Heels,Hyunseung, Hands in my Hair

Thank the Cake (No Guarantee of End)

After a while, his eyes opened and the smile that you loved lit his face again. "Good morning."

You rested your head on his shoulder. "Good morning." you replied. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and sat up.

"What time is it? Someone must be wondering where you are."

"Oh, um..." No one would be looking. Everyone was gone for the weekend. "Shouldn't you worry about who will be looking for you? You were gone all night. Don't you think someone might have noticed?" He pulled his shirt back on and you were momentarily distracted as the fabric covered the perfect abs now hidden underneath. He didn't seem to notice and picked up his cell phone from the floor. Flipping it open, he dialed a number and waited for the person to pick up. You slid your legs off of the couch and looked for your sweatshirt. Oh that's right, you took it off when you were dancing. You looked down at your top and smiled to yourself. I won't want to stop wearing this shirt for a long time. It was one of your favorites; a black t-shirt with Hello Kitty outlined on it in white. You got up and slipped your knee-high converse back on. Signaling to Hyunseung that you would be right back you made your way to the practice room to grab your sweatshirt. You slipped it back on and patted down the layers of your fluffy skirt. It was purple except for the black edging where the tulle ended and you listened to the quiet rustling sound that it produced as you ran back to the dressing room. He was just finishing up his conversation when you walked in.

"Yeah. Yes. Mhmm. Okay I will. Thanks AJ." He hung up.

"Did you get in trouble?"

"Not yet, but we need to get out of here otherwise I likely soon will." He grabbed a hoodie that was nearby and pulled it over his head. You took your purse and followed him out of the room. The sun was just starting to shed its light and it filtered through the windows gently landing on your face. "If we come across anybody, try to hide your face."

He didn't want to be seen with you. It was understandable. I mean, you were just another person out there that...

"You heard what happened to Jonghyuns girlfriend when people found out about them right?"

"You mean boyfriend?"

"No, his fake girlfriend. She got all sorts of hate and unlike her, you are likable. I don't want you to get hurt."

Was he implying that if people saw us together that they would assume that we were going out?

"If it is ok, I hope to stay close to you and get to know you better in the future."

"You mean, like... You want to go out with me?" He blushed.

"Well considering last night that would be a logical conclusion." His face was turning redder.

Did he actually...no way, he couldn't... You stood with your mouth open just staring at him. Both his face and neck were red now. He rested a hand on the back of his neck and looked away. You took one step towards him and wrapped your arms around him. He jumped but then you felt his muscles relax and his arms were around you again. You both looked up suddenly as you heard voices coming down the hall. Hyunseung quickly pulled you into a closet with him and shut the door. You could feel his breath on your neck and you felt the warmth again. It was a small closet and there was no light. You both kept very quiet. There was barely enough room for one person let alone two and you were pressed so close to him that you could feel his heart beating. You would have leaned your head against his shoulder if it wasn't already there. You stood there for what seemed forever until finally he opened the closet door and peeked out.

"All clear." You nodded, still recovering from the trance his heartbeat had put you in. "I don't think you are going to be able to leave looking like that."

Your face scrunched up automatically. "What's wrong with this?" You said gesturing to your outfit.

"No, nothing is wrong with it, but if you come out of here as yourself someone could figure out that you spent the night here. The receptionist at least would have seen you."

"Oh, right. Well, I'm me what can we do to change that?"

"Follow me." he said, taking your hand. You had started to accustom yourself to the warmth that was brought to your hand when held in his. You smiled. I can't even imagine what my friend will say when I tell her about this. You ended up in another dressing room after a bit of walking. Hyunseung went over to a small rack of clothes and pulled something off of it. "No one will think anything of it if you leave here looking like you are from 4Minute." He held out a short black dress. You immediately could tell that it would hug your curves and you shivered in delight. You took it from his hands and studied the metal detailing on the front. The dress was ruched gently all the way up and three rows of distressed, metal, squares ran down to the smoother black strip at the bottom. It was what you had always dreamed of wearing and your eyes sparkled with excitement. "You have to hurry and change before someone comes." he said closing and locking the door.

"Where?" you said looking around for a curtain of some sort to change behind. You watched as his eyes searched the room.

"Normally there is a curtain." he said awkwardly.

Pulling off your shoes and socks you replied "Just turn around." You grinned as he turned red and stared at the floor before turning to face the door. A few minutes later you were in the dress. It was tight and you wiggled awkwardly as you adjusted it to stay put. So that's how they get these dresses to stay. The question is how do they move? You tested a step and wondered how the dress didn't go up when you walked. Quietly walking up behind him, you rested your chin on his shoulder. "Do I get shoes too?" He is really warm! How is he not sweating right now? You quickly withdrew as you were reminded of him last night. Maybe it is just warm in here. You stopped fanning yourself as he turned around.

Clearing his throat, he pointed to a shoe rack. "You can use any of the ones on the bottom."

You selected a pair of black, four inch heels that had criss-crossing straps adorned with chain that matched the color of the metal on your dress. "These?"

He nodded and shifted his gaze to the floor again as you sat down to put them on. You reveled in the feel the shoes gave you as you slipped the straps into place. My legs are going to look a mile long in these. You stood up and saw a basket of jewelry. The bracelet sitting on top matched the shoes perfectly and you quickly put it on. You turned around. "Is this ok?"

By the way his eyes widened you could tell that it was more than ok. Attempting to hide his expression, he quickly went over to the table and grabbed a black feathered comb. "We need to change your hair too." He barely managed to say.

You were quite happy with the affect your appearance was having on him. Suddenly his fingers plunged into your hair and your eyes immediately were half lidded. It was all you could do to not make any noise as he deftly twisted your hair up and pinned it in place with the comb. You can breathe. You can breathe. Unf! His hands are in my hair! You forced yourself to open your eyes normally. Who knew he could do hair? You stifled a happy noise and held yourself still.

Authors note:

Here is the outfit from the first chapter and the beginning of this one. :) Obviously the sweatshirt would be purple and not blue.


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Chapter 1: This is really interesting! I couldn't help but squeal when Yoseob appeared xDD (he's my bias :DDD) keep up the awesome work! ^^
Chapter 17: wow your writing skills improve through the chapters ^^ Keep going your hard work FIGHTING !!
I'm looking forward an update soon
eun1mi #3
i love it :) hoping for the next chapp soon. <3
MelinaRose #4
Thank you iheartbeast and rawrimadinosaur! I'm sorry it takes me such a long time to update. Thank you all for bearing with me.
Niice story <3
MelinaRose #7
Hey guys *embarassed* I haven't worked on this story in a REALLY long time but I just started again today. I needed to have some idea of where it was going to go next and I just didn't know yet. Hopefully I will have the next part up soonish? I'm still crazy busy. Thank you for subscribing to all my new readers and welcome!<br />
I hope to have something for you in the near future.
Awwwwwww! Cute story! Luv it! Hope I see more hyunseung in the story! :) update soon ~ <3
Hi, I'm your new reader :) and I love this!!! xD I wish Alyse could have more scene with Hyunseung :P Please update soon <3