 was missing! I swore I updated more than 2 :P HAHAH. Silly me. Sorry~ Btw, to people who read chapter 3 already (the one I updated ages ago)- I can only remember a handful- Pinky unnie, MissWhatTheHell, BabyInspirit109 & Kpop4lyfe-, If anything is missing or different HERE, can you please tell me? Cuz I think I edited while updating :O I dont quite remember >< I'll update chapter 4 soon :D Very soon.


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2 lost. how sad.


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chiaka #1
Wow...this is nice! N y know wats funny? I was called Alice in wonderland when i was a kid XD AWESOME COINCIDENCE!!!FOR THE FIRST I DO NOT REGRET BEING CALLED ALICE
xolexiox #2
Chapter 10: Woaaah aurthor-nim you did a really good job, please update soon ^^
awwwwwww jonghyun is little sunggyu's daddy thats so cute ^_^
Chapter 8: Woooooooooooohyun. Hahaha. Keys, i responded for Woohyun hyung :3 <3
Chapter 8: nobody reacted to namu XPPP
Arizona118 #6
Chapter 8: Yay! Yeollie appeared!
Chapter 8: Hwehehe *whalesream Yeolieee!!!
Chapter 8: Yay for Yeollie!!!! :')
Chapter 7: Daebak!! update soon! cant wait!