Because It's Still You

Behind You

Sorry if you already waited so long for this update. sorry!! I was busy with my water rocket project in school. I am going to face the water rocket competition (if I selected) on September 22 later. I also will participate on math and science competition on this month too! so many activities come in September with same time, so I have to divide my times to prepare for the competitions. I can only update this fic once in a week,but I don't promise I can update it every weeks. I hope you won't be upset, I really appreciate your patience during waiting the update of this fic. thank you so much!! and this is chapter 7, enjoy!


“Siwon-hyung....”, Kyuhyun’s eyes widen opened as Siwon hugged him tightly. He could feel the warmth from Siwon’s body. Siwon releases his hug but his left hand still wrapped around Kyuhyun’s back. Siwon stares Kyuhyun’s big eyes passionately, Kyuhyun looks at Siwon with his innocent face although his heart is beating so fast.

“(Is he going to kiss me?)”, Kyuhyun bites his lip. Siwon lift Kyuhyun’s chin gently.

“Kyuhyunnie...”, Siwon’s thumb rubs Kyuhyun’s lower lip. He blows his breath in front of Kyuhyun.

“Yes Siwonnie?”, Kyuhyun closed his eyes. He’s ready if Siwon will give him a kiss.

“CALL ME HYUNG!!!”, Siwon yells as he pushes Kyuhyun on chest. Kyuhyun startled, the failed kiss because he didn’t call Siwon’s name with hyung. ß no sense -_-


“Aish, it’s embarassing”, Kyuhyun puts as he takes a look at the photo when he kissed Siwon. He raises his hand onto his lips.

“He kissed me when I wanted to open the car door..”, he touches his lips. His other hand grabs another photo, the photo when Siwon embraced him and they smiled together to the camera. He stares Siwon’s eyes in the photo passionately, he closes his eyes. Kyuhyun presses his lips on Siwon’s lip in the photo. He kisses the photo passionately, imagines if the photo he kissed is really Siwon. He throws himself to the bed while his lips still kissing the photo.

“I love you.......”, Kyuhyun gasped.

“I love you too, Kyuhyunnie”

“Kyuhyun startled to hear the voice, he opens his eyes. He sees Siwon’s face in the photo wetted by his saliva


The bus stops suddenly, the passengers inside shaken. Kyuhyun bumps Siwon’s chest, Siwon catches Kyuhyun.

“Be careful!”, siwon said, his heart was beating so fast. Kyuhyun startled, his body touched Siwon’s body. He could sense Siwon’s heartbeats.

“Kyuhyunnie, closer.. the new passengers will enter”, Siwon’s hand wrapped Kyuhyun’s body so it can give little place for the passengers who just entered.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Siwon-hyung, your body is so warm.. it’s really comfortable to lean on your chest..

Kyuhyun heads up, he sees Siwon is staring his face, thei eyes meet.

“So..sorry!”, Siwon withdrew his hands. Kyuhyun blushed, looked away from Siwon.

“It’s so cold today”, said a man besides them, he blows his breath to his both hands and rubs them. Kyuhyun looks at the man, he’s surprised.

“Yesung-sshi?!”, Kyuhyun calls that man.

“Yes? Oh my! You’re Kyuhyuna right? Oh my God, it’s nice to see you again! How are you?”, that man smiles widely when he sees Kyuhyun.


“Aish why must I lost in this place with that stupid nerd, God?!”, Siwon bended down as he grumbled. Kyuhyun was insulted again.

“Uhhhhhhhh I said stop saying me stupid. Youuuuu!!! You think you’re not stupid too? failed in graduation test for 2 years!! What worse than it?!”, Kyuhyun said sarcastically. He never think to insult his friend but his mouth said it so fast. Siwon was pissed off.

“Yeah I admit it, but is my foolish bothering you? has my foolish made you get in trouble?! Ha? You can’t answer right?! It’s better than you, a whole people said you are really smart, you have high IQ but now I doubt it.. I never know there is a genius nerd who couldn’t distinguish letter B and letter G.. How stupid”, Siwon felt satisfied when he could reply.

“Youuuu, don’t backtalk! I hate youuuu!!!!!”, Kyuhyun’s tears rolled down his cheeks. He is speechless.


“Hey.. why you were not immidiately to escape? Why you even come here?!”, Siwon asked as he gasped.

“You don’t remember our promise? I promise that I won’t leave you include in every difficult times we have! I am afraid I must cut my finger if I break my promise.. your fault it my fault too!!!”, that innocent boy sweating.

“Kyuhyunnie....”, Siwon was touched.

“Hey why are you guys even talking?! Add movements to be 50 times more!!!”, the fierce teacher shouted.

“WHAAAT?!!!!”, Siwon and Kyuhyun are surprised.

“It’s your fault!! You shouldn’t ask me to speak!!”, Siwon blames Kyuhyun.

“But you were starting first!!!”, Kyuhyun yells.

“HEY, DON’T YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?!!”, the teacher turns his attention to the boys.


Chapter 7: Because It's still you


In the class...

Siwon and Kyuhyun are free from their punishment. Then they can continue studying in the classroom and sit on their seats each. The boys are very silent, no one dares to talk first.

Kyuhyun’s POV

I don’t dare to talk to Siwon-hyung. Is he still mad with me?

Kyuhyun pouts, he can only see Siwon’s back in front of him. Siwon is really tired after the punishment that he got. Actually, his heart is cursing Kyuhyun.

Siwon’s POV

That kid.. I really hate him.. he just makes it troublesome.. moreoever, why was I too stupid that I wanted join him taking bus to school? Aish.. I will never take bus with him anymore!!!

Siwon then digs up a piece of photo from his pocket. He is looking at the photo that was taken from the photo booth. Siwon giggles a little when he sees Kyuhyun’s face that was pouting his lips.

“(What is he seeing?)”, Kyuhyun tries to take a look at the thing that Siwon is looking at it now. But Siwon’s back block his stare.

Siwon’s POV

But was this photo I wanted to display it on the rack door.. so I can see his face everytime I open the rack... aish, what is that kid doing now? He sits behind me, I can’t see his face.. and..oh God what the heck I am even thinking about him?! Who wants to see this most ugly face in the world?!

Siwon rolled his eyes, he puts back that photo.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Aish, he has been put back that photo! Siwon-hyung, look back a little please! Ah I knew! If I ask him to lend me his eraser he will talk to me! Borrowing eraser is the easiest way to start conversation!

“Ehm, Siwon-hyung!”, Kyuhyun calls.

“(He calls me? What does he want? No, no I won’t let you to make me being punished again because chatting in class with you.. you want to prank me right? I’m not that stupid..)”, Siwon pretends not hearing Kyuhyun.

“Siwon-hyung!!”, Kyuhyun calls louder.

“....”, no reply from Siwon.

“Siwon-hyung, can I borrow your eraser? I forget to bring mine”, Kyuhyun said to the point.

“(Why must me who lend you eraser? Even you knew that you could borror it from your friend next to you right? Heh..)”, Siwon still doesn’t reply. his heart filled with suspicion

“Siwon-hyung, could you lend me your eraser please?”, Kyuhyun asks again nicely.

“If I treat him nice he will be risen then..) here”, Siwon throws his eraser to the back. His throwing hits Kyuhyun’s forehead.

“Ahh it hurts!”, Kyuhyun complains as he touches his forehead. He doesn’t like Siwon’s way lending him the eraser. Siwon startled, he didn’t know if the throwing hurted Kyuhyun.

“I act nice but you even treat me like this! Alright, you started it, I won’t be your friend anymore!!”, Kyuhyun scolded.

“You’re too stupid!! You should catch it earlier! Weak!!”, Siwon shouted back.

“It’s your fault! You’re supposed to apologize!”, Kyuhyun was offended.

“I lend you my eraser, you’re supposed to say thank you!!”

“Uhhhh here!! I don’t need your eraser!! I could buy thousand erasers if I want!!”, Siwon throws the eraser to the front, it hits Siwon’s forehead too.

“Aish...”, Siwon touches his forehead, it hurts a little.

“ you!!!”, Siwon mocked.

“HEY!!”, the teacher warns them. Siwon and Kyuhyun stop cursing each other.

“you both are very disobdient.. you came late and now making this class noisy. If you want to keep noising, get out from this class!!!”, the teacher stands up as he gets angry. The boys remained silent. The class is silent instantly. The teacher sits down again when the boys stop talking.

Kyuhyun sticks his tounge out to Siwon, Siwon was offended. He really wants to punch Kyuhyun’s face. The angered Siwon sits back facing forward.

“Kyuhyunnie what happened?”, Ryeowook whispers.

“That fierce man, he threw me with his eraser!”, Kyuhyun replies.

“Ah, your forehead becomes red”, Ryeowook notices the red mark on Kyuhyun’s forehead.

“Really? Aah my smooth face, it broke cause that fierce man!”, Kyuhyun quips  Siwon. Siwon gets angry when he hears Kyuhyun quips him self.

“Hey you! could you keep silent? Aish what a childish piggy boy, you have to realize your bad too! If you didn’t bring me to that wrong bus, it won’t be like this! I could go to school on time and I won’t  feel the punishment cause of your fault!!”

“You are very annoying! But I already apologize! Not like you who never apologize when you know you make fault!”

“Huh? What fault I made? Throwing you eraser? I only lend it but you just couldn’t catch it then it hitted you right? Now, what’s my fault?”

“Kyuhyunnie, don’t fight just because of eraser”, Ryeowook is calming his friend.

“But he is annoying!! He’s damn annoyer!! I hate him!! I hate him!!”, Kyuhyun is pointing toward Siwon.

Ryeowook’s POV

What makes they fight? They looked fine several days ago. And now he hates each other? What a... I can not let this happen again and again.

“Kyuhyunnie, calm down.. the teacher will warn you again if you still be like this..”, Ryeowook rubs Kyuhyun’s back.

“I HATE YOU, PIGGY BOY!!”, Siwon glared.

“Siwonnie, it’s alright.. don’t hear him, he will get tired automatically soon”, Heechul said gently. He scoots his chair nearer to Siwon’s place.

Heechul’s POV

Hahahaha, Kyuhyunnie and Siwonnie are fighting now.. yeah, it means I’ll be easier to get my Siwonnie back.. vacum of power!

“shut up!”, Siwon kicks away Heechul

“aaaah Siwonnie!!”, Heechul holds  his leg.

“Heechulie, are you okay? Oh that fierce man just hurted you? hey you, go apologize!”, Kyuhyun hasn’t satisfied yet to make fun of Siwon.

“Kyuhyunnieee, stop!! Ahem, sir!! They are very noisy! I can’t concentrate to study!!”, Ryeowook stands up and complains.

“You’re so stupid, you shouldn’t report them!!”, Heechul blames his brother.

“If I didn’t do it they won’t stop fighting”, Ryeowook glared.

“You heard that?! Your friend just complained about your noisy! Get out of my class now!!”, the teacher yells.

“Oh no, sir. Please, I promise I won’t make noise anymore!! Please, I still want to study, sir.. give me one chance”, Kyuhyun pleaded.

“Eat your fault!”, Siwon rolled his eyes.

“Hey you’re partly at blame too!!”, Kyuhyun shouted.

“SHUT UP!!!!!!”, the teacher screams.

[In the break time......]

Their relationship is getting worse. The class is almost empty during the break time. Siwon and Kyuhyun were given a two-fold task by the teacher. Kyuhyun finishes the task first.

“Here is your shirt, I’ve washed it”, Kyuhyun offers Siwon’s black shirt that he used to the church yesterday.

“Place it on my desk...”, Siwon answered without looking back.

“....”, Kyuhyun didn’t answer, he didn’t place it on Siwon’s desk too.

“Are you deaf or what? I said  put it on my desk!!!”, Siwon glared at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun is still standing next to him, then he drops the shirt to the floor.

“Hey!!!”, Siwon stands up. Kyuhyun places his foot on the shirt, then he steps on it.

“what are you doing?! Do you know how expensive is this? Aish...”, Siwon squeezed Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Kyuhyun struggled, Siwon was too strong. He didn’t release Kyuhyun.

“You.. you just made my life apart today.. do you realize how annoying you are?”, Siwon glared.

“uhh get me off!!!”, Kyuhyun struggles again. Siwon’s both hands pinch Kyuhyun’s cheeks harldly.

“Aish stop pinching meeee!!!!”, Kyuhyun screams.

“No until you stop stepping on my shirt”

“Uhhh you have to feel it too!!”, Kyuhyun then pinches Siwon’s cheeks too, Siwon slowly backwards as Kyuhyun pinches his cheeks harder with his nails. Kyuhyun is so angry, he doesn’t let off his hands. Siwon feels his cheeks so painful, he still backwards until he tripped over a fallen broom handle. Siwon lost his balance, he falls onto the floor. Kyuhyun then falls too on Siwon’s body. Distance between their faces only few inches. They both gasp as their eyes meet. Kyuhyun slowly releases his fingers from Siwon’s cheeks. Siwon’s left cheek was bleeding. Kyuhyun’s claw imprint into the wound.

Kyuhyun’s POV

It’s bleeding.. those scars, my fault.. I pinched him too hard..

Siwon sees drops of blood from his cheek.

“Si..”, Kyuhyun lost his brave to say sorry, he flees from Siwon’s body to the outside. He left Siwon alone. Siwon wakes from the floor, he touches his cheeks. He sees blood wetted his fingers.

Kyuhyun is running, he mantains his tears.

“Ugh!”, Kyuhyun bumps someone.

“Kyuhyunnie?”, Heechul startled. He is there with his twin, they are on their way to get back to the classroom. They find Kyuhyun’s face almost cry.

“Kyuhyunnie, what happened”, Ryeowook concerned.

“Sorry, leave me alone..”, Kyuhyun breaks through the twins.

“where are you going?!”, Heechul asked. Kyu didn’t answer, he kept running although he had no direction.

“What happened with him?”, Heechul knitted his forehead.

“Ah could it be he and Siwon have a fight again?”, Ryeowook guesses.

“Aish it must be that boy who starts first..”, Heechul rolled his eyes as he folded his hands.

“I think they just became worse! Let’s get back to the class, maybe Siwon is still there!”, Ryeowook grabs Heechul.

[In the class....]

“Siwonnieeee!!!”, the twins found out Siwon in the classroom. Siwon still sits on the floor, he froze. His eyes are vacant.

“Siwonnie, your cheek.. let’s go to school health unit!”, Heechul was so concerned he wipes the blood on Siwon’s cheek with a tissue.

“Leave me alone!”, Siwon shouted, actually it really feels sore when the tissue touched his cheek.

“Siwonnie, we can’t let this.. how if the infection happens? C’mon, I’ll take care for the scar”, Heechul gives his hand to help Siwon to stand up. Siwon puts his had on Heechul’s palm. Heechul gives his sweet smile. He holds Siwon’s hand warmly as they walk to the health unit.

“Have a seat here..”, Heechul pulls a chair for his ex-lover. He is looking for the medical kit, after he found it he takes a wound plaster.

“I took the ninja turtles pattern one, your favorite cartoon right?”, Heechul smiles as he sticks the plaster on the scar.

Siwon’s POV

He.. I don’t know why but I feel like I am back to the moment when we were lovers.. he always gave his sweetest smile only for me.. but Kyuhyunnie, okay before the fight happened I admit if I had a little crush on him.. but...

“you still remember it?”, Siwon asked. Heechul finished sticking the plaster.

“of course, Siwonnie.. how could I forget your favorite things?”, Heechul takes a seat in

front of him. Siwon remained silent.

“Siwonnie, do you want to start all over again?”, Heechul puts his hands on Siwon’s wrist.

“Hee..”, Siwon startled.

“Siwonnie, I knew it was all my fault and I am so sorry.. during this time, I..I still love you. and since the day we broke up, I felt like.. I lost half of my soul.. then I realize there’s no one can replace you on my heart.. so, let’s start it again?”, Heechul nearer his face against Siwon’s face. Siwon froze.

Siwon’s POV

But why? Why you came back when I already falled for someone else? I don’t know....

“Siwonnie, i miss you...”, Heechul starts to kiss Siwon. Siwon doesn’t move.

Kyuhyun finally got tired after running from Siwon. he’s desperately for breath. Kyuhyun passes the school health unit, the door isn’t closed. He takes a look inside. His heart was sank to see Siwon is kissing with Heechul. His tears rolled down his cheeks, he can’t stand to see it all. He runs away from that room.

Actually what Kyuhyun saw was not right..

“Ahem..”, Siwon refused then he stood up.

“Siwonnie?!”, Heechul opens his eyes. Siwon prepares to leave.

“But..thank you for the plaster”, Siwon left the health unit.

“Siwonnie!!!”, Heechul calls, Siwon doesn’t hear him.

Heechul becomes upset.

“Ryeowookie, Siwonnie didn’t answer..”, Heechul complains.

“He didn’t answer? Hmm sometimes silence means agreed”, Ryeowook replies.

“Really? Are you sure? Aaaahh does it mean we’ll be dating again?!”, Heechul is so excited.

“tch I said sometimes!! Not always!! but most importantly we have to reconcile Siwon and Kyuhyun first!”

“Why are you so concerned with them? You know that they are not real friends right? Like what I said, Siwonnie is only using him..”

“But we can’t let they fight continously! It’s not only bad for them but for us too! One class can be punished just because of their fight!”, Ryeowook said wisely.

“Yeah, that's right enough..”, Heechul nods.

“I have an idea!”

[After class...........]

Outside, it’s raining again. even more rapidly than before. Kyuhyun is going to change his school shoes to his own shoes.

“Where are my shoes?!!”, Kyuhyun is very astonished when he can’t find his shoes in the rack at all.

“You lost your shoes? Ha-ha-ha”, Siwon is teasing Kyuhyun as he opens his rack. Then he changes his school shoes.

“You hide my shoes don’t you?! i know you hate me but don’t hide my shoes like this!!! Uhhh where are my shoes now?!”, Kyuhyun gets angry, he accused Siwon as the culprit.

“don’t carelessly accuse!! I don’t hide your shoes!!”, Siwon defends himself.

“You are liar!! You hide them right?! Give me back my shoes or I’ll scratch you until the skin all over your face ripped!!”, Kyuhyun pulls Siwon’s shirt collar.

“I don’t hide them!! I was only in the class whole day, how could I hide your shoes?!”, Siwon glared as he pushed Kyuhyun on chest. Kyuhyun remained silent, he thinks what Siwon said was right.

“stupid..”, Siwon insults that boy, then he leaves Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun puts, he’s very upset because sudden;y he lost his shoes.

“What?! Why did they even fight again? Aish..”, Ryeowook complains, actually Kyuhyun’s shoes not really lost. But he hides it in the auditorium. He thought if Siwon heard Kyuhyun’s shoes suddenly lost, he would help Kyuhyun to find that lost shoes. If that happens Ryeowook will give the clue where the shoes are so Siwon and Kyuhyun will cooperate to search the shoes. Then their relationship will be better. Well, that’s all what is on Ryeowook’s plan.

“I’ve told you, it’s useless!!”, Heechul stamped his foot.

“Heechulie, get hold on Siwon don’t let him going home first!!”, Ryeowook thinks hard.

“Aaah Ryeowookie, how if you stop your plan? Just tell the truth to Kyuhyunnie! I just got a chance to go home with Siwonnie now!”, Heechul doesn’t want to do his brother’s plan.

“Heechulie, please!! For the sake of our friend!”, Ryeowook pleaded.

“uhh Ryeowookie, I want to go home with Siwonnie!!”, Heechul rebels.

“Heechulie!! Traitor...”, Ryeowook has no idea. Heechul decides to leave his brother and going home with Siwon.

“Siwonnie, let’s go home together! I don’t bring my bike today, we can take a cab! Would you go shopping first?”, Heechul crosses his hand around Siwon’s arm.

“Leave me alone!”, Siwon declines.

“Come on, Siwonnie.. we haven’t done it for long time..”, Heechul coaxes. Siwon then looks at Kyuhyun who is still standing in front of the student racks. Kyuhyun looks at them jealously, his heart really hurts.

Siwon’s POV

That kid really made me annoyed when he were holding hands with the weird strager in the bus this mornig.. you have to know how hurt my feelings!

“Alright, let’s go then..”, Siwon smirks as accepts his ex lover. Kyuhyun’s heart broken to see his crush is going on date with his friend. Ryeowook never thought that it will happen like this. He walks toward Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyunnie, what happened?”, he asked. He pretends not knowing about the shoes he hides.

“My shoes........gone....(and also Siwon-hyung)”, Kyuhyun cries.

“Kyuhyunnie, let’s search it..”, Ryeowook rubs Kyuhyun’s back, to make him calmer.

“I don’t know why they are gone.. the last time I saw them, they were still here...”, Kyuhyun sobs.

“Alright, let’s search them” Kyuhyun then agrees, he is accompanied by Ryeowook to search his shoes. They enter every rooms but they can’t find that pair of shoes. Ryeowook still keeps it as secret. When Kyuhyun is still searching his shoes in the classroom, Ryeowook looks down the window. It’s still raining, he doesn’t see any students on the yard.

“Kyuhy—eh? Where is he?”, Ryeowook startled, he doesn’t see Kyuhyun at all in the classroom.

“Stupid.. I am very stupid... I took wrong bus, I was punished by the PE teacher, I must did a two-fold task because I made noise in the class, and now..... I lost my shoes... eomma must be so angry..”, Kyuhyun is crying all the way to the main door. He only wears his black socks. He already gave up to search his shoes. Kyuhyun opens his bag to take his umbrella but h can’t find it at all. Then he recalls the time when he was in the wrong bus.

“aaaah I forgot to bring back my umbrella!! Aaah I am very very stupid!!”, Kyuhyun falls onto the floor. He cries louder, as loud as he can’t cry anymore.

“Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun’s mouth suddenly mention that name, he actually hopes Siwon will come and make himself calmer. Then he turns his face to the see-through main door. The rain is very heavy until he can’t see the field clearly. But his eyes find someone with 2 umbrellas just entered the gate and he is heading to the main door. Kyuhyun wipes his tears as the figure runs closer to the main door, he feels like he reonigzes the person who is opening the door now.

“Kyuhyuna!! Fortunately, you aren’t home.. the rain is very heavy today, what a cold today..”, that guy puts off the umbrella that he used before.

“Yesung-sshi..”, Kyuhyun is surprised, he stands up.

“I just came here to give this.. you left your umbrella in the bus. I am in the break time from the college so I could come here”, Yesung smiles sweetly as he gives Kyuhyun’s umbrella. Kyuhyun is impressed to see someone gives his smile to him when he feels like he’s the most stupid person in the world. He begins crying again, he hugs Yesung.

“Kyuhyuna? Why?”, Yesung blushes.

“”, Kyuhyun sobs, he still wants to be in Yesung’s embrace.

“Kyuhyuna, why are you crying? I can’t stand to see your cute face becomes sorrow because of your tears”, Yesung faces Kyuhyun, he presses his both hands on Kyuhyun’s cheeks.

“”, Kyuhyun answers.

“(Aish..what the -_- I think you was touched with my effort to come here just for visiting you) but how can this happen?”, Yesung wipes every tears that dropped from Kyuhyun’s eyes with his thumbs.

“I don’t...*sobbing*...k..know.. ..not f..find the rack.. it’s gone”

“Kyuhyuna, don’t cry (if the shoes lost in the school, they must be still in the school too. But I don’t have many times to search them, it won’t take short times. But he ca’t go home with no footwears like this..)”, Yesung releases his hands, he kneels down in front of Kyuhyun.

“Yesung-sshi..”, Kyuhyun down his head to see what Yesung does. Yesung suddenly takes off his shoes he wore one by one, then he grabs Kyuhyun’s right foot and he fits it with his right shoe. He does the same thing to the left foot. Siwon and Heechul had just come down the stairs, they stop when they see Yesung is fitting his shoe for Kyuhyun. Siwon froze, Heechul looks at Siwon’s eyes. He can find resisment on Siwon’s eyes.

“Let’s go home”, Yesung stands up then he grabs his old friend. Kyuhyun doesn’t move.

“Yesung-sshi.. but I wear your shoes, it means you will....”, Kyuhyun’s eyes filled with tears.

“No problem, you need them..  you are a student, every student must keep their neat”, Yesung smiles.

“Yesung-sshi, but the streets are muddy outside! Your socks will get dirty”

“it’s okay, just wear them until you reach home”, Yesung said gently, then his steps bring him go outside the school building. Yesung puts on Kyuhyun’s umbrella.

“I know you can’t ever open umbrella yourself right?”, Yesung teases.

“Yesung-sshi!!”, Kyuhyun pouts.

“So, how was your school today?”, Yesung makes small talk.

“Awful.. really awful.. I took wrong bus then I had to wait another bus to get back, I got punished by the teacher because I came late, then.... I..had fight with my friend”

“Yeah, really awful.. If I were you, I wouldn’t dare to still attend the class when I knew I would come late”

“Yeah..”, Kyuhyun sighs.

“Your friend.. is he still mad with you after you brought him to that wrong bus?”

“Still...and now he hates me. Whereas, I’ve apologized many times”

“He won’t hate you. it will be better soon”

“he will, and it won’t be better anymore. Now he has new lover and he will forget me soon”

“Lover? How can you know it?”

“Yes!! His lover is my buddy! If they aren’t lovers, they won’t have been kissing in front of me!!”

“Are you sure they were really kissing?”

“Yeah, their faces are so close. I saw it!”, Kyuhyun gets angry.

“Then why do you look so upset?” Kyuhyun stops his step, he asks himself about Yesung’s question.

“Do you love him?”, Yesung asks again.

“I...I.. (I love him!!!)”, Kyuhyun stammered.

“Sssssh, your feelings about him must be a secret!”, Yesung covers Kyuhyun’s lips with his pointer finger.

“Uhh Yesung-sshi your question is not important enough to discuss! Who wants to love a fierce guy like him? Ewww..”, Kyuhyun’s face becomes red. Mind and mouth say different.

“Oh okay, it’s okay.. would you like if I take you home today?”

“Yes, Yesung-sshi!!! Oh my God, you are my best buddy ever!!”, Kyuhyun jumps happily.

“It’s actually because I’m afraid you’ll take wrong bus again!”, Yesung’s laughter bursted.

“Wuuuu Yesung-sshi, you are so mean!”, Kyuhyun pouts.

“Hahahahahaha, you are very funny! You couldn’t distinguish letter B and G! It’s very funny!!”, Yesung can’t control his laugh.

“You do the same with Siwon-hyung! Nasty!”, Kyuhyun sulks.

“Ooh my Kyuhyuna, don’t sulk. I am only kidding, forgive me?”

“No!”, Kyuhyun refuses, he’s offended.

“Kyuhyunaaa..”, Yesung gives a nudge.

“Nooooo!! I won’t forgive you!!”, Kyuhyun sped up his step.

“No? But I’ll make you forgive me”, Yesung tickles Kyuhyun’s tummy. Kyuhyun’s laughter bursted, he tickled.

“Uh..ahahahahahaha Yesung-sshi!! Uhhh!!”, Kyuhyun struggles.

“Forgive me or not?”, Yesung smirks.

“Ahahahaha!!! stop  it ahhhh!!!”, Kyuhyun still doesn’t forgive Yesung.

“Forgive me or not?”, Yesung tickles his friend faster.

“Hahahaha Yesung-sshi..hahahahaha..I forgive you!!” as Yesung promised, he stops tickling Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun gets tired after laughing so hard. The boys are waiting for the bus.

“Kyuhyuna, do you miss your previous school?”, Yesung asked.

“Yes, I really miss it! I miss all my friends and all teachers so much!”, Kyuhyun answered excitedly.

“So do I, I remember, we used to go to school together by riding bicycle. If the rain came like this, your father always took me going to school together with you in a car. What a sweet moments..”, Yesung smiles as he remembers his high school moments.

“Ah Yesung-sshi, do you still remember the time when we were desperate to skip school only for playing video games? My parents got angry because of it!”

“Oooh I know, I remember! Ahahahaha, my parents got angry too! They even didn’t want to give allowance for a month! Then finally, every break times, you used to share your lunch box with me!”, Yesung laughes.

“Ahahahaha Yesung-sshi, actually my parents did the same thing too! So since that time, they only gave me a little allowance and they replaced it with lunch box from home! Yesung-sshi, actually you looked like a beggar when you asked for my lunch”, Kyuhyun teases.

“because anyway your lunch was very delicious, ehm Kyuhyuna do you want to make me a bento again? But only for me!”, Yesung orders.

“Ummm.. you won’t tickle me again if I say no right?”

“Does it mean you will say no?”

“Actually I can’t cook anything, my mother who always cooks my lunches everyday”, Kyuhyun answered innocently.

“Oh so far?! But you always claim that you cook your own lunch!”, Yesung startled.

“who told you to trust me?”, Kyuhyun sticks his tounge out.

“Ah you.. this is public scam! Tch, Kyuhyuna still no different than the first!”



In a departement store......

“Siwonnie, which one is the best?”, Heechul shows two different tops. Siwon doesn’t respond, he turns his face to the other side.

Siwon’s POV

What is that kid doing now with that ugly stranger? Uhh no one can take him besides me! I can’t stay here with Heechul or I’ll be getting back into our past!!

“Siwonnie?”. Heechul calls again.

“It’s up to you.. both are good, just buy both”

“Oh really? You are right, if that’s what you choose I’ll take both!”, Heechul smiles as he inserts the clothes into the shopping bag. Then Heechul continues hunting clothes in the store, Siwon is following behind him. He finds a rack of couple shirts.

“Siwonnie, look at this!”, Heechul grabs Siwon’s hand.

“See, do you want to wear these couple shirts with me?”, Heechul asked.

“Are you crazy? it’s supposed to be for straight couple! Even you were female I wouldn’t wear this shirt with you!”, Siwon disgusted.

“Nobody cares with straight or not straight, you also used to be my boyfriend right?”

“We are not couple!! And never!!”

“Why Siwonnie? Look at this, this printing is only shape heart. You wear the half shape and I wear the half too!! And we will make an united heart!”, Heechul forces to but the shirt couple he mentions.

“No!! Just wear that with Ryeowook!”

“Aaaah why are you always declining me? How if Kyuhyunnie who asks you to wear these couple shirts with him?”, Heechul tests. That question makes Siwon thinks hard.

“Aish you are very annoying, you already took so many clothes. Is your wardrobe enough to accomodate them? You’re so wasteful. Hurry up, go pay them! I wanna go home”, Siwon decides to forget Heechul’s question.

“Siwonnie...”, Heechul pouts. He really wants the couple shirts.

“what are you doing? Go pay to the cashier!”, Siwon glared.

“Okay.. but wait me!! Don’t leave me!!”, Heechul is going to pay the clothes he chose.


[Kyuhyun’s home.......]

Kyuhyun has arrived in front of his house with Yesung.

“Yesung-sshi, I am afraid eomma would yell at me.. I lost my shoes..”, Kyuhyun doesn’t dare to open the gate.

“Don’t worry, Kyuhyuna. Just tell the truth”, Yesung replies.

“But eomma surely will nag at me!”

“I am with you. we tell the truth, your mother will be more upset if you are not honest”, Yesung opens the gate, he holds Kyuhyun’s hand all the way to the house door.

“Yesung-sshi!!!”, Kyuhyun cold sweating, he held Yesung’s hand that is going to open the door.

“I am home...”, Kyuhyun’s voice trembled when the door already opened. His mother is waiting for him in the living room.

“Good afternoon, aunty”, Yesung bows. He’s still in the outside, his feet are dirty he’s afraid they will make the floor dirty too.

“Good afternoon, oh Yesung!! It’s been a long time no see”, Mrs. Cho forced to greet Yesung nicely, actually she wants to have private talk with her son.

“How are you, aunty?”, Yesung smiles.

“aunty is fine, thank  you. and Kyuhyunnie, you are being to go home Yesung. Where is Siwonnie?”, Mrs. Cho suddenly mentions that name. Kyuhyun startled.

“Ehm.. I just happened to meet Yesung-sshi in the bus, so I go home with him (why is eomma asking about Siwon-hyung?)”, Kyuhyun answered nervously.

“Ooh I see.. and your shoes?”, Mrs. Cho quips about the lost shoes.

“Ah aunty, Kyuhyun unitentionally lost his shoes when he was going to go home. He didn’t do anything, when wanted to change his school shoes, he just couldn’t find them at all. Maybe there’s prankster who hides them”, Yesung explains the truth, he helps Kyuhyun who is speechless.

“What he said is right.. Eomma forgive me”, Kyuhyun pleaded.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Eomma is so different, I am sure she already knew about my fight with Siwon-hyung and about that lost shoes..

“It’s okay, no prankster who hides your shoes. So you don’t wear any footwear all they way to home?”, Mrs. Cho said coldly.

“Yesung-sshi lends me his shoes”, Kyuhyun doesn’t dare to stare his mother’s eyes.

And then.......

Mrs. Cho starts talking to his son after Yesung left. Mrs. Cho felt so embarassed because his son already bothered almost all his friends today.

“Eomma forgive me...”, Kyuhyun miserably.

“Kyuhyunnie, before you came, your friend.. ah I forgot his name. He came here and returned your shoes. He admitted that he hid your shoes because he wanted to reconcile your relationship with Choi Siwon. Okay, he already explained his reason why he did that but I think it’s no problem. And what I want to say to you, what makes you fight with Siwon?”, Mrs. Cho asked.

“It’s because of me.. when I was waiting for the bus, Siwon-hyung came and he said he wanted to take bus to school with me. But I even brought him to the wrong bus, we lost in the place that I didn’t know its name. Then finally we could get back to the school but it was too late. We caught coming late to school, Siwon-hyung and me were punished to push up more than 50 times.. maybe because of it, Siwon-hyung was mad with me. In the class, I made trouble too. Because I was easily offended, whatever Siwon-hyung did to me was always I think wrong”, Kyuhyun admits his guilt.

“Kyuhyunnie, has eomma taught you about manners? You called him hyung, it means he is older right?”

“But I’ve apologized!! He didn’t want to forgive me!!”, Kyuhyun defends himself.

“Kyuhyunnie, a man shouldn’t be easily offended, if  you’re guilty you have to accept it. Don’t backtalk when other advices you. it’s impolite. Did you apologize nicely? Or while saying harsh words?”

“(I did that because I wanted him to notice me)”, Kyuhyun bowed in shame.

“You just know him for several days right? I know he is a friend who fits with you but does not mean you can do anything you want to him. Everyone has feelings too. You must learn to be more mature, keep a cold head in difficult situation”

“Yes, eomma. I get it..”, Kyuhyun nods. He becomes bored because he was scolded by his mother.

“Great if you already understood. You have math exam tomorrow right? Go to your room and study!” Kyuhyun takes deep breath then he leaves his mother. He enters his room, he is pouting his lips. He sat on his studying table and starts to open his math book. He can’t focus, he turns his face to the bed behind him. He sees a piggy doll from Siwon on it. He gets off from the chair to take the doll.

“Siwon-hyung is right.. I am only stupid piggy boy”, Kyuhyun insults himself as he stares the doll.

“Kyuhyunnie, I still have problem with mathematic, moreover we are going to face math daily exam on Tuesday right? could you teach me again tomorrow?”, Siwon asked. Kyuhyun didn’t hear him, he was deep in thought.

“Kyuhyunnie? Ah I knew, you’re too lazy to give me the lesson right? I get it, I get it.. but Kyuhyunnie please I really need your help.. ehm, how if I treat you cheese cake again to reward you?”, Siwon coaxes. He nudges Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun remebered with Siwon’s demand yesterday.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Tomorrow.. the math exam is tomorrow! Siwon-hyung said he still had problem with it! We’re supposed to study together after class but I forgot it! but today he was very grumpy at me, aish....eomma said I must be more mature! I shouldn’t grudge even he remains cold toward at me!

Kyuhyun looks outside the window, it’s still raining but not too heavy. He quickly entered his math books into the bag, he takes a raincoat from the closet and wear it immediately.

“Eomma, I’m going for a while!!!”, Kyuhyun gets out from his room and runs toward the garage.

“Kyuhyunnie, where are you going?! You’re supposed to study now!”, his mother chases him.

“I want to study together with Siwon-hyung! Bye!”, Kyuhyun takes his bicycle quickly and he’s out his house.

“Kyuhyunnie!!!”, his mother calls her son. Kyuhyun already left his house, his mother takes deep breath.

“Why all of sudden he wants to study together with Choi Siwon? he said they were fighting right?”, his mother scratches her hair.


Kyuhyun is on the way to Siwon’s mansion. Actually he only ever visited Siwon’s mansion once, he didn’t really remember the route to get there. But he still remembered Siwon’s mansion is in the real estate near his school.

“Where is it?”, Kyuhyun already circling in that real estate for more than 10 times. He couldn’t find Siwon’s mansion located, every houses really looked alike. Suddenly he hears bump voice behind him. He looks back.

“Aish, I fall again..”, a guy falls from his bike. Kyuhyun approaches him, he helps that guy to stand up his bike.

“Siwon-hyung?!”, Kyuhyun startled.

“Why..why are you here?!”, Siwon’s face becomes red.

“Siwon-hyung, you said you can’t ride bicycle”, Kyuhyun knits his forehead.

“Aish, you caught me...”, Siwon rolled his eyes.

“are you learning to ride a bike?”, Kyuhyun asks again. Siwon remained silent, he tries to ride his bicycle again. He pedals it, but was not three feet yet, he lost his balance and falls again.

“Siwon-hyung, be careful!!”, Kyuhyun follows Siwon.

“Leave me alone!!”, Siwon shouts. Kyuhyun then keeps silent.

“You’re right.. I am learning to ride a bike now, satisfied?”, Siwon finally confesses.

“But why in the rain?”

“Because in the rain the streets become deserted, no child would laugh at me because I can’t ride a bike!”, Siwon felt embarassed. Not long after Kyuhyun’s laughter bursted.

“Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! You are very funny!!”, Kyuhyun laughes so hard until he drops his tears too. He even forgets if he just had fight with Siwon in the school. Siwon pouts, Kyuhyun can’t control his laughter. He laughes until he falls down to the street.

“You...”, Siwon blushes.

“hahahahahahaha..ahh..”, Kyuhyun almost gets tired. But when he sees Siwon is pouting his lips Kyuhyun laughes again. Siwon is staring at Kyuhyun. Seeing Kyuhyun laughes makes him wants to laugh too.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!!”, Siwon’s laughter bursted. He didn’t know why but his mind told him to laugh. The boys are laughing together under the rain. They looked like 2 crazy persons on the street.




Thanks for reading! Sorry if I cut the last part here, I’ll update soon :)


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Chapter 1: They're so cute togetherr~
Eonni when are you going to update? I love your fic <3 I'll be waiting!! ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 8: Kyu don't accept da girl, you're only for Siwon.. ^^
Chapter 3: Wow this chapter is cute and your drasing is amazing! (*^o^*)
Chapter 2: I'm a new reader and your fic is amazing! How come I read this only in 2015 -_- thanks for sharing a good story ♡
Your story is really great. I really like the way Kyu is. He is cutest.
Chapter 13: Please update soon!! I really love this story to death!!!
Chapter 13: What a turning event! I can't believe Siwon cut off his pinky :(
And Kyu is smoking? aaaaah they need to talk it out!
I'm curious to know what the hell is going on between Siwon and Yesung! Aiiich hope nothing that will hurt Kyunnie :(

Update soon! ^^
Saravy #9
Chapter 13: Siwon is a lot more mature now, too bad Kyu isn't.^^

So is Siwon really missing his pinky? And what are Yesung and Siwon up to? Hmmm, please update soon so we can find out. ^^
Chapter 13: Yaaaaaaaaay an update ^^finally ..
Oh I was soooo mad at Siwon (dont ask me why )he was so calm I dont know he just annoyed me ...but them his finger oh my god Siwoonie T^T you didnt have to do it ..and mmmmmmmm oh right there is the new characters Donghae LOOOOOOL he is soooooo prev kekekeke oh and what the hell Yesung is doing with Siwon and and where is Heechul..I have a bad feeling about him *worried*

update soon please thought u will not hehehe & thanks....saraneh^^