Chapter 10: Visitor

Alice In Wonderland

“Come in, come in quickly!” Sunggyu ushered us into the house. I wrapped my brown winter jacket more tightly around me as L put his arm around me to give protection against the strong wind. Judging by the weather, it was obvious that a snowstorm was coming. A great one.


We scurried in one by one. Sunggyu shut the door just in time before it got worse. He exhaled deeply.


“Guys, we need to talk.” He said breathlessly. Hoya, Dongwoo and L looked at each other, as if they were expecting this sooner. We nodded and followed him into the library. Hoya closed the door quietly.


Sunggyu turned to us. “Before that, Sungra, Songjong, tell me, how was your day? Full of surprises?”


“Oh yeah,” Sungjong laughed and glanced at me.


“Extraordinary,” I started and gave a smile.


[Back In Their World]


Sungyeol scoffed and gave a smirk.


That’s the favour?” he asked, as if not believing a word Woohyun had said.


“So? What’s wrong with that?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow.


Sungyeol laughed loudly, “A girl? Your favour is to find a girl? What did she do? Run away from you?”


Woohyun’s eyes darkened and his jaw tightened. Sungyeol saw this and immediately backed off.


“Fine man, I’ll get the girl. Just as long as I get my riches.” Sungyeol shrugged.


“Oh, you wouldn’t say she was just a girl, Sungyeol.” Woohyun cut him off as if he didn’t hear a word Sungyeol, had just said.


“Find a girl.” Sungyeol muttered and turned his back from Woohyun. He tugged at his backpack. It seemed as if it was getting heavier every second.


“Fine man.” Sungyeol sighed. He turned, “What did you say your name was agai-”


Woohyun was nowhere in sight. Sungyeol gasped. He didn’t see him leave. He didn’t even hear a sound of movement! How could somebody move that fast, anyways?


“What the-” he put his hand on his mouth. He shook his head violently.


“God, oh god, that’s crazy!” he whispered to himself. He shook his head again.


“Okay yeol,” he assured himself. “Just stick to the plan, find the girl and leave.” He braked abruptly. “But how do I leave?!”


“Aish!” Sungyeol hit his head. “Okay just stay focused. You’ll think of that later. Now you have got to go to that portal.”


Sungyeol stopped in his tracks and recalled back on his conversation with the guy.




Sunggyu grinned. “Well it seemed like you guys had an awfully great time.”


“Yeah, we definitely did!” Sungjong agreed.


“Well then, enough of that.” Sunggyu gave a slight cough. “I need to ask you something.”


All of us sat straight and listened attentively.


Hoya gestured his arms in a questioning way. “Well, what are you waiting for? Ask away!”


Outside the house, thunder clapped loudly.


“Sungra and Sungjong,” Sunggyu started, “Before you guys came here, did something happen to you two? Something bad? Terrifying?”


Me and Sungjong looked at each other.


“Well,” I started. My reason was starting to sound very silly. “I actually got engaged. So.. I left. With Sungjong.”


“So, that was it?” Sunggyu looked as if he was relieved.


“No, that wasn’t just it.” I blurted. Something felt as if I just had to tell Sunggyu. “It wasn’t just that. I felt like this guy was.. eerie. He had this certain persona I just cant explain….”


“Well,” Sunggyu’s forehead creased, “I cant explain that either but let’s skip to the chase, shall we?” We nodded in agreement.


“Have to two heard.. Of the sacred prophecy?” he asked the question as if it was fragile. I leaned back and tilted my head.


Why is he asking about the prophecy now?


“Uhh, yeah, we do.” Sunjong’s voice lingered on the answer. Hoya, Dongwoo and L gave each other looks of curiousity. Their faces looked as if they were asking each other why their hyung was suddenly interested in the matter.


“What about the prophecy, gyu?” I asked.


“Nothing, but,” Sunggyu stopped suddenly. “Well it’s definitely not nothing but-”


“Skip to the chase!” All of us said in unison.


“AGH!” he exclaimed. “I just think we’re part of it!”


The thunder boomed again, this time, it sounded more angrier.


We all looked at him peculiarly. We were quiet for a period of time. It was no doubt that anybody wouldn’t be taken aback by that statement.


“WHAT?” Dongwoo gaped.


“You think we’re part of some mythical prophecy?!” Hoya boomed.


“Sunggyu hyung, I think you’ve been out in the sun for too long.” L dragged on.


“There’s not much sun in the winter!” Sunggyu snapped. “And I’m not going crazy! Believe me when I say this!”


“How can we believe that?!” Sungjong asked in a high-pitched squeaky voice.


Sunggyu slapped his cheeks in frustration, “Guys, just listen- Myungsoo, Dongwoo, Hoya, didn’t I ever told you that someday, some guy or some group of people would be after us? Isn’t that why you reacted in alarm to Sungra’s and Sungjong’s arrival?”


“Well yeah, but-” Dongwoo started.


“We didn’t think that would be because of this!” Hoya shouted.


Sunggyu glared, “Well it is because of this prophecy, whether you like it or not!”


We all became quiet.


“So are you going to hear me out or what?” he asked bitterly.


“Shoot.” I said softly. I saw lightning flash from the window.


And with that, Sunggyu started.


[Their world]


“I need you to go find a girl. This girl.” The guy handed him a picture of a girl. No doubt, this girl was really beautiful. It’s no wonder he wanted her back so bad.


“Who is she?” I asked as I took the picture.


He growled protectively, “None of your business!”


I started to object. “But technically-”


“Not your business other than finding her!” he barked.


“Fine, fine.” I raised my arms up in defeat.


“But here is the twist- she’s not in this world.” He told me softly.


I raised my eyebrow.


“Not in this world? So where’s she from? The Land of Oz?” I asked jokingly.


“Shut your trap and just listen up, mommy’s boy!” he growled again.


“So she’s not from this world?” I asked.


“Yes she is, but she left.” He told me.


“How did she leave?”


For the first time I met him, he finally answered one of my questions without getting angry.


“A portal.”


“Right, that’s how all inter-dimension stories go.” I muttered.


The guy leaned in closer.


“What was that?”




The guy shrugged. “Okay so, to find this portal, you have got to follow your instincts. Go to where your feet bring you. You’ve got to go to a place not much people have been to. Find a place where things seem.. Unusually calm.”


“My beloved mother’s garden.” I muttered again.


“What?” he asked.


“Nothing again.” I chimed nonchalantly. “And then?”


“And then..” The guy said, “You’ll know what to do when you see it.”


“But why not yourself? Why me? Why not anybody else?” I asked.


“Because.” He sighed. “I just can’t. I can’t find it and..” The guy coughed and cut off his sentence.


“And you want to repay your mother, don’t you? That’s the only reason I chose you.”




“That’s it.”


“That’s it?” I asked. I scoffed and smirked.


That’s the favour?” I asked, not believing the simplicity of the task.


“So? What’s wrong with that?” The guy raised an eyebrow.


Sungyeol laughed loudly, “A girl? Your favour is to find a girl?”



After hours of following my so-called instincts, I finally found the place. The place.


“So, this is it?” I said to myself softly. In front of me, stood a unique-looking tree, glowing brightly as if it had its own sun. A hole at the base of it seemed to be attracting my attention.


“You’ll now what to do when you see it.”


“Oh, yeah, my instincts are definitely urging me on.” I scoffed. “To go into that tiny hollow hole.”


Nobody responded.


“Oh for the love of God!” I craned my neck and looked up. “How did I get in this mess, anyways?!”


I looked back down to the hole. “Right. Mommy.” I sighed.


“Well, here goes nothing.”


I crawled down on all fours and attempted to fit into the hole.





“Woah” Hoya said and leaned back into his seat.


“That is… crazy. Definitely crazy.” L said.


“How are you so sure?” I asked.


Gyu sighed.


“Just trust me.”


Dongwoo looked up, “Okay, so then who’s the Knight Guardian, then? For what I see, we’re one member short.”


That,” Sunggyu pointed at him. “Is the point!”


“Okay, so who do you think it’s going to be?” Sungjong asked.


I brainstormed.


“Someone brave, obviously.” I said in a matter-of-factly.


Sunggyu nodded and pointed me, “Yes, and someone smart and strong too.”


L crossed his arms. “Someone with experience.”


“Perseverance!” Hoya said.


Dongwoo kept nodding in agreement. “And someone who doesn’t lack character!”


“Someone responsible!” Sungjong exclaimed.


Sunggyu agreed, “Yes. That someone. Someone like-”




Somewhere in the room, an object fell. It sounded really heavy. Dust and debris exploded from the fireplace. The fire that was ablaze only just a second ago was gone. Instead, it was replaced with something else.


A cough came from the fireplace.


“Oh GOD Sungyeol!” the thing shouted at himself. “What have you gotten yourself INTO?!”


All 6 of us clambered up on our feet and backed away instantly.


“What the HELL are you?!” Hoya shouted.


Dongwoo continued, “And where the HELL did you come from?!”


The dust cleared out, and a tall, wide-eyed boy appeared, coughing and dusting dirt off his body.


Sunggyu neared him. “Who are you?”


“My name is Sungyeol.” He coughed. “Lee Sungyeol.”










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2 lost. how sad.


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chiaka #1
Wow...this is nice! N y know wats funny? I was called Alice in wonderland when i was a kid XD AWESOME COINCIDENCE!!!FOR THE FIRST I DO NOT REGRET BEING CALLED ALICE
xolexiox #2
Chapter 10: Woaaah aurthor-nim you did a really good job, please update soon ^^
awwwwwww jonghyun is little sunggyu's daddy thats so cute ^_^
Chapter 8: Woooooooooooohyun. Hahaha. Keys, i responded for Woohyun hyung :3 <3
Chapter 8: nobody reacted to namu XPPP
Arizona118 #6
Chapter 8: Yay! Yeollie appeared!
Chapter 8: Hwehehe *whalesream Yeolieee!!!
Chapter 8: Yay for Yeollie!!!! :')
Chapter 7: Daebak!! update soon! cant wait!