Do Not Touch

Thank the Cake (No Guarantee of End)


(Your POV)
Going upstairs, I was reminded that I was going to share a bed with Doojoon. Idiot. I tried to focus on the goodnight kiss that Hyunseung had given me as I knocked on the door. I didn't want to catch him changing or something like that. After a few knocks with no response I opened the door a bit to peer into the dark room. Hmm I guess he isn't here. I switched on the light and found that he in fact was there, sprawled across the bed. "Hey," I poked his shoulder. "You don't get the whole thing!" He didn't move. Ear buds peaked out of his ears and my eyes followed the slim cord to find the mp3 player. It was still playing. I turned the volume down hoping it would wake him up. Nothing. I turned it all the way up and waited to see if he would respond. He grimaced and his hands went to his ears to remove the offending music. I giggled, amused, as he got tangled in the cord and struggled with it helplessly, still asleep. Stepping over to the bed, I gave him a push and sent him tumbling to the floor. Don't be getting into my stuff next time!
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” He hit the floor with a muffled thump.
"Well hello there precious! I see you're using your own electronics this time!" I walked over to him where he had landed in the space between the wall and bed. His eyes got all big and he seemed slightly terrified.
"S-so-sorry! I just still had it from when I took it out of your bag and then it rang and part of the message popped up on the screen and I didn't open it I swear but I'm sorry I looked at your other messages a little please don't kill me."
His words tumbled out in one long jumbled phrase as he scooted away from me to stand up in the corner he was now trapped in.
"YOU WHAT? Why did you take it out of my bag? Do you want to die? Don't ever EVER look through any of my stuff EVER! What gave you the idea that I would be okay with this HUH?" I was practically screaming at him now.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I should have known. I knew! I just wanted to know what happened when..." He stopped, a look of pure horror written across his face. "Whe....when....when your phone rang!"
"WHY DID YOU HAVE MY PHONE?!?" I pushed him against the wall angrily, wondering why in the world he took my phone out of my bag and when. He was just about to open his mouth when we heard a voice from the hall.
"Everyone okay in there?" It was KiKwang. Quick steps were heard on the stairs and I quickly covered Doojoons mouth with both my hands.
A muffled voice joined AJs. "Hey did something fall up here? I heard a few loud thumps."
"Nothing's wrong!" I called out. "I just managed to trip and fall into the wall."
"As long as you're okay..." 
"Yep!" I waited for the two to leave.
As their steps dissolved into silence, I heard Yoseobs voice quietly comment to Kikwang. "She is so cute."  I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth.
(Doojoon's POV)
Oh no. She was standing over me with a grin on her face and a glint in her eye. "Well hello there precious! I see you're using your own electronics this time!" As she walked over to me, all I could think was to run. Unfortunately, there was no way I could do that without knocking her aside. I didn't find that last option a good idea. The plan. What was the plan? Oh yes, apologize. She stepped closer. 
"S-so-sorry!" I stuttered. "I just still had it from when I took it out of your bag and then it rang and part of the message popped up on the screen and I didn't open it I swear but I'm sorry I looked at your other messages a little please don't kill me." Oh no, I hadn't really planned on telling her anything more than she already knew. I had said too much. I got up quickly and tried to get as far away from her as possible. It was then that she launched.
"YOU WHAT? Why did you take it out of my bag? Do you want to die? Don't ever EVER look through any of my stuff EVER! What gave you the idea that I would be okay with this HUH?" Her eyes were really scary and I'm pretty sure she was yelling. 
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I should have known. I knew! I just wanted to know what happened when..." Oh no. No no no no. I was going to say what happened when she was in the alley with that guy. I can't say that! Ummmm. I stuttered. "Whe....when....when your phone rang!" I was digging myself deeper and deeper into my own grave.
I found myself suddenly back against the wall, her hands on my chest. If my heart could start beating any faster I believe it did. She leaned closer to me with fire in her eyes and I struggled to find breath.
"Everyone okay in there?" I recognized AJs voice and was about to breath a sigh of relief when my mouth was covered. This would be enjoyable if you weren't about to kill me. I thought about pushing her off of me but thought better of it. It would probably piss her off even more.
Yoseob's voice could be heard through the wall. "Hey did something fall up here? I heard a few loud thumps."
She tightened her grip on my face before she replied. "Nothing's wrong! I just managed to trip and fall into the wall."
"As long as you're okay..." 
As long as she's okay? What about me!?
The two left and I felt my heart-rate increase almost instantly again. Her face was probably about two inches from mine and she was breathing a little bit heavier than usual. God is this my punishment? I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean to start liking her! She was smiling that sadistic smile of hers and I shivered. Her thumb ran down my cheek and off my chin roughly as she released her grip on my mouth and I my lips nervously, trying to distract myself from myself. 
"I have four words for you that I would like to make very clear." She was talking again. "Don't. Touch. My. Stuff." She took a small step backwards. "Got it?"
I nodded dumbly and jumped as she turned and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.That was it? I slumped back onto the bed. Crap.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long to write this you guys. I had to think through a few aspects of the story and characters and while it still doesn't have a set ending in my mind, it has direction. I have no gaurantee of when the next chapeter will be written but I'm not done with this story. I hope you enjoy this and continue to comment and look for updates.

<3 Melina

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Chapter 1: This is really interesting! I couldn't help but squeal when Yoseob appeared xDD (he's my bias :DDD) keep up the awesome work! ^^
Chapter 17: wow your writing skills improve through the chapters ^^ Keep going your hard work FIGHTING !!
I'm looking forward an update soon
eun1mi #3
i love it :) hoping for the next chapp soon. <3
MelinaRose #4
Thank you iheartbeast and rawrimadinosaur! I'm sorry it takes me such a long time to update. Thank you all for bearing with me.
Niice story <3
MelinaRose #7
Hey guys *embarassed* I haven't worked on this story in a REALLY long time but I just started again today. I needed to have some idea of where it was going to go next and I just didn't know yet. Hopefully I will have the next part up soonish? I'm still crazy busy. Thank you for subscribing to all my new readers and welcome!<br />
I hope to have something for you in the near future.
Awwwwwww! Cute story! Luv it! Hope I see more hyunseung in the story! :) update soon ~ <3
Hi, I'm your new reader :) and I love this!!! xD I wish Alyse could have more scene with Hyunseung :P Please update soon <3