Dirty and Grimy and Hungry

The Silent Pretty Boy

"Oof!!" you land hard  facedown on the hard school floor. Cruel laughter was heard from behind you, and you knew too well who it was laughing at you.

 "Ahahaha! Good one Micha!" 

"Way to show that who the boss is, Micha!" 

 You got up and dust your school uniform off and hurried out the door so you wouldn't be late for work. 

 "Yah! Sunhee! Where are you going? Gonna go tell on us?" shouted Micha from behind you.

You knew better than to tell on the school Quinka, Micha. Besides, you were used to being shoved and pushed around school. At least today wasn't that bad.

You hop onto your bike and pedal as fast as you could towards "Flower Cafe", the Cafe that your mom used to own before she died and handed it to your older cousin, Donghae.

"Ah, right on time Sunhee." Donghae watched you catch your breath and hurriedly put on your cafe uniform. 

"No need to hurry Sunhee, there's not that many costumers today... as usual..." he sighed and you looked around the tiny cafe warily. There was only one old man sipping coffee and reading the daily newspaper. You and Donghae hoped that more costumers would come, but everyday, less and less people came. Bigger and better cafes were popping up in the city and your cafe were no match for them. Money was tight and Donghae is trying so hard to afford college. He was thinking of even getting a second job. Even though Donghae was your cousin, you lived alone because Donghae wanted you to be independent in case something happened to him. Like what happened to your mom. 


Donghae's phone rang from his pocket. He pulled it out and quickly took off his apron and tossed you the keys of the cafe.


"I need to go to a job interview Sunhee. I'm leaving the cafe to you tonight. If there are no costumers before 9, you can go home early. Mianhe for leaving you, but this is really important. If i can get this, I maybe able to support you and pay for my college!"

You beamed at him. "Oh that's great oppa!! Good luck! Oh, and try not to be nervous okay?" 

He smiled back and gave you a quick hug before dashing out of the cafe. You sighed and began cleaning the counter. 

I really hope oppa will get that job. He needs to go to college!!

You were deep into your thoughts as you cleaned up around the cafe, for no new customers came but the old man was still there.

Before you knew it, it was 4:30 and the man quietly left. You decided to do homework on the counter so as you waited for any possible customers, you struggled on your math problems. You heard the door open and looked up. There was a boy wandering into the cafe looking left and right, up and down.  You stared at him curiously. He was all dirty and his hair looked like it hadn't been combed for days and his clothes had dirt all over them. He looked like he would freeze to death in the winter cold with his white short sleeved shirt and dirty sweatpants. He finally noticed you and stared at you with wide eyes, as if you were an alien. He approached you slowly until his hands rested on the counter and his face were inches from yours.  Woah he's a cutie. You backed away but he moved closer and closer.


"Err sir? Do you want to... order something?" You mumbled. He jumped back abruptly and then snatched something from his sweatpants pocket. It looked liked a tiny piece of paper that had been wrinkled into a ball, flattened, and into a ball again over and over. He slammed the crumpled paper onto the counter hard which made you jump in surprise. You picked up the piece of paper and examined it. There was something written on it. It took you a minute to decipher what it said; "L...u...h...a...n...?" you read, then looked up at the boy in front of you who was gazing at you again. 

"Is Luhan your name?" he nodded violently and you were sure that his head would fall off. You held his head and laughed, "Calm down, errr Luhan-ssi" 

He stopped moving his head and jerked your hands off of him and then he snatched the piece of paper up from the counter and ran out of the cafe. 

You scratched your head What the heck? He gave me his name and then all the sudden ran off. He didn't even order anything. You sighed for the umpteenth time today and continued your homework. The door bursted open a few minutes later and the boy, Luhan, came running back in. He screeched to a halt in front of the counter and gazed hungrily at the cakes and bread on display. 

"Do you want to order that?" 

He looked at you as if you were talking in gibberish.

"I said, would you like to buy-" pointing to the cakes "-one of these?"

He still looked at you weird. You crossed your arms impatiently. He gazed at the sweets again and you heard his stomach rumble loudly. He held on to his stomach with the most sorrow expression that you have ever seen on a person's face. That expression made you want to cry. Maybe he's poor. Maybe that's why he looks all dirty. Did he run away from his parents? Was he abandoned? 

"D-Do you have any money?" He looked at you again. Maybe he dosen't know what I'm saying. Maybe he speaks another language?

But it looked like he understood. He put his hands in his sweatpants pockets and flipped them inside out, reveaing that he had nothing except for that ittle piece of paper with his name. 

You finally understood that he was poor and you felt sorry for him so you took out a slice of strawberry cake and gave it to him on a plate with a fork. He gulped it down using his hands and finished it in less than a minute. You gawked at him. He glanced towards the display again and pointed to the rest of the strawberry cake. Well no costumers will buy it anyway. You gave him the rest of the cake and he quickly ate it all. Gosh, this kid acts like he hasn''t eaten in a month! He looks like he's underweight too... After a few more cakes and bread, you decided it was time to close up. You glance at Luhan, still eating. What do i do with him? It looks like he won't talk. It looks like he dosen't have a home. Should I take him to the police station so they can take care of him? I don't know how old he is anyway.. He looks like he can be 14! But I don't want him to end up in an orphanage or a boy's home or whatever. They treat kids horribly. 

"Luhan-sii..." You finally say after some thought. He looked up with wide eyes. At least I know his name and he knows his own name. 

"Luhan-sii, do you.. do you have anywhere to go?" He thought about it and then he shook his head. 

You sighed very deeply and then closed your eyes. You thought about just leaving him out in the street, but that seemed really cruel. You finally decided to take him home. Was it risky though? You knew Donghae was wary about boys, he wouldn't accept Luhan and you knew that. Should I let it be a secret? You looked at Luhan. I'll keep him a secret until something happens.

"Come on" you beckoned for the boy to come outside after you packed up the leftoever food that wasn't sold and your school stuff. He didn't want to come out so you grabbed his arm and dragged him out and locked up the cafe. He clung onto your arm tightly and you stared at him in surprise. Why is he clinging to me like that?? You couldnt get him off so it was hard to walk back to your bike. He saw the bike and instantly jumped on it and tried to pedal forwards but then fell off sideways. 

He whimpered and clung onto his head and held his scraped knee. 

"Omo! Luhan-sii! Gwenchana??!!??!!" You rushed to his aid but before you can help him he stood up quickly and grabbed your arm and then finally carried your petite body bridal style. Your jaw hung open in shock. 

"Luhan-ssi, put me down!" He then almost threw you onto the bike and you had to pedal forwards so you wouldn't fall off. He jogged right beside you. What a strange kid. He 's a hottie though.

You both got to your apartment. Luhan gazed up at the building. You parked your bike and dragged him inside of the building and headed to your apartment door. You opened it and looked at Luhan.

"Well, welcome to your new home."

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cynluhan #1
Chapter 16: Please update soon! :-)
evabecker #2
Chapter 16: Update soon! It is good. I love it. :)
exodaloosh #3
Chapter 16: Update soooooooooon
this story is AWSOME!!!!!!
gembong #4
Chapter 16: what!!??? you're not updating?
oooohhhh come on....you kill us
Chapter 16: OMG! !!
KenzieHollingsworth #6
Chapter 16: Damn! Luhaaaaaann! Why don't you give me that ring instead and marry ME!!!????
Chapter 16: Sooo epic! Update soon!
xxBunnyxx #8
hey i'm a new subbie !! btw i'm loving your story !! Luhan is soo cute
I Love it MIKUBOM!!!! ITS Does not !!!!!!it's AWESOME,! :D xD UPDATE! UPDATE! PLEASE UPDATE!! I'm so pumped up with this story, can't wait for the next chapter! Pls update xD