Car ride

Thank the Cake (No Guarantee of End)

I looked behind me after turning the corner. It was a surprise that he hadn't tried to take my phone. Come to think of it though, he was still in obvious pain when I left him. I let out a small, morose laugh and increased my speed. After adjusting my dress, I headed in the direction Hyunseung would have taken. Rubbing my wrist, I noticed that it had started to bruise from that guy’s strong grip. Aish. I hope no one notices. As I walked down the side-walk, I pulled the soft scarf back around my face.

It wasn't to long until I saw Hyunseung ahead of me.  He is probably going to ask why I came this way. What should I tell him? I don't want to tell him exactly what happened. I tried to think of a story. I wasn't that I wanted to keep secrets from him; it was just... Oh I don't know. I didn't want him to have to think about it. AJ saw the guy running after me so I probably can't deny that... Hmm. I had forgotten to look where I was going during these thoughts and I managed to trip over a crack in the side walk. Really? I can run in four inch heels but I still trip over the ground. Nice one. Hyunseung turned around to see who it was and I crashed into him. What was with me and falling into the arms of attractive men? He uttered a small exclamation that I didn't understand as he kept me from making contact with the pavement.

"Oh! It's you! What happened?" he said as he set me back on my feet. I wobbled slightly regaining my balance and avoided meeting his eyes that were filled with confusion and worry.

"There was a change of plans." I said simply. He was still holding my waist from when he had caught me and suddenly, I was pulled into a gentle hug. 

"Are you ok? You seem a little out of breath or something." he said into my hair. My focus shifted to my breathing which had not regained its normal tempo. Suddenly my legs gave way and I sagged against him weakly. What was this? Grrr. Yeah! Of course nothing is wrong! Good luck convincing him now. Geez. I felt myself being lifted, bridal-style as he carried me down the street. I tried to find some strength in me to get him to set me down but could find none. The shock of impact with that dumpster would catch up with me now. I tried not to concentrate on the movement of the muscles I could easily feel moving as I was carried. And you sir, I directed my thoughts towards Hyunseung, you were no help with you face in my hair!

I woke up to find myself wrapped in a blanket and a gentle motion underneath me. Blinking my eyes to adjust them to the lack of light, I realized that I was in a car. Was it night time? Had I been asleep for that long? I mentally kicked myself for falling asleep in the first place. I adjusted my head on the pillow. Kind of hard but still comfy. Wait.... This wasn't a pillow. It was a leg! I shot up now fully awake and was blasted with full sunlight. So it was still day. I looked behind us and saw that we had just come out of a tunnel. I heard a small chuckle and realized that it was coming from the driver’s seat.

"Morning sleepy head." AJ chuckled as he looked at the clock, "or should I say good afternoon. You seemed pretty wiped out." I looked up to find out who owned the leg that my head had been resting on. A small smile crept onto my face as I found the now peaceful face of Hyunseung leaned against the side of the car. "You both have been sleeping soundly ever since you got in the car." commented AJ.

"How did we end up here?" I asked. The last thing I remembered was Hyunseung carrying me.

"Oh, I picked you guys up at the store we were supposed to meet at." he replied. "I have never seen a girl run that fast in heels! How did you do it?" That's right. He saw that guy chasing me.

"Oh I don't know." I replied absently. "I didn't want to be caught." Another voice made me aware of Doojoons presence in the car.

"Good thing you weren't." His voice had an odd tone to it and I looked up to see him looking at me. There was something behind his eyes but I couldn't tell what it was. After a couple seconds of awkward silence I managed a reply.

"Yeah." I wonder why he said that. I hadn't given any clue as to if I was caught or not. I looked out of the window as the car slowed to a stop in front of a small building.


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Chapter 1: This is really interesting! I couldn't help but squeal when Yoseob appeared xDD (he's my bias :DDD) keep up the awesome work! ^^
Chapter 17: wow your writing skills improve through the chapters ^^ Keep going your hard work FIGHTING !!
I'm looking forward an update soon
eun1mi #3
i love it :) hoping for the next chapp soon. <3
MelinaRose #4
Thank you iheartbeast and rawrimadinosaur! I'm sorry it takes me such a long time to update. Thank you all for bearing with me.
Niice story <3
MelinaRose #7
Hey guys *embarassed* I haven't worked on this story in a REALLY long time but I just started again today. I needed to have some idea of where it was going to go next and I just didn't know yet. Hopefully I will have the next part up soonish? I'm still crazy busy. Thank you for subscribing to all my new readers and welcome!<br />
I hope to have something for you in the near future.
Awwwwwww! Cute story! Luv it! Hope I see more hyunseung in the story! :) update soon ~ <3
Hi, I'm your new reader :) and I love this!!! xD I wish Alyse could have more scene with Hyunseung :P Please update soon <3