The Plan

The Silent Pretty Boy

42 subscribers?? Thank you so much! And thank you for commenting, it really makes my day. Now I have to rewrite this chapter because when I was in the middle if adding it, my phone froze and lost it all. UGH!


You and Baro sat in the living room. Baro explained what happened when he and Luhan had gone out. About Chen and about Luhan running away.

"Maybe he dosen't want to go back to where he's from? He probably ran away or something.."


You were a little sad that he left your place. You didn't really realize you were attatched to him. Then you remembered when you two almost kissed. Wait I'm not falling in love with him am i? I can't! He's a big immature baby!! Maybe I just have a little crush because of how hot he is.

Just then, the door opened and your heart lept with joy. What the hell heart?

Luhan was standing at the door. He then ran to you and hugged you tight. Baro gave you a weird look. Then you realized Luhan began crying on your shoulder. Not crying, sobbing. You were surprised. He was usually happy and clueless but now he was sobbing uncrontrallably. You realized that he probably really really didn't want to go back to his own home.

You awkwardly patted his back.

"Err it's okay Luhan, it's okay"

He kept sobbing into your shoulder



Kris and the others had gathered into a dark alley. He was very dissapointed in Chen for not succsefully catching Luhan when he saw him. 

"But but I couldn't zap him with my power because there was a human there." Chen said, trying to defend himself.

"You should've zapped the human then." Kris heartlessly growled. 

"Man why can't we just get the stone from him and leave. It's not like we actually care about him." complained Xiumin. 

"Because he's the only one who can support the stone's power, . Can't you remember anything?" replied Lay.

"Isn't there any other power source?" Xiumin grumbled.

"Sure if we go all the way to Planet Mato. EXO Planet would already be dead by the time we're halfway there." 


Everyone sat there silently. Kris broke the silence. 

"You said the girl seems to know Luhan, Chen? "

"Yes Duizhang."

"Okay then. Lay!" he snapped. Lay stood up straight and faced his leader. 

"Go find out more about this girl. The rest of us will find someplace to stay overnight." Kris ordered. 

"What if Luhan was there?" 

"You won't be able to catch him anyways. I have a better way of catching him." 

With that, Lay left.



Lay peered in through the apartment's living room window. He gasped at what he saw. Woah, are they that close?  The girl was sleeping on Luhan's shoulder, almost fully sitting on his lap. Luhan gazed at her. Lay could see the affection in his eyes. Oh my god. Lay decided he's seen enough and left. 



"How can you find out so much if you were out for only five minutes!" grumbled Kris. They were all sitting in the hotel room they would be staying in.  

"I think I saw enough to know what's going on." Lay cleared his throat and continued. "It seems that Luhan is very attatched to the girl. I saw it in his eyes. And they were closely sitting together, almost as if they were on top of each other."

Kris grinned at the report. "That's what I wanted to hear." he then explained the plan to the others and they all nodded. 

"Tomorrow night, the plan would take place. That little girl will not even know what's coming." Kris evilly smiled.





Sorry this chapter kinda

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cynluhan #1
Chapter 16: Please update soon! :-)
evabecker #2
Chapter 16: Update soon! It is good. I love it. :)
exodaloosh #3
Chapter 16: Update soooooooooon
this story is AWSOME!!!!!!
gembong #4
Chapter 16: what!!??? you're not updating?
oooohhhh come kill us
Chapter 16: OMG! !!
KenzieHollingsworth #6
Chapter 16: Damn! Luhaaaaaann! Why don't you give me that ring instead and marry ME!!!????
Chapter 16: Sooo epic! Update soon!
xxBunnyxx #8
hey i'm a new subbie !! btw i'm loving your story !! Luhan is soo cute
I Love it MIKUBOM!!!! ITS Does not !!!!!!it's AWESOME,! :D xD UPDATE! UPDATE! PLEASE UPDATE!! I'm so pumped up with this story, can't wait for the next chapter! Pls update xD