
Thank the Cake (No Guarantee of End)

As soon as we stopped Doojoon got out of the car and went inside. I guess he doesn't like me very much. I turned to Hyunseung, who was just waking up. He smiled at me and opened the door. We both got out and I looked at the building in front of us. It didn't seem like anything special. It was small; it was simple. The car door closed behind me and AJ pushed a button on the keys making the lights flash once. Doojoon was at the door entering a number in the keypad. He didn't bother to wait for us as he went inside.
"Where are we?" I asked, not having any idea.
"Dorms." AJ replied with a grin. The dorms? I followed them inside and ogled at the sight before me. It was a fair contrast to the outside. Modern and clean, the main room was like something out of a magazine. I was left standing at the door as the other occupants of the car took of their shoes and went in. Doojoon disappeared upstairs and AJ flopped down on the white couch and used one of the brightly colored pillows to smack Yoseob lightly in the head. Hyunseung noticed that I had stopped at the door and came back over to me.
"You can come in, you know." I closed my slightly open mouth and nodded. Taking off my shoes and setting them to the side, I followed him into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" he asked. I hadn't thought about it until now but I realized that I indeed was very hungry. I looked at the clock mounted on the wall and saw that it was past the time when I normally had something resembling lunch. I hadn't had breakfast or lunch and I realized that Hyunseung hadn't either.
"Very." Gee sound desperate for food why don't you. I turned pink as I felt my stomach gurgle. Urgh. I hope he didn't hear that. I don't think that he had, for he was busy grabbing a pan from the cupboard. I sat down on the one of the tall chairs by the counter and watched as he opened the refrigerator.
Minutes later we were eating his delicious creation. Wow. This guy really can cook. I did my best to keep from inhaling the food that had been placed in front of me.
"You probably have to leave soon don't you?"

I looked up from my food. "No not at all. I don't have anywhere to go." I caught myself. "Anywhere to be."

"You live alone then? No one was looking for you today because you didn't come home last night?"

"No, no one is expecting me to be anywhere until Monday." Why did I say that? Oh, well. I'm sure he would just take it as me having a free weekend. I realized that I hadn't grabbed my phone out of my purse. "I'm gonna grab my phone quick." I walked back to the entry-way.

Doojoon jumped as I rounded the corner. "You startled me." He was holding my purse and he held it out to me. "Your phone was going off and I figured I would bring it to you." Weird. I thought you didn't like me. He flinched slightly as I stepped forwards to take it from him and I eyed him suspiciously. You were looking through my bag weren't you! What did you think I had in there? Something illegal? I took it from him giving him a sweet smile. I will find out what you are up to. Looking at my phone, I noticed that it indeed had been going off. It was a text from my friend. It read: "Hey, I got a message saying that you didn't show up at the bakery last night. Are you ok? Did you find a place to sleep?  I should have left you my key so you would have a place to stay! Reply asap." I quickly hit the reply button and texted her. "I'm ok. Found a place to stay last night but not to sure about tonight. I'll be fine though. I will text you later." As I hit send, I looked up from the screen and found him staring at me. I gave him a look and he scooted around me and headed for the stairs again. Slipping the phone into my pocket, I started walking towards the kitchen.

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Chapter 1: This is really interesting! I couldn't help but squeal when Yoseob appeared xDD (he's my bias :DDD) keep up the awesome work! ^^
Chapter 17: wow your writing skills improve through the chapters ^^ Keep going your hard work FIGHTING !!
I'm looking forward an update soon
eun1mi #3
i love it :) hoping for the next chapp soon. <3
MelinaRose #4
Thank you iheartbeast and rawrimadinosaur! I'm sorry it takes me such a long time to update. Thank you all for bearing with me.
Niice story <3
MelinaRose #7
Hey guys *embarassed* I haven't worked on this story in a REALLY long time but I just started again today. I needed to have some idea of where it was going to go next and I just didn't know yet. Hopefully I will have the next part up soonish? I'm still crazy busy. Thank you for subscribing to all my new readers and welcome!<br />
I hope to have something for you in the near future.
Awwwwwww! Cute story! Luv it! Hope I see more hyunseung in the story! :) update soon ~ <3
Hi, I'm your new reader :) and I love this!!! xD I wish Alyse could have more scene with Hyunseung :P Please update soon <3