Thank you, Siwon-hyung!

Behind You

Sorry for so long update-_- actually this chapter is not new, I’ve made the 3rd and 4th chapter of Behind You and I updated them a week ago but I don’t know why they are gone!!! I almost cry when I couldn’t access AFF and the next day I found only 2 chapters in my fanfic! Damn it, so I retype the 3rd and 4th chapter. But the i can see from bright side, I have a chance to correct the mistakes in the previous chapters and I change the story a little. Keep patient for you that have the same problems like me! Fight! Alright, this is the 3rd chapter of Behind You!!!


Siwon’s POV

This kid.. he just made my life back.. well, he’s cute enough.. that big eyes, that thick eyelashes, that red lips.. I, I can’t stand..

Siwon holds Kyuhyun’s hand. Kyuhyun startled. His left hand raises Kyuhyun’s chin. Suddenly, he presses a kiss on Kyuhyun’s lips.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Si...Siwon-hyung?! Is it only my imagination’s real!! I can feel Siwon-hyung’s lips on my lips.. hmmm...his lips taste like chocolate.. My first feels so good!

Their kiss got deeper when the sunset comes.


“Kyuhyuuuun!! It’s almost 6 PM and he isn’t home!”, Mrs. Cho is so worried about his son.

“I’ve called his school but they said that all students already went home!”, said Mr. Cho

“It’s your fault! If you give Kyuhyun a cell phone, we can call him anytime! How if there’s a bad person who wants to kidnap him? Kyuhyuuun...”, Mrs. Cho starts crying.

“Hey, hey calm down! I’ll search him!”, Mr. Cho wears his coat, he goes outside to search his son.

[Siwon’s Mansion]

“you haven’t found him?! How stupid you are!”

“My apologize, ma’am. But I’ve searced him everywhere but I couldn’t find him..”

“Search him now! Don’t go home until you find where is Choi Siwon!!!”

“Al..alright, ma’am!”, the driver left.

Siwon’s stepmother’s POV

Choi Siwon.. what a bad kid.. today supposed to be your engagement day with Kim Heechul but you didn’t come.. You fled with that bike and I don’t know where are you now.. how dare you.. well, I’ll try to call him once more..


“It’s okay, Heechulie. Don’t be sad.. We can delay this engagement day to another days..”, Ryeowook calms down his twins.

“I only want Siwonnie!! I only get married with him!! But he didn’t come today! He left me!! How if the reason why he didn’t appear today because he had a date with someone else??”, Heechul is crying. He feels disappointed because Siwon didn’t come to heir engagement day this afternoon.

“Calm down, Heechulie.. He won’t do that! Siwon never cheat on you!”

“Ryeowook is right. Siwon only loves you.. don’t worry, Siwon won’t marry anyone besied you my son..”, said the twins’s mom while driving her car.

“I know that...”, Heechul smirks.


They are making out in the park. Kyuhyun allows Siwon’s tounge to enter his mouth. They do french kiss. They both gasping. They can feel their hearts beating so fast.

Suddenly, Siwon’s phone rings. Siwon and Kyuhyun release their kiss. Siwon reaches his phone in his pants pocket. Kyuhyun touches his wet lips.

Kyuhyun’s POV

What did I do? Siwon-hyung and I....we kissed?! But we’re both men! What does it mean? How stupid I am, I let that guy to kiss me? He stole my first kiss!! Siwon-hyung stole it!! Ah... my head feels so dizzy..

“Aish, that evil woman...”, Siwon rejects his stepmother’s calling. His face becomes red to see Kyuhyun in front of him.

“So..sorry..I..I..”, Siwon is hard to explain the reason why he kissed his friend.

“Siwon-hyung....”, Kyuhyun is going to faint.

“Kyuhyuun!!!”, Siwon catches Kyuhyun on his arm. Siwon touches Kyuhyun’s forehead.

“So warm.. you got fever.. Hey you wake up! Wake up!”, Siwon pats Kyuhyun’s cheeks.

“Youuuu!!! Why did you faint in this time?! It’s impossible for me to leave you here..I must bring you to your home.. aah, I don’t know wheree!!!”, Siwon grumbles. He wants to punch Kyuhyun, but he pauses his punch. He stares Kyuhyun’s face.

“You are cute...”, Siwon smiles. Siwon takes deep breath. He opens Kyuhyun’s bag, he wants to find Kyuhyun’s student card so he can know Kyuhyun’s address.

“I look like a thief when I am doing this...”, Siwon is still searching. Finally, he can find the student card in Kyuhyun’s pencil case.

“Orchid Street... where is it?”, Siwon thinks hard.

“Aah nevermind, fortunately I still remember the way that we passed to this park.. I hope there will be someone who wants to help me to find this address..”, Siwon carries Kyuhyun on his back. His right hand leads Kyuhyun’s pink bicycle.

“Humph, I wonder if I can ride bicycle...”

Siwon and Kyuhyun are leaving the park. The snow is falling from the sky. Siwon stops, he releases Kyuhyun’s from his back. He kneels on the road to take off his coat. He covers Kyuhyun’s body with his coat.

“You must be so tired... you brought me to this save me from that evil woman... thanks..”, Siwon stands up, he carries Kyuhyun on his back after covering Kyuhyun with his coat. Not long after, Siwon has to climb the ascent that they went by from the school. Siwon takes deep breath.

[in the middle of the ascent...]

“Aaaarrgghhh, you are so heavy!!”, Siwon complains. His body shivers because of the cold snow. He feels pain in his back.

“Siwon-hyung....”, suddenly Kyuhyun makes a voice. Siwon looks back, Kyuhyun isn’t awake.

“Why did you leave me.....?”, asked Kyuhyun slowly.

“I am sorry...”, Siwon can’t explain the reason. Siwon keeps walking.

Finally, they can find their school. Siwon is so tired. The night near the school is so silent.

“Thanks God.. I am still alive!!!”, Siwon screams. He is gasping for breath. Near the school, he finds an old man.

“Maybe he knows this address!”, Siwon approaches that old man.

“Excuse me, sir. Do you know this address?”, Siwon shows Kyuhyun’s student card to that man.

“KYUHYUN?!!!”, that man is suprised to see his son motionless on Siwon’s back. Siwon doesn’t realize if that old man is Kyuhyun’s father.

“ are??”, Siwon startled.

“I am Kyuhyun’s father! What did you do to my son?!”, Mr. Cho thinks Siwon is a bad person.

“I...I am Kyuhyun’s friend. We just came from our friend’s birthday party...and when Kyuhyun went to toilet sud...suddenly he slided and...he fainted like this,, I..I just want to carry him to his house...(Sorry, I can’t tell you the truth)”, Siwon explains the lie.

“What?!!! Poor Kyuhyun, you looked so weak... Ah, you must be tired to carry him on your back, let me help you!”, Mrs. Cho tries to carry Kyuhyun himself but suddenly, his waist pain relapse.

“It’s okay, uncle! I can carry him myself but I need a help to bring this bike..”

“I bring this bike for you, young man!!”

“Thank you..”, Siwon smiles. Siwon and Mr. Cho walks together.

“Thanks for helping my son... Kyuhyun must be happy to have a friend like you...”, Mr. Cho thanked to Siwon. Siwon blushed.

“No problem, Uncle. It’s my his friend..”

“Ah, you haven’t told me your name! What’s your name?”

“I am Choi Siwon..”

“Ohoho..Choi Siwon.. Did you know? When I was young, I had a perfect body like you! I was so strong!! Every girls were having crush with me!”, Mr. Cho told Siwon his adolescene.

“Really? I bet you’re more handsome than me, uncle”

“Hahaha, but Siwon... when you are getting old, don’t forget to keep exercising so you won’t have back ache like me..”

“Thanks for the advice, uncle..”, Siwon nods.

[Kyuhyun’s house]

Mr. Cho opens the gate for Siwon. “Kyuhyuuuuun!!!”, Mrs. Cho runs toward to the gate. She is surprised to see Kyuhyun was found.

“Kyuhyuuun!! What happened to you?!!!”

“It’s a long story, we can explain later. But we have to put Kyuhyun to his room first, Siwon must be so tired to carry him whole way to this house!”, Mr. Cho parks Kyuhyun’s pink bicycle in the garage.

“You are so handsome.....”, Mrs. Cho was charmed by Siwon.

“Hehe..thanks”, Siwon smiles.

“Ah, I forgot! Please enter..”, Mrs. Cho lets Siwon to enter the house. They go to Kyuhyun’s room. Siwon puts Kyuhyun on his bag. He takes off Kyuhyun’s shoes.

“Oh no, no I’ll change his uniform myself.. You are so kind, what’s your name, sweetheart?”

“I am Choi Siwon, Kyuhyun’s mom..”, Siwon bows.

“What a nice name for you, sweetheart. Hey, don’t call me Kyuhyun’s mom, just call me aunty..”, Mrs. Cho pokes Siwon’s chin.

“Oh okay, aunty..”, Siwon giggles.

“You are so cold, sweetheart.. do you want to drink some hot chocolates?”

“That’s kind but I have to go home now, aunty..”

“but it’s cold outside... come on, we can have dinner together”

“Hey, hey what happened?”, Mr. Cho suddenly comes to Kyuhyun’s room.

“I want to ask Choi Siwon to have dinner together with us, but he said he wants to go home now..”, Mrs. Cho feels disappointed.

“What makes you want to leave so fast? Come on, you haven’t eat anything right?”

“Thank you, uncle..aunty. But I have to go home now, my mom will be worried about me...(impossible)”

“Hmm, how about if I accompany you?”

“Thank you, uncle. I can go home myself...”

“Alright, but we really thanked to you sweetheart.. We are really glad to know our son has a good friend like you.. thank you so much”, Kyuhyun’s parents bow.

“You’re welcome, uncle and aunty.. It’s time to go home, see you later”, Siwon bows. Kyuhyun’s parents accompany Siwon until the gate. They wave hand when Siwon is leaving.

Siwon’s POV

It’s nice to have family like Kyuhyun has.. But, it’s only dream now. Humph, there is no cab everywhere. It’s too late. If I call driver, that evil woman will know where I am and I can’t sneak to enter home. Heechul... should I call him to pick me up? Someone...who hurted me..who left me..2 years ago..


“What? Choi Siwon fails this year?”

“Poor Siwon. He must be so sad.. He just lost his parents a month ago and now he fails in following the graduation exams this year!!”

All students were talking about Choi Siwon. That handsome boy was deep in thought. He lost in desperation. He didn’t know what to do.

“Siwonnie...”, suddenly a tenth grader boy called him.

“Heechulieee!!”, it was nice for Siwon to hear someone he loved called his name. He hugged Heechul tightly but Heechul pushes him away.

“Sorry Siwonnie... Let’s break up.. it’s over now.. bye...”, Heechul left Siwon. Siwon ran and grabbed Heechul’s hand.

“ are breaking up with me?? But...why??”, Siwon’s eyes filled with tears.

“Sorry.. I don’t want to have a boyfriend who fails this year.. You better let me go.. we’re over now.. good bye..”, Heechul pulled his hand from Siwon. He entered his car and left Siwon alone.

“HEEECHULIEEE!!! DON’T LEAVE ME!!! HEECHULIEEE!!! I NEED YOUUU!!!”, Siwon ran following the car. Siwon falled on the road. He was crying. No one cared with his condition. He just lost his parents and now...his love left him too.

Flashback off

Siwon’s POV

Aish, it hurts to remember that time.. Forget it, it’s only past.. this is the only choice..

Siwon picks up his phone, he calls Heechul.

“Siwonnieeee!! I know you’ll call me! Where have you been?!! Today supposed to be our engagement say but you didn’t come! I am so sad, Siwonnie..”

“Aish, I am not interested to hear your fool dream! Pick me up at school now!”

“what?! Siwonnie, you’re still at school? Oh, my! It’s snowing outside you can get cold”

“If you’re afraid I’ll get cold, pick me at school now!”

“Okay, my hubby! Wait me! Love youuuu!”

Siwon hangs up his phone, he walks to his school.

[in front of the school...]

Siwon’s POV

This place.. i was here with Kyuhyun an hour ago. But now, the night is getting more silent without him. I can’t believe that nerd can give my smile back....he can make me laugh..

“Siwonnieeee!!”, someone gets out from the car and calls his name.

“Kyuhyun?”, Siwon thinks that voice comes from Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun? Why did you mention that name?! I am Kim Heechul!!!”

“Ah... Heechul..”, Siwon sighed.

“Siwonnie, where have you been this whole day?! I miss you..”, Heechul gives a hug for Siwon.

“Siwonnie, your body is so cold!”, Heechul releases his hug.

“Nevermind, drive me to home now!”

“I am not your driver, Siwonnie!! I have to know first the rason why you didn’t come to our engagement day!!”

“(Sheeesh, he said that he is afraid if I’ll get cold but he even lets me being cold here with his stupid questions) I just came from Kyuhyun’s home...”

“Whaat?! That’s the reason why did you leave me this afternoon?! Siwonnie, you are so mean!!”, Heechul punches Siwon’s chest.

“You don’t understand!! Kyuhyun and I went to a park but suddenly he fainted!! So I carried him all way to his home!”

“Siwonnie, you went to a park with that new student?! carried him to his home?! That kid is just bothering you!”, Heechul grumbles.

“Kyuhyun is not like that!!”

“Why even you defend him?! You love him?!”

“(I don’t know...) I don’t love him!! Stop asking me questions, I want to go home now!!”

“Alright, I’ll drive you but...”

“what do you want?”

“Kiss me first, my hubby!”

“No! It’s disgusting!!”

“Alright, I’ll leave then...”, Heechul turns his body.

“Youuu!!”, Siwon presses a kiss on Heechul’s cheek lazily. kisses back Siwon. Siwon wipes Heechul’s kiss mark

“Alright, let’s go then!”, Heechul opens his car for Siwon.

They reach Siwon’s home.........

“Thanks for driving me to home.. bye..”, Siwon gets out from the car.

“Bye-bye, Siwonnie!! Good night!! Have a nice dream!!”, Heechul waves his hand from the car. Siwon doesn’t care at all. He heads to the door. He opens it slowly, he sneakes to his room. Siwon is too tired. But suddenly his stepmother blocks his way to his room, that evil woman slaps Siwon.

“Choi Siwon, where have you been! You just broke your engagement day with Kim Heechul! This afternoon his family waited for you so long but you didn’t appear at all!!”, the stepmother is really angry.

“What do you mean with my engagement day with Heechul? Heechul and I were not lovers anymore! I don’t love him!!”

“Choi Siwon, I do it for your happiness.. Heechul’s family is rich, your future will be assured with him.. because, Heechul’s family and I already made the decision for you..after passing your school, you have to marry him and start your own family with him.. that’s the reason why yesterday I told you to study hard so you can graduate this year..”

“NO!! I said no!! I won’t marry him!! You are evil!! You want me to leave this house quickly so you can authorize Choi family’s wealth right?” the stepmother slaps Siwon again when she hears the answer, it makes Siwon’s lower lip bleeding.

“I don’t want thos engagement! You don’t know! You don’t understand! I hate youu!!”, Siwon runs into the upper floor.


Siwon’s POV

No one loves me! No one cares! I’m better die than I have to live in curse with all people I hate! I want to kill myself!!

Siwon takes a knife from the kitchen. He enters his room, he locks the door. He wants to cut his neck with the knife.  The tip of the knife touches his neck. Siwon closes his eyes, his body is sweating.

“Siwon-hyuuuuung!!!”, Kyuhyun’s voice calling his name appear on his mind. Siwon’s tears rolled down his cheeks. He stares at the knife for a moment, then he throws it away.

“Aaaaaaaargghh!!!”, Siwon screams. He lay himself on the bed then he falls sleep.

[Kyuhyun’s dream....]

Kyuhyun opens his eyes. He looks around, his bedroom looks different. It became so enormous. He sees himself wrapped with blanket. He opens the blanket, he finds himself topless and only wears a short. He also finds a scar on his stomach.

“Morning...”, someone besides Kyuhyun greets him.

“Siwon-hyung?!”, Kyuhyun jolted up.

“Siwon-hyung? Hahaha, just because today we are going to attend school reunion you call my name like when we were in high school.. you are so cute..”, Siwon kisses Kyuhyun’s cheek.

Kyuhyun’s POV

What?! I sleep topless besides one bed?! I also have a scar on my stomach..when did I get this? What does it mean? And my looks so different. Where am I actually?

Kyuhyun turns his body so he can’t see Siwon’s face. Siwon wakes up, he sits on the bed.

“Kyuhyunnie, wake up.. we’ll be late for the reunion today.. wake up, baby..”, Siwon nudges Kyuhyun’s body. He opens the blanket, Kyuhyun’s body exposed. Kyuhyun crosses his hand on his chest.

“You are so cuteee!!”, Siwon presses himself on Kyuhyun, he kisses Kyuhyun’s lips passionately. Kyuhyun pushes Siwon.

“Kyuhyunnie, don’t be rude to your husband..”, said Siwon.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Siwon-hyung is my husband? But...but..

Siwon stands up then he leaves Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun searches any clothes in the cupboard to cover his body. He gets out from the room.

Kyuhyun’s POV

It’s not my home! My home is not as huge as this one! Where am I?

Kyuhyun heads to kitchen. He finds Siwon is preparing for breakfast.

“Kyuhyunnie, I’m making your favorite breakfast, toasted bread with chocolate jam! It’s my turn to prepare breakfast right?”

“Thank you, Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun takes a seat at the dining table.

“Kyuhyunnie, why are you so weird today? Why didn’t you call me Siwonnie as usual? Ah, I knew.. you want to recall our memories in high school right? That’s sweet....”, Siwon serves the breakfast on the dining table. That couple have their breakfast.

[In the school....]

Siwon opens the car for Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun out the car.

“Thank you, Siwon-hyung”, Kyuhyun bows.

“Hahaha, I love your effort to make me laugh”, Siwon pinches Kyuhyun’s cheek. Siwon holds Kyuhyun’s hand as they walking to their school. They enter the high school that they used to study there in the past. The school looks different since the time they studied there.

Kyuhyun’s POV

It’s my school!! Kyunggi High School! But why did it look different? And I also see my friends in 12-1 but...they look so old. Some of them are bringing babies and kids. And I come to this place with Siwon-hyung.. ah, I am going to faint..




Kyuhyun opens his eyes. Nothing different with his bed room. He also doesn’t see Siwon sleeping beside him like in the dream.

“It’s only dream... *cough* *cough*”, Kyuhyun sighed. But he feels uncomfortable with his throat. His body is too weak to move. His head feels so dizzy. He can’t remember anything he did yesterday.

“So cold....”, Kyuhyun pulls up his blanket. He sees the window in his room covered with dew.

“Seems like yesterday was snowing....”

“Kyuhyuunnieee!! Oh, my! You look so weak!”, Mrs. Cho suddenly opens the door.

“eomma....”, Mrs. Cho touches Kyuhyun’s forehead.

“Aigoo, you got fever!! Wait a minute, eomma will take the thermometer!”, Mrs. Cho leaves the room, not long after she comes back while bringing the thermometer.she enters it to Kyuhyun’s mouth.

“39˚C? Don’t go to school today! I’ll call your teacher!”

“No, eomma.. I’ve to go to school today!”, Kyuhyun forces himself to wake up but his body is aching.

“No, no! You better take a rest at home, Kyuhyunnie!” Kyuhyun takes deep breath.

“Eomma, what happened with me yesterday”

“Ah yesterday.. you fainted in you friend’s birthday party. And your boyfriend, he carried you on his back all way to your room. Hohoho, so sweet..”, Mrs. Cho giggles. Kyuhyun still doesn’t get it. He tries to recall what happened yesterday.

Kyuhyun’s POV

I fainted in my friend’s birthday party? It’s lie! Ah, I remember! I went to a park with Siwon-hyung....and....and...he kissed me!! But.. what does eomma mean with boyfriend? I don’t have boyfriend..

“Boyfriend?”, asked Kyuhyun.

“I mean Choi Si...Si..”, Mrs. Cho forgets the name of Kyuhyun’s friend who helped him yesterday.

“Choi Siwon? He’s not my boyfriend!”, Kyuhyun is surprised when his mom thinks Siwon is his boyfriend.

“He’s so kind and handsome.. I am pretty sure he is your boyfriend.. absolute boyfriend..”, Mrs. Cho teases Kyuhyun.

“Eomma, he’s not my boyfriend! He’s only my friend! And...eomma, you told me that Siwon-hyung carried me to my room and changed to pajama...?”

“Eomma who changed your uniform. Hahaha, you’re afraid Choi Siwon touched you yesterday right?”

“Eomma, it’s disgusting! *cough* *cough*”, Kyuhyun punches his mom with pillow.

“Alright, alright.. eomma is just kidding, Kyuhyunnie. Take a rest now, eomma will call your teacher and make breakfast for you..”, Mrs. Cho leaves her son.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Siwon-hyung, yesterday he carried me on his back from the park to my home.. whereas yesterday was snowing.. I haven’t thanked to him.. Siwon-hyung, thank you so much...

[In the school......]

“Where’s Kyuhyunnie? His desk is empty..”, Ryeowook is worried about his friend.

“Maybe he got sick.. after hanging out with my Siwonnie...”, said Heechul sarcastically.

Siwon enters his class. He walks toward his desk but he doesn’t see Kyuhyun who usually sits behind him.

“Morning Siwonnie!!!”, Heechul greets Siwon.

“Where’s Kyuhyun?”, asked Siwon seriously.

“Siwonnie, you suppose to greet me back! Why would you even defend that boy?”, Heechul is getting jealous. Siwon takes his seat without answer Heechul’s question.

“Siwonniee!!”, Heechul wants to get Siwon’s attention.

“Leave me alone!!”

Mr Kang In opens the door, he enters the class. Heechul takes his seat back. The class president stood up  and greeted the teacher followed by the other students.

“Morning guys. One of your friend, Cho Kyuhyun, he got sick today. His mom told me that his fever very high, if you want to visit him you can ask me his address”, said Mr. Kang In.

Siwon’s POV

What?! He got sick?! That should be me who got sick after carrying him last night! Cho Kyuhyun... why did you leave alone here? Damn it, I wish you were here...

[3 PM]

Kyuhyun feels so bored to just lay on the bed all day. His mom suddenly opens the door.

“Kyuhyunnie, your friends come to visit you~~”, said Mrs. Cho

“Hi Kyuhyunnie!!”, Ryeowook greets him.

“Ryeowookie! Heechulie!! Oh my God, I am so happy to see you!”, Kyuhyun is surprise with the twins’s visiting. The twins take a seat next to him.

“Kyuhyunnie, I am so afraid when I heard you got sick..”, said Ryeowookie.

“you looked well..”, Heechul rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, this morning my fever was very high but I’m feeling better now. Thank you for visiting me, Ryeowookie, Heechulie!”

“Anything for you, Kyuhyunnie! But, I heard from Heechulie that you went to a park together with Choi Siwon...umm..did Siwon do anything to you that made you sick?”

“It’s impossible for Siwonnie to be the reason why Kyuhyunnie got sick!”, Heechul defends Siwon.

“Siwon-hyung kissed me yester....”, Kyuhyun slipped out. He covers his mouth with his hand. His face becomes red.

“WHAT?!”, the twins are surprised.

“A......a...”, Heechul is speechless.

“Tell me more! Tell me more, Kyuhyunnie!!”, Ryeowook forces Kyuhyun.

“But..but...”, Kyuhyun is panic.

“I want to hear, Kyuhyunnie.. I promise I won’t tell anyone about it!!!”

“Yesterday...Siwon-hyung and I...we went to a park... I gave him a friendship chocolate like what I gave to you.. and...and...when we were going to go home..suddenly..Siwon-hyung lift my chin and...”, Kyuhyun covers his face with his both hands as telling his story to the twins.

“And? And?”, Ryeowook bites his lower lip.

“and he kissed me in the sunset!! Aaah, it’s embarassing!!”, Kyuhyun blushes.

“A kiss in the sunset... how sweet..”, Ryewook smiles.

“Sweet?! It’s bitter!! He just stole my first kiss!! My first kiss only belongs to someone I really love but he stole it!!”, Kyuhyun grumbles.

“If you said that your first kiss only belongs to someone you really Siwon who stole your first kiss will be that someone you really love..”, Ryeowook’s hands make love shape.

“No, no it’s impossible! Siwon-hyung is not my type.. he’s so fierce! He can’t be gentle...”

“But Kyuhyunnie... what makes you so close with him?”, Heechul asked. He wants to identify the relationship between his friend and his fiance.

“Siwon-hyung... he was the first person I met in the new school.. I thought he’s so arrogant but actually he’s really kind.. he showed me where’s the principal’s room.. he was the first one who lend me the book when I forgot to bring my own book in my first day at school.. but..there’s something strange with him.. I can see it from his eyes.. he looked so sad.. and sometimes, the teachers in our school always warn him to study hard and pay more attention to their lessons.. I don’t know what happened with him.. but I always make Siwon-hyung smiles.. because..he’s my friend..”, Kyuhyun smiles.

“Kyuhyunnie.. actually, I didn’t really know more about Siwon but if you want to know.. Siwon supposed to have graduated high school 2 years ago. But, 2 weeks before the graduation exams...his parents died on the car accident.. he was in desperation, he couldn’t focus with the exams.. and it made he failed for the first time.. no one dares to make friends with him because they think Siwon is only a stupid boy..he’s useless.. Siwon became harder to study anything, then he failed for the second time.. and this year, it’s the last chance for him to keep studying in our high school if he fails again..he will be dropped out from the school..”, Ryeowook tells Siwon’s past to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun is surprised to hear Siwon’s past. Heechul’s tears rolled down his cheeks.

Heechul’s POV

It’s my fault! It’s my fault! If I didn’t leave him 2 years ago it was not going to be like this! Forgive me, Siwonnie... forgive me..

“Heechulie, why are you crying?”, asked Ryeowook.

“ not crying..”, Heechul wipes his tears. He decides to keep silent.

“Siwon-hyung... He will pass this year...”, said Kyuhyun. He cries after knowing Siwon’s past from Ryeowook.

“Kyuhyunnie...”, Ryeowook embraces Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“We will pass the graduation exams together.. no one will fail between us.. I will bring Siwon-hyung to the bright future!!”, Kyuhyun cries.

“we will, Kyuhyunnie.. we will...”, Ryeowook nods while wiping Kyuhyun’s tears.

“Sorry, Kyuhyunnie.. I feel like I want to go home now..”, Heechul stands up.

“Heechulie? But I still want to talk with Kyuhyunnie!!”

“Let’s go, Ryeowookie! Let Kyuhyunnie to take a rest.. bye, Kyuhyunnie.. get well soon..”, Heechul grabs Ryeowook’s hands by force.

“Kyuhyunnieee!!!”, Ryeowook whines.

“But...Heechulie!! Ryeowookie!!! Where are you going?!”, Kyuhyun is confused. The twins leave his room. In the living room, they meet Kyuhyun’s mom.

“Kyuhyun’s mom, it’s nice to see you today. But Ryewookie and I have to go now.. thank you for letting us to meet Kyuhyunnie.. good bye”, Heechul bows. Ryeowook tries to sneak into Kyuhyun’s room, but Heechul kicks Ryeowook’s leg, Ryeowook bows too.

“It hurts Heechulie..”, Ryeowook is holding his leg.

“But why do you want to go home so fast? I just made cookies for you..”, asked Mrs. Cho

“I want cookies!!!”, Ryeowook rebels. He tries to flee from Heechul.

“No, Ryeowookie it’s embarassing!! We have to attend English course after this. Sorry for bothering you, Kyuhyun’s mom. See you later!!”, Heechul drags Ryeowook who is still rebeling.

“Weird twins...”, Kyuhyun’s mom shakes her head.

Kyuhyun’s POV

It becomes more silent when Heechulie and Ryeowookie left me.. did I say something wrong? Eomma is busy with the chores, appa is in the office.. I am so boreeed!! Siwon-hyung... I hope you’ll come to visit me.. aish, what am I thinking about? He won’t come!!

The bell rings, Kyuhyun’s mom is hurry to open the door. A handsome boy with blue jacket bows in front of her.

“Good afternoon.. are..”, Mrs. Cho is surprised to see Siwon.

“I am Choi Siwon, Kyuhyun’s friend. I brought Kyuhyun here last night and this morning I heard he got sick so I come here to visit him”, Siwon smiles.

“Thank you so much, Siwon. Kyuhyun is in his room”, Mrs. Cho lets Siwon to enter. Suddenly, the telephone rings.

“Siwon, you already knew where’s Kyuhyun’s room right?? Sorry, I can’t accompany you I’ve to pick up the telephone!”

“It’s alright, aunty. I still remember, I’ll go there myself..”, Siwon walks toward Kyuhyun’s room meanwhile Mrs. Cho is talking in the phone. He opens the door slowly.

“Zzzzzzz....”, Kyuhyun is sleeping. Siwon closes the door, he takes a seat next to Kyuhyun’s bed.

Siwon’s POV

Aish, why are you sleeping when I come? I really want to talk with you.. but I’ll disturb you if I wake you up..

Siwon stares Kyuhyun’s face. It’s his first time to see Kyuhyun without his glasses. He can see Kyuhyun’s eyes clearly. Siwon’s heart beats so fast to see Kyuhyun’s cute face. But he feels very upset, he decides to go home because Kyuhyun isn’t up.

“Bye.. get well soon”, Siwon flatters Kyuhyun’s hair. He heads to the door. Siwon doesn’t realize if there’s a fallen book on the floor. He keeps walking and suddenly he tripped by that fallen book. He falls fit on Kyuhyun’s chest. Siwon can’t move his body. His body is too stiff because he’s too shocked. He can sense Kyuhyun’s heart beats.

“Hoaaaaaam...”, Kyuhyun yawns. He opens his eyes slowly.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!”, Kyuhyun slaps Siwon. Siwon keeps away from Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun throes pillow to Siwon.

“who are you?! What did you do to me?! Youuuu!!!”, he keeps throwing anything near him.

“Hey stop! Stop! It’s me Choi Siwon! Stooop!!”, Siwon is avoiding Kyuhyun’s throwing.

“Si...Siwon-hyung?!”, Kyuhyun stops throwng.

“What are you doing on my chest?! You want to touch me right?! I hate youuu!!!”, Kyuhyun continues throwing Siwon with his pillows.

“Aish, who wants to touch you?! Disgusting!! I tripped by your book and accidentally I falled on your chest!” Kyuhyun is silent. Siwon tidies up the stuffs that Kyuhyun threw. After that, he takes a seat back.

“Sorry...”, Kyuhyun bows slowly.

“Sorry for what?”

“This misunderstanding...”

“I’ll go home..”, Siwon is going to leave Kyuhyun.


“You hate me right?”

“Don’t leave me!!”, Kyuhyun yells. Siwon smirks, he comes back.

“I don’t hate you.. how can I hate you? It’s only misunderstanding! And i want to say thank you for...carrying me yesterday. I am so happy when you come now”, Kyuhyun smiles.

“What a liar.. mr. Kang In said that you got sick but in fact you’re really healthy and you’re able to throw anything near you...” Kyuhyun is speechles. They both are so silent.

“what makes your noisy mouth becomes so silent?!”, Siwon tries to make Kyuhyun speaks,

“Siwon-hyung.. can you be gentle with me?”, Kyuhyun complains. He stares Siwon’s eyes.

Siwon’s POV

Your eyes are beautiful..

Siwon puts his hand on Kyuhyun’s hand. Kyuhyun blushed.

“you look cuter when you took off your glasses”, said Siwon with gently voice. Kyuhyun blushed.

“your eyes are beautiful, could you give me your sweet smile?”, Siwon flirts Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Siwon-hyung is being gentle with me? He becomes more handsome than ever...

“Kyuhyunnie give me your smile..”, Siwon forces.

“(He called me what? Kyuhyunnie?)”, Kyuhyun smiles shyly. Siwon brings out a drawing book and his pencil case from his bag.

“what are you going to do?”

“I am going to draw you. I mean your cute face..”, Siwon winks.

“(Cute? You said I’m cute?”, Kyuhyun becomes nervous. He avoids to look at Siwon.

“Look at me.. how can I draw your beautiful big eyes if you’re avoiding me like that? And keep smiling!”, said Siwon behind the drawing book. He is drawing Kyuhyun’s face.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Siwon-hyung is drawing my face? Heh, i knew he is drawing a monkey and he will say that is me. I got you..

“Finish?”, Kyuhyun asked. He feels uncomfortable.

“wait a minute... okay, this is it!!”, Siwon shows his drawing. Kyuhyun is surprised. Kyuhyun’s face sketch really look alike with himself. Kyuhyun was touched.

“Siwon-hyung...”, Kyuhyun’s eyes filled with tears when he looks at the sketch.

“Why are you crying?”

“’s....really great!! I don’t know that you can draw perfectly like this! Can I save this?”, Kyuhyun looked so happy.

“it’s your face so it belongs to you..”

“I’m going to frame this sketch! Thank you, Siwon-hyung!”, Kyuhyun is still holding the drawing Siwon’s smiles.

Siwon’s POV

I am so happy to know that he likes my drawing. No one ever appreciates my drawing like he does..

“Siwon-hyung, who teached you drawing?”

“Nothing.. I am crazy about drawing since I was little. My parents  can draw too. They both were really good in drawing..”

“Siwon-hyung, that’s cool! You’re very talented! I am sure you often draw for other people too right?” Siwon shakes his head.

“No.. you’re the first who receives my drawing. People are saying that my drawing is bad and just wasting paper..”, Siwon sighed.

“what?! How could they say that?! Aish, they don’t understand art..”, Kyuhyun grumbles, Siwon gives him a smile. He flatters Kyuhyun’s hair. Siwon moves his body closer to Kyuhyun.

“Siwon-hyung, I don’t know that you can be so gentle..”, Kyuhyun stares Siwon’s eyes.

“You like me when I’m like this?”, Siwon rubs Kyuhyun’s cheek gently. Kyuhyun nods slowly.

“No, no, no, I mean.. I...I like to talk with you when you’re very gentle like this..”, Kyuhyun becomes awkward. Siwon is still rubbing Kyuhyun’s smooth cheek.

“how about.... WHEN I AM LIKE THIS?!”, Siwon presses his voice loudly in front of Kyuhyun’s ear, he pinches Kyuhyun’s cheek hardly. Kyuhyun screams in pain. He pulls Siwon’s hand off.

“Siwon-hyung it hurts!!”, Kyuhyun touches his cheek.

“EAT THAT!!”, Siwon giggles. Kyuhyun pouts when Siwon is laughing at him.




Poor Siwonnie he must have an arranged marriage with Heechul! Could Kyuhyun help Siwon in learning so Siwon could pass this year? And if you can’t imagine how Siwon’s drawing looked like, you can open this link: I drew Kyuhyun’s face like Siwon did in this chapter >.<  I’ll update the next chapter asap! I wish nothing happened again with AFF-_- thanks for reading!!


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Chapter 1: They're so cute togetherr~
Eonni when are you going to update? I love your fic <3 I'll be waiting!! ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 8: Kyu don't accept da girl, you're only for Siwon.. ^^
Chapter 3: Wow this chapter is cute and your drasing is amazing! (*^o^*)
Chapter 2: I'm a new reader and your fic is amazing! How come I read this only in 2015 -_- thanks for sharing a good story ♡
Your story is really great. I really like the way Kyu is. He is cutest.
Chapter 13: Please update soon!! I really love this story to death!!!
Chapter 13: What a turning event! I can't believe Siwon cut off his pinky :(
And Kyu is smoking? aaaaah they need to talk it out!
I'm curious to know what the hell is going on between Siwon and Yesung! Aiiich hope nothing that will hurt Kyunnie :(

Update soon! ^^
Saravy #9
Chapter 13: Siwon is a lot more mature now, too bad Kyu isn't.^^

So is Siwon really missing his pinky? And what are Yesung and Siwon up to? Hmmm, please update soon so we can find out. ^^
Chapter 13: Yaaaaaaaaay an update ^^finally ..
Oh I was soooo mad at Siwon (dont ask me why )he was so calm I dont know he just annoyed me ...but them his finger oh my god Siwoonie T^T you didnt have to do it ..and mmmmmmmm oh right there is the new characters Donghae LOOOOOOL he is soooooo prev kekekeke oh and what the hell Yesung is doing with Siwon and and where is Heechul..I have a bad feeling about him *worried*

update soon please thought u will not hehehe & thanks....saraneh^^