Goodbye, Darling

Behind You



Kyuhyun’s POV

Uuuhh please hurry end this show.. My legs began to hurt again..

“Nananana- Akh..”, Kyuhyun who wasn’t strong enough to withstand the pain in his legs fell off.

“....”, Kyuhyun winced in pain, his legs were rigid.

“What happened with the pig?”, a little audience was confused.

“Wow the pig is really good in acting!”, another audience even gave a compliment. Everyone was very astonished to see the pig who winced in pain and didn’t move at all. The MC also was confused, he didn’t know the contents of the play so maybe that was part of the act.

“Is he alright?”


“Mom, I am hungry. Why don’t we eat first?”

“Dear, we must wait daddy first. He will go home no longer”

“I am home!”, Siwon arrived at home after working.

“Daddy!!”, Sungmin ran toward Siwon and hugged him.

“(Why is my heart beating so fast?) Wel..welcome”, Kyuhyun stammered.

“CUT!! Uuuh Yuhyun-hyung, don’t be too nervous! You’re supposed to say ‘welcome home, my husband’! And Siwon-hyung, don’t be too rigid! You’re supposed to be more intimate, hugged and carried your child, and also kissed your wife’s forehead!”

“Ah sorry..”


Yesung fell forward then he unintentionally kissed Ryeowook. They were both shocked until they couldn’t move.

“Sorry!!!”, Yesung  walked backward, he covered his lips.

“(was I dreaming? We kissed?! We.... we kissed!! My first kiss with Yesung-hyung..)”, Ryeowook was surprised.

“Forgive me! Someone bumped me!”, Yesung became awkward, he tried to explain it.


“And adult sea lions looked like Cho Kyuhyun in 30”, Siwon pointed at the sealions.

“uhhhh I wouldn’t be that ugly!! I would be still handsome when I was 30 you knew!!!”, Kyuhyun hitted Siwon’s arm.









Chapter 12: Goodbye, Darling







“Hyung, where was this? I felt cold...”, Kyuhyun said, his eyes were closed by Siwon’s hands.

“Be patient, Kyu. Only some steps..”, Siwon said.

“Surprise!!!”, Siwon released his hands which were covered Kyuhyun’s eyes. Kyuhyun widen his eyes in shock when he saw the view in front of him.

“A...Amazing.. I could see the whole city of Seoul!”, Kyuhyun saw the bautiful view of Seoul at night that was covered with snow, colorful lights, skycrapers, and everything. Kyuhyun spreaded his arms and closed his eyes enjoying the evening breeze.

“This place is so beautiful.. In my life, I’ve never seen a view like this..”, Kyuhyun smiled.

“Kyuhyunnie, say hi to the camera!!”, Siwon said while holding a handycam.

“Siwon-hyung, you are recording this?! Aah it’s embarassing!”, Kyuhyun blushed.

“Ahahaha your face turns red!”, Siwon still recorded while walking backwards.

“Siwon-hyung, turn it off!! Turn it.....”, Kyuhyun immediately stopped, he saw a stretch of padlocks which were attached to the wire fence that limited the roof of the tower.

“So many....padlocks.. we..we are in Seoul Tower?!”, Kyuhyun was amazed. It was his first time to visit Seoul Tower, moreover the roof of the tower.

“Yes, we are!”, Siwon said.  Kyuhyun noticed the padlocks seriously.

“According to the legend.. if a pair of lovers lock their padlocks here..and throw the key away.. their relationship will be long last”, Kyuhyun said.

“Therefore we’ll lock our padlocks too”, Siwon walked toward Kyuhyun while bringing 2 padlocks.

“Eh?”, Kyuhyun turned to Siwon. “But.. we are not lov—“, Kyuhyun’s words were interrupted by Siwon’s finger that covered his lips.

“Is love only for lovers? Friendship is also a proof of love”, Siwon started locking their padlocks.

“Ah.. Friendship”, Kyuhyun smiled, he lifted his hand and held Siwon’s hands which were locking the padlocks to the fence.

“There is my name on the red padlock, Cho Kyuhyun. And the green one, Choi Si Won. Aw that’s sweet..”

“Now we throw this key..”, Siwon square off for throwing the key.

“Nooo!!! Don’t throw it!”, Kyuhyun held Siwon’s hand. “If you throw the key away, you’ll just multiply the waste! Don’t do it!!!”, Kyuhyun shouted.

“Aish.. didn’t you also know that legend?! Why did you say like this? You want to keep this key then when you hate me, you go back to this place and unlock our padlocks?! That’s what you want?!”

“I don’t mean like that! I just can’t stand to see the person who makes dirty the enviroment!!”, Kyuhyun took away the key and threw it in a trash can.

“..... you’re very old-fashioned! This..isn’t romantic...”, Siwon muttered.

“You want a romantic?”, Kyuhyun reached up and put his hands around Siwon’s neck.

“K..Kyu...”, Siwon was surprised, Kyuhyun kissed his lips.

“Siwon-hyung...”, Kyuhyun blushed.

“Tch.. how dare you kiss your hyung..”, Siwon smirked.

“....”, Kyuhyun looked away.

“You’re cute..”, Siwon brought Kyuhyun into his arms.




“Riing! Riing!!”, Kyuhyun’s home phone rang but no one there.

“Aish... Kyuhyuna, where are you?”, Yesung sighed. It was 10 times already nobody picked up his calling.



“Siwon-hyung, what now?”, Kyuhyun felt uncomfortable when Siwon covered his eyes again and led him to walk.

“You will love it”, Siwon said. Then Kyuhyun heard the jazz music of the saxophone. Siwon took off Kyuhyun’s blindfold. When his eyes were opened, Kyuhyun couldn’t speak at all. He saw a table with many foods on it and 2 chairs facing each other. The table was surrounded by candles and sprinkles roses. Candlelight illuminating the darkened skies.

“Happy birthday~”, Siwon said as he held Kyuhyun’s right hand. Kyuhyun was deeply moved to tears he shed.

“Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun wiped his tears. Siwon took off his coat and wore it for his buddy. He walked away for a while then he came while holding a red rose. He gave the flower for Kyuhyun.

“Wh.. why do you give me flower?! I am guy! Don’t treat me like a woman!”, Kyuhyun pouted.

“This is not real flower, it’s chocolate”, Siwon said then he sat on the chair. Kyuhyun was curious, he took one of the rose petals then ate it.

“Aah you’re right, it’s chocolate!”, Kyuhyun said while munching his chocolate.

“Siwon-hyung... You don’t pull the chair for me?”, Kyuhyun asked.

“Don’t you just say that you don’t want me to treat you like a woman?”, Siwon replied.

“Hmph..”, Kyuhyun pulled the other chair and sat on it.

“You really like that chocolate?”, Siwon asked.

“Yes”, Kyuhyun nodded.

“If so, all the foods here are for me alone”

“Foods?!”, Kyuhyun’s attention focused on luxury foods in front of him. “Waaah Siwon-hyung, thank youuuu!!!”, Kyuhyun immediately took his chopsticks.





Yesung who was waiting in front of Kyuhyun’s house began feeling cold. The air was very cold outside, moreover snow had covered the streets and houses already. He looked at his watch, it was already 7 PM but there was still nobody in Kyuhyun’s house.

“..... Where is he?”, Yesung murmured. He really wanted to say happy birthday for him and gave him the present. Suddenly from the distant sound of a car horn sounded, the car seemed to be heading into Kyuhyun’s house. Yesung hid behind a lamppost.

“(Could it be Kyuhyun family? But I think the car is different...)”

The luxurious car stopped right in front of that house. 2 boys went out the car.

“Siwon-hyung, thanks for today! I am sooooooo happy!”, Kyuhyun smiled.

“You’re welcome. Your parents haven’t come home?”

“Not yet, hyung. The car isn’t here. Uhm... Siwon-hyung, accompany me here.. Please”, Kyuhyun pleaded.

“I have to go home, you can play your new xbox right?”, Siwon brushed Kyu’s wavy hair.

“Hyung..”, Kyuhyun pouted.

“Hey don’t be spoiled like that! We’ll meet again tomorrow!”

“Yes, yes, I get it. Siwon-hyung must be tired.. Mm..”, Kyuhyun suddenly kissed Siwon’s cheek.

“Wh..what the?”, Siwon snapped.

“Hehe, thank you once again.. Bye-bye, Siwon-hyung! Take care!”, Kyuhyun waved to Siwon, he entered his house gate.

“Bye! See you!”, Siwon smiled then he hopped into his car. Yesung who was hiding behind a lamppost stunned, he chose to walk away.






[In the school]

Heechul silently followed Kyuhyun from behind. The brunette boy was walking in the school corridor.

“Should I apologize first then give it? Or give it first then I apologize? But if I admit that I was the person who pushed him last Friday.. He must be mad, then run away..”, Heechul minded.

“Hello, Sir”, Kyuhyun greeted his teacher who happened to bump into him. The teacher smiled and kept walking. Heechul smiled to that teacher too, then Heechul hurried to Kyuhyun and patted his shoulder.

“Kyuhyunnie, are you alone?”

“Heechulie! I am going to classroom”

“Me.. me too! By the way, yesterday was your birthday, right? Happy birthday, Kyuhyunnie!”

“Yes, thank you, Heechulie”, Kyuhyun nodded and smiled.

“Kyuhyunnie, I have a gift for you. Here you are!”, Heechul gave the gift box to his classmate. Kyuhyun’s eyes lit up when he saw the bright yellow box.

“Are you serious this is for me?”, Kyuhyun received it happily.

“Yes, Kyuhyunnie”, Heechul nodded.

“Heechullie, thank youuuuu!!! Thank you!”, Kyuhyun shook Heechul’s hand up and down. With a little curiousity, Kyuhyun opened that box.

“(Wah he immediately opened it)”, Heechul kept smiling.

“It’s cuteee! Pikachu earphone! And also pencil case!”, Kyuhyun saw 2 things featured Pikachu in the box.

“I love them very much! Heechulie, these are really cute things! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. You really like Pikachu, Kyuhyunnie?”

“Yes, because I like yellow”

“(What kind of reason is that?) I see.. Uhm Kyuhyu—“

“How about you? What color do you like?”

“I like green.. (Aish.. how to admit it?)”

“Green? You must like Hulk, right? Right, Heechulie?’

“Hulk? Why must Hulk?”

“Because Hulk is green”

“No, I don’t like Hulk”

“So, what do you—“, Kyuhyun stopped his question when suddenly Heechul held on his wrist.

“Kyuhyunnie, we are friends right?”


“We are still friends no matter what happens, right?”

“What’s with you?”

“Kyuhyunnie, forgive me! Who made you fell down the stairs last Friday... was me!”, Heechul bowed.

“Hee.. Heechulie?”, Kyuhyun was surprised.

“Kyuhyunnie, I am sorry! If you want to hate me, just hate me! I am only a fool!”

“So... Thus the time it was you pushing me?”

“True.. Sorry”

Kyuhyun suddenly fell silent, staring at Heechul still bent in front of him.

“Why did you do that, Heechulie? Was I wrong?”

“You weren’t wrong.. I...”

“Then why did you push me?”, Kyuhyun pouted.


“Ah I know! You did it unintentionally, right? I remembered, that time you brought more books than me, maybe the books were too heavy then you unintentionally pushed me!”

“K..Kyu?”, Heechul was surprised.

“I don’t believe Heechulie would do that dangerous thing to me! Heechulie is my friend, we are good friends! The proof is you remember my birthday and you even give me a present!”, Kyuhyun embraced Heechul’s neck.

“(Kyuhyun... This kid is really....)”, Heechul’s lip trembled like to explain but his tongue felt numb.

“Of course I will forgive you! I am so happy Heechulie wants to be honest!”

“Thank you, Kyuhyunnie..”, Heechul nodded. He was still in shock with Kyuhyun’s respond.

“You’re welcome. Thank you once again for your gift, Heechulie!”

“Actually that gift is not only from me but also Ryeowookie.”

“Ryeowookie? If so I also thank him now! Heechulie, let’s go to class!”, Kyuhyun gripped Heechul’s hand and ran to his class excitedly.







“Kyu, I still have to go to the teachers’ room first for a while. You want wait for me for a while, right?”, Siwon said to his buddy who was preparing to go home.

“Yes, I will wait for you”, Kyuhyun nodded.

Lately they often went home together because Siwon who was able to bring his own bike. The atmosphere in the classroom was quiet, they always went home together when their friends had gone home first. That was their habit, because they have to speak with a friend who suddenly they met on the street, and it was pretty effective way for Siwon to avoid going home with her fiance, Heechul. But this habit they would only do when their relationship was fine.

Kyuhyun went downstairs alone. He walked while putting his both hands into his yellow coat pockets.  The weather in February early was very cold. He saw a car that was entering the school areal. Maybe it was the teacher’s car, he thought.

“Hey, Kyuhyuna!”, a guy went out from that car.

“Yesung-ssi? What are you doing here? The dance club will be up on Tuesday, right?”, Kyuhyun was a little surprised when he saw his old friend came to him.

“Indeed, the dance club will be up tomorrow. But my coming here isn’t for that”

“I see. With whom do you go here?”

“With my parents”

And then the car window was open and showed Yesung’s father at the steering wheel and Yesung’s mother next to him.

“Hello, Kyuhyun”, Yesung’s mother smiled and waved, as did his father.

“Hello, aunty, uncle”, Kyuhyun nodded and smiled.

“Kyuhyuna, I want to take you to have lunch together with us”, Yesung said.

“Lunch? Uhm.. But I..”

“I know you bring your bicycle, right? Just left your bike here. After having lunch, I’ll drive you back to school”

“But it must bother you”

“No, no at all! C’mon, Kyuhyuna. Only having lunch with my family, moreover there’s something  important that I want to say”

Kyuhyun looked reluctant to have lunch with them. If I go how about Siwon-hyung?, he thought.

“C’mon, Kyuhyun. Don’t hesitate”, Yesung’s mother said.

“Kyuhyuna, please?”

“O.. okay, Yesung-sshi. Thanks for taking me”, Kyuhyun agreed.

“Finally, let’s get in the car!!”, Yesung pulled Kyuhyun’s hand, he opened the car door for Kyuhyun.

“Yes, thank you”, Kyu got into the car.

“(Siwon-hyung... Hmm.. Maybe he can go home alone”, Kyuhyun stared at his school building. That car was running out of the school areal.

“Kyuhyun, what do you want to eat, dear?”, Yesung’s mother asked.

“Anything goes”, Kyuhyun answered.

“Kyuhyuna, sorry I am late to say it. Happy birthday!”, Yesung gave a big Pikachu doll was still wrapped in plastic.

“Wo.. Wow”,  Kyuhyun was impressed to see the gift from Yesung.

“Do you like? I got confused to choose it”

“I like it! Really like it! Thank you very much! I thought Yesung-sshi forgot my birthday...”

“Yesterday actually I wanted to come to your home.. but suddenly I had another affairs.. Sorry, Kyuhyuna”

“Yes, no problem. Thank you”

The car drove up to to the mall located in the downtown of Seoul.

“(Mall?)”, Kyuhyun gulp

“Why, Kyu?”, Yesung noticed  Kyuhyun’s nervous face.

“Ah.. it doesn’t matter. I just have not gone to the mall..”, Kyuhyun giggled a little.

“I see”, Yesung smiled.



[In a restaurant]

Yesung’s mother ordered a lot of foods, but strangely Kyuhyun wasn’t eager at all to eat the delicious foods in front of him. He was still in thought about Siwon.

“Kyuhyun dear, what do you want to eat again? Ice cream?”, Yesung’s mother asked.

“(She has ordered many foods already...) No, thanks, aunty”, Kyuhyun shook head.

“Do you want to add pizza, Kyu?”

“Oh.. No need, aunty. Really”

“Waiter!”, Yesung’s mother called the waiter there.

“I want to order 3 ice creams! Kyuhyun dear, what ice cream do you like?”

“Aunty.. I’m already full”

“Mommy, Kyuhyuna likes strawberry!”

“Strawberry, alright!”, Yesung’s mother talked to the waiter. Kyuhyun could only sighed, he knew, Yesung’s parents were fond of eating.

“(Yesung’s parents...are fat like that.. But Yesung-sshi.. Perharps he is not their biological son)”, Kyuhyun minded.

“The food is yummy, right?”, Yesung asked.

“Ah... Yes, it tastes good”

“Kyuhyuna, I am so happy to spend time with you”, Yesung said. His eyes couldn’t stop staring at Kyuhyun who was eating at his side.

“It has been a long time Aunty doesn’t meet Kyuhyun. The last time I saw you when you both were still junior high students. Kyuhyun doesn’t change at all, still cute”, Yesung’s mother giggled.

“Ehehe...”, Kyuhyun smiled a little.

“Kyuhyuna..”, Yesung called.


“Actually.. Tomorrow.. I am not a dance instructor in your school anymore”

“What? Why?”, Kyuhyun was surprised.

“My father’s job is transferred to United States. I’m also going to college there”

“Why so sudden?”

“It’s not sudden.. My contract in your school is actually over. I am actually just a subtitue teacher at your school, because.. the earlier dance instructor was on maternity leave. You may not know about this because you are a new student”, Yesung explained.

“You will leave without saying goodbye to the others?”

“’s not like that. The plane will depart at 2.  And you also have just come out classes at the same time right?”

“But.. the distance between Korea and America is far away.. when will we meet again?”, Kyuhyun became sad.

“Kyuhyuna, don’t be sad! I promise to keep in touch with you! And I’ll be back soon!”

“Don’t worry, Kyu. Uncle’s job is onlt for 2 years there”, Yesung’s dad added.

“(Only 2 years? You say it ‘only’?!)”

“Ah! Because it’s my last day here, why don’t we watch movie? I hear that there is a good movie today!”

“That sounds great! But mommy and daddy still have to buy the need for tomorrow? You watch the movie with Kyuhyun, okay?”

“Alright! Kyuhyuna, you want to watch movie with me, right?”

“(Watch movie? How if Siwon-hyung hasn’t gone home?) But... I don’t money”, Kyuhyun tried to find any reasons to avoid Yesung. But his sentence even made Yesung’s parents laughed hard.

“Kyuhyuna, you don’t need to be worried about the money. I’ll pay anything you want!”, Yesung lifted Kyuhyun’s chin, staring at Kyuhyun with an unsual glance.

“O..okay, Yesung-sshi”



In the school...

“Kyuhyunnie!! Where are you?!”, Siwon ran looking for Kyuhyun in the school building. He was so worried.

“Where are you?!”



Kyuhyun and Yesung separated with Yesung’s parents in front of the theater.

“What do you want to watch?”, Yesung asked.

“Uhm.... Twilight!”

“Wait a minute, I want to buy the ticket to buy the tickets first!”

“I want to join! I want ti...choose the seats!”, Kyuhyun went into a queue.

“The movie will start 15 minutes more. Do you want to buy popcorns? Or go outside?”

“No, I want to stay here. Why don’t we have a seat there?”


Yesung and Kyuhyun sat on the seats reseved in the cinema while waiting for the movie began.

“Yesung-sshi, thank you for taking me here”, Kyuhyun smiled.

“My pleasure, Kyuhyuna” Yesung’s hand moved slowly then reached Kyuhyun’s hand on the seat.

“Kyuhyuna.. I.. have been wanting to say this. I like you. I love you always!”

“Ye...Yesung-sshi?!”, Kyuhyun blushed. His heart pounding faster than normal.

“Kyuhyuna, I really like you”, Yesung’s face turned red.

“Uhm... what do you like from me?”

“I lik you... everything about you. the way you smile.. I really like your smile”

“I see...”, Kyuhyun nodded.

“Kyu, would you be my—“

“Yesung-sshi, can you buy me a popcorn? I am hungry! It must be fun to watch the movie with popcorn!”, Kyuhyun interrupted Yesung’s question.

“Ah o..okay. salty or sweet?”

“I want caramel taste!”, Kyuhyun smiled widely. Yesung nodded and left Kyuhyun to buy popcorn for him.

“Sorry, Yesung-sshi... but only Siwon-hyung is in my heart....”



After watching the movie, Yesung drove back Kyuhyun to school.

“Are you sure you want to bring the doll alone? It’s too big”, Yesung said. They were still in the car.

“It’s okay, I can bring it”, Kyuhyun stepped out the car, as Yesung did.

“Thank you, uncle, aunty, and also Yesung-sshi. See you soon!”

“Yes, Kyuhyun. Take care”, Yesung’s mom waved from the car. Yesung and Kyuhyun stared each other.

“Yesung-sshi, the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it? In US later... please take me some photos of sunset there!”

“You like sunset, Kyuhyuna?”

“Yes, I like it”

“Alright, if so... I’ll take many photos for you”, Yesung then hugged Kyuhyun.

“I will miss you..”, Yesung Kyuhyun’s hair gently.

“Me too..”, Kyuhyun siad.

“Wish me to get back soon..”, Yesung said as he released his hug. His eyes filled with tears.

“Don’t forget me”, Kyuhyun said softly. Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

“Goodbye, darling”, Yesung kissed Kyuhyun’s forehead. Kyuhyun widen his eyes in shock.

“(Darling?!)”, Kyuhyun became awkward. Yesung smiled and got back into his car.

“Bye...”, Kyuhyun waved to the car. When it already left the school, Kyuhyun walked towards the parking lot.

“I am bringing this doll... where should I put it?”, Kyuhyun asked himself. He saw there was only his bike in the parking lot.

“Siwon-hyung...”, Kyuhyun widen his eyes when he saw Siwon was some feet in front of him. He was holding his bike, his face looked like almost crying.

“I wait long time. Your bike is still here, but you are nowhere.. I almost call the police..”, Siwon said, he looked so tired. Kyuhyun froze. Siwon immediately rode his bike and left Kyuhyun alone there.

“Si.. Siwon-hyung!”, Kyuhyun tried to chase Siwon but he was far away. Kyuhyun went back to the parking lot.

“Siwon-hyung must be so mad at me..”, he pouted. That boy decided to go home but he was confused with the giant doll he brought.

“If I put it on the pillion.. it will fall, it doesn’t fit if I put it in the basket”, Kyuhyun sighed.

“Does anyone have a rubber? At least I can hold this doll..”, Kyuhyun stammered angrily. Yesung was gone, and Siwon was being mad at him.

“If you use rubber, the rubber would’ve definitely broken. Hurry, ride your bicycle!”

Kyuhyun turned to the sound source behind him.

“Siwon-hyung?!”, Kyuhyun startled.

“Hurry.. Ride your bicycle, stupid!”, Siwon glared. Kyuhyun immediately on his bike with fear.

“Where’s your belt?”, Siwon asked. Kyuhyun hurriedly took off his belt and gave it to him. Siwon combined his belt with Kyuhyun’s belt. He put the doll on the pillion behind Kyuhyun, then Siwon tied the belt around Kyuhyun’s body and the doll. Kyuhyun’s heart was touched by Siwon cold attitude but actually he was nice. Then Siwon cycled back his bike and left Kyuhyun without a word. Kyuhyun’s heart beat faster, staring at Siwon was getting away from his sight.

“Siwon-hyung! Thank you for waiting for me...and for helping me!! Take care!!”, Kyuhyun yelled, wavng to him.




Kyuhyun walked towards his classroom weakly. When he was going to change his shoes, he saw Siwon beside him.

“Good morning”, Kyuhyun greeted. Siwon didn’t look back at all, he went straight to his class.

“Siwon-hyung! (he is still angry?)”, Kyuhyun called.

“Hey Ryeowook, can you mute this annoying person behind me?”, Siwon said when he bumped into a boy named Ryeowook.

“Siwon-hyung! Wait!”, Kyuhyun pouted.

“Kyuhyunnie, what’s wrong with Siwon?”, Ryeowook asked.

“Nothing..”, Kyuhyun shook head, he walked towards his desk and sat down. Kyuhyun and Siwon didn’t talk at all. Kyuhyun was staring at Siwon who sat in front of him.

“Siwon-hyung, why are you so cold to me? I am sorry for yesterday. Are you still angry with me?”

“Can you be quiet?”, Siwon glared.

“Everyone, get back to your seats! I have some important announcements!”

Looking at their homeroom teacher came, the students immediately got back into their desks.

“What announcement?”, Heechul murmured.

“As you know, this month is February.. remember, exams are coming in June! So for exam preparation students, we add a class after school! And you also have to come in Saturday to practice every problems!”

“Whaaat? Ahh that’s annoying..”, the students complained.

“Sssh be silent, please! And also, every student council and extracurricular activites for 12 grade are abolished!”

Ryeowook widen his eyes, every extracurricular is abolished?

“But calm down, teachers have  a meeting today. So you can go home one hour earlier and—“

“Yaaay!”, everyone cheered.

“Because we left early, I’ve been preparing for these exercises!”, Mr. Kangin put stacks of papers on his desk. “Alright, a student please share these later!”, he smiled.

“Exercise again? I better go home in evening...”, Siwon snorted in disgust.

“Siwon-hyung, we do the exercise together, okay?”, Kyuhyun said.

“who says I want to do that stupid papers?”

“Aish.. fine! Ryeowookie, we..”, Kyuhyun saw Ryeowook bowed his head.

“Ryeowookie, what’s wrong?”

“Ah.. I am fine..”, Ryeowook smiled a little.



And until the school ended, Siwon and Kyuhyun still did not talk to each other. Kyuhyun spent times with Ryeowook and Heechul the whole day.

“Wookie! Kyuhyunnie!”, Heechul called them.

“I see a rainbow! Since today there is no dance club, please accompany me to capture the rainbow in the rooftop!”, Heechul said excitedly.

“Yes, Heechulie”, Ryeowook nodded. Heechul ran up the stairs in front of the 2 boys.

“Kyuhyunnie, do you have problem with Siwon?”, Ryeowook asked.

“He is angry with me...”, Kyuhyun answered.

“I see”


On the rooftop

Heechul was busy capturing the rainbow with his phone. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were enjoying the rainbow view.

“The rainbow is beautiful! Heechulie, where do you find it?”

“When I look outside the window, there’s rainbow in the sky”

“Kyuhyunnie.. Yesung-hyung’s contract ends today, and the extracurricular is abolished.. I already know it. But I am sad.. he doesn’t say goodbye to us at all.. maybe he forgets”, Ryeowook said.

“Eh? Wookie doesn’t know he is going to US?”, Kyuhyun was surprised.

“US? When? He told you?”, Ryeowook startled.

“Ah Uhm... (If I say the truth it will hurt him) He told me so”

“He goes to US without saying goodbye to us?”, Ryeowook was upset.

“He doesn’t mean like that... the plane will fly at 1.30 meanwhile our class ends at 2 on Tuesday”

Ryeowook’s heart was sank, he tried to look at his watch. It was ten past one in the afternoon.

“Yesung-hyung will go to US?”, Heechul was a little surprised.

“Yeah, he will.. Ryeowookie, don’t be sad. He will be back 2 years later!”, Kyuhyun patted Ryeowook’s back.

“2 years?!”, Ryeowook became more upset.

“Ryeowookie, we have 15 minutes before the plane flies. Catch him! Our school is close to the airport!”, Heechul said, he already satisfied to caputre the rainbow he found.

“But... I don’t know”

“Catch him, confess your feeling! I’ll accompany you!”, Heechul held his twin brother’s hand.

“No! He doesn’t need me...”

“You always pretend that you don’t like him in front of others, but you don’t need to pretend in front of your brother!”

“Yes, Ryeowookie. It’s better than you may regret later”, Kyuhyunnie added. Heechul pulled Ryeowook and the twins left the rooftop.

“Heechulie! Ryeowookie!”, Kyuhyunnie called them but they didn’t hear.

“If I follow them, I’ll be too middlesome... I can’t tell if Yesung-sshi already confessed to me yesterday..”, Kyuhyun sighed.

“Cho Kyuhyun!”, Siwon called behind him.

“Siwon-hyung?!”, Kyuhyun turned around.

“Follow me!”, Siwon pulled Kyuhyun’s hand by force.

“Eh? Where?”

“Somewhere! I want to do the exercises with you!”

“But Siwon-hyung, wheree? Is it far? If it is, I haven’t told my mother!!”

“But you also haven’t told me or your mother yesterday when you went somewhere with that ugly dance instructor!”

“O..okay, I’ll follow you but don’t pull me like this!! It hurts!!”

“I don’t careeee!!!”


Meanwhile, the cab that Ryeowook and Heechul took was almost at the airport.

In a crowd, Yesung with his parents began to leave their seats and walk to their plane. That cab stopped in front of the airport. “I haven’t said goodbye to Ryeowookie...”, Yesung minded.

“Go now!”, Heechul said.

“But...”, Ryeowook still doubted.

“GO now! I’ll wait you here!”, Heechul pushed his twin brother. Ryeowook then ran into the airport, through the crowd of people. He turned to right and left, searching for where Yesung was. Ryeowook ran into the international departures.  From a distance he saw a man with a brown coat was walking with his suitcase. That man gait reminded him with Yesung.

“Yesung-hyung!”, Ryeowook called. That man looked back, he stopped walking. He saw Ryewook who was still in uniform gasping hardly. Yesung ran approaching Ryeowook.

“Wookie, you come here?”, Yesung asked. Ryeowook didn’t answer, he was controling his breath.

“Yesung-hyung... if you want to go somewhere... at least, tell it to me! Yesung-hyung..”, Ryeowook was panting.

“Ryeowookie...”, Yesung was still in shock that suddenly his student came to meet him.

“Yesung-hyung, what I say now.. please forget...”, Ryeowook said.

“I will forget it”, Yesung nodded.

“Yesung-hyung, I like you!!!”, Ryeowook said loudly. Some people were staring at them. Suddenly he felt someone hugged him tightly. Ryeowook opened his eyes, he was in Yesung’s arms.

“Yesung-hyung..”, Ryeowook cried, squeezing Yesung’s coat.

“I’ll be back soon...”, Yesung said gently without releasing their hug.


Siwon took Kyuhyun to a park that actually more looked like urban forest. They sat side by side in a seat that has a table there. They were doing the exercises from their teacher.

“Hey.. Where did you go yesterday?”, Siwon asked.

“Sorry, Siwon-hyung. Yesterday, when I was going to parking lot. Yesung-sshi came with his parents, he asked me to have lunch with them..”

“then you followed him?”


“Tch.. you follow everyone who comes to you, so if someone you even don’t know comes to you, you will follow him too?”

“O..of course not! Yesung-sshi isn’t stranger, so I don’t doubt to follow him.. sorry, Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun felt so guilty. Siwon didn’t reply anymore, they continued working their assignment.

“Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun suddenly called.


“Yesterday... Yesung-sshi confessed his feeling.. he said he liked me”

“WHAT DO YOU SAY?!”, Siwon widen his eyes in shock.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“So.. you say Ok?”, Siwon asked curiously. He was annoyed when Kyuhyun told it.

“No.. I didn’t accept him..”, Kyuhyun shook head.

“That’s great..”

“Why are you so happy, Siwon-hyung?”

“Happy? Huh?”, Siwon played innocent.

“Siwon-hyung.. I’ve ever had a really weird dream”

“What dream?”

“But you won’t regret if you hear it?”

“If you say like that I am getting curious”, Siwon put his pen, and turned to face Kyuhyun.

“Okay, okay... One day, I dreamt...”, Kyuhyun began to tell his dream.

“Yes, c’mon!!”

“I woke up in the morning... But my room looked different.. It was larger. Then I saw you slept beside me...”

“HUH?! We slept together?!”, Siwon startled.

“Ye..yeah. As I remembered, you kissed me and you said you were my......husband”, Kyuhyun’s face turned red. Siwon knitted his forehead, but he was getting more interested to hear that story.

“Should I continue?”, Kyuhyun asked.

“Yes, hurry!! I was your husband? Disgusting...”

“Uuuhh I also don’t want to be your wife!!”, Kyuhyun hitted Siwon’s arm.

“Just continue!”

“Then we had breakfast together, you were so kind to me.. and I was confused because I felt strange with the house we lived. When I dreamt that, we just met and I didn’t really know you.. Okay never mind, then... Ah! As I remembered you drove me somewhere!”


“To our school... but our school looked different! And..there were also our friends there, but they looked so old”

“Could it be.. we went to a school reunion?”

“Yes, we went there!”

“And then?”


“Finish? Only that? So... that dream was like future. Hahahahaha I became your husband!!”, Siwon laughed so hard.

“Siwon-hyung... how if that dream..becomes real?”

“Eh? Why are you saying like that?!”

“I am only afraid... once we get married later, you don’t love me”

“It’s okay if that dream becomes real..”

“You’re willing to be my husband?”

“If indeed we are made for each other, I can’t deny it”

“Uhm... Siwon-hyung, one day I’ll be a good guy! I’ll be a good wife for you...if that dream is real!”

“Yeah, I believe in you”, Siwon nodded. They both became awkward.

“aaah it’s weird to talk about these stupid things...”, Siwon stretched his arms.

“I also don’t know why suddenly I talk about this..”, Kyuhyun said. Suddenly he felt a little snowball hitted his head.

“Hahahahaha!”, Siwon giggled. He made another snowball again and threw it to Kyuhyun.

“Uuuh Siwon-hyung, you are annoying!!”, Kyuhyun left his seat and made a snowball. He tried to hit Siwon with it, Siwon hurriedly ran away.

“Don’t ruuuun!!!”, Kyuhyun chased Siwon. they were throwing snowballs to each other.

Kyuhyun’s POV

 About the future... Ah I don’t care! As long as I can still be with Siwon-hyung, everything will be fine! Do you know? Friendship is the bestiest thing that comes to life . Friends will always be there for you don't worry about the fakes worry about the people who had your back from the start and never treated you wrong always remember they are your real friends don't never take them as granted because one day your going to lose a good friend by the way your action's are when you see a good friend stick to that person. Ah~ I love my friends!






In a very hot June...

“Finally, we arrive at the end of this semester. Prepare yourself for the graduation exams, you all have to fight for your future! I wish the best for you!, good luck!”, Mr. Kangin closed his class today. This June would be days when class 12 students would determine their fate in the fututre.

“We will soon parted.. “, Ryeowook murmured.

“Siwon-hyung, you must pass the exams, okay?!”, Kyuhyun said to Siwon in front of him.

“Yes, I will fight!”, Siwon nodded and smiled. And then the bell rang, the exam preparation students left their class.

“Bye-bye, Mr. Kangin”, the students said.

“Bye, good luck!”

“Mr. Kangin, wish us luck!”, Kyuhyun said, he walked together with Siwon.

“Good luck, Kyuhyun and Siwon. See you guys!”, Mr. Kangin smiled to the boys.

“Siwon-hyung, do you want to eat ice cream? I’ll treat you! There is a new ice cream shop that recently opened near my house!”, Kyuhyun said. They were walking along the corridor.

“You want to treat me? You talk like you have money”, Siwon grinned.

“I have money! My uncle and aunt came to my house yesterday, he gave me some money! It’s okay, if you don’t want ice cream!”

“Who says I don’t want ice cream? I want! Kyu, can you wait me for a while? I want to go to toilet for a while”

“Okay.. I’ll see you at the gate!”

“Kyuhyun-ah, come here a minute!”, a boy called him.

“What?”, Kyuhyun walked back to his class.

“Can you help me with this?”

“Ah okay..”

Kyuhyun helped the boy to stick their class pictures for their yearbook.

“So these are the pictures that we took last month! Hahahahaha!!!”, Kyuhyun laughed.

“You’re right. Thank you for helping me”

“Yes, you’re welcome!”, he smiled. Kyuhyun shook his head left and right because his neck was pretty sore. Then he noticed a pencil case on the desk.

“Is that Siwon-hyung’s pencil case?”, Kyuhyun stood up, he took the pencil case.

“Why, Kyu?”, the boy asked.

“This. Siwon-hyung left his pencil case here. Hmm.. I want to know what’s inside this..”, Kyuhyun opened the pencil case without Siwon’s permission.

“Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, and... what’s this?!”, Kyuhyun found a photo slipped in the pencil case, it was a photo which they took from the photo booth.

“Hihi, I almost forgot about it but he still kept this photo. Even in his pencil case”, Kyuhyun chuckled.

“Hyukjae! I’ll go to return it, Siwon-hyung left his pencil case. I’ll be back!”

“Alright, Kyuhyun-ah”, he replied. Kyuhyun ran leaving his class.



“Where is he? Siwon-hyung!!”, Kyuhyun still couldn’t where was Siwon. he searched Siwon to

outside the school gates.

“Siwon-ah, you must fight! I am sure this year you can pass the exams!”

“I would pass, if I pass, I’ll treat you all anything you want”, Siwon said proudly.


“Siwon-hyuuuuuung!!!! Your pencil case!!”, Kyuhyun called Siwon, he stood while holding a pencil case in front of the school gate.

“Ah your boyfriend already wait you, bye!”

“Heeeey he’s not my boyfriend! Aish.. Bye!”, Siwon waved to his friends who were leaving him.

“Siwon-hyuuung, this is your pencil case!”, Kyuhyun yelled.

“Yes, I am going there!”, Siwon walked toward Kyuhyun. Across the street, Kyuhyun was waving hand, waiting for Siwon who was crossing the zebra cross. Kyuhyun turned his head to the right.

“Siwon-hyung, watch out!”, Kyuhyun screamed. Siwon who heard that turned to the left, he saw a truck was heading at high speed towards him. Kyuhyun ran quickly, he pushed Siwon away but...


Siwon fell to the roadside, he heard a very loud crash. He tried to wake up and opened his eyes.

“KYUHYUNNIEEEEEEE!!!!!!”, he screamed. He saw Kyuhyun were lying helpless about 6 feet from the truck that hitted him.

“Kyu.. Kyuhyunnie....”, Siwon ran then hugged the bloodstained body. People around them were surprised, but nobody was brave to approach. There was a tear in Kyuhyun’s uniform, Kyuhyun’s glasses which usually he wore blown away. But his hand still firmly holding the pencil Siwon that he wanted to return.

“Kyuhyunnie, wake up! Wake up! Kyu...”, Siwon was unable to hold back his tears.

“Kyuhyunnie, don’t die! Don’t leave me... You’ve promised you won’t leave me including the difficult moment.. You remember, right? Kyu... Kyuhyunnie..”, Siwon tightened his hug.

“Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun called softly.

“Kyuhyunnie, hang on..”, Siwon ed his face.

“Hyung.. Am I going to die?”, Kyuhyun cried.

“Stupid!! You fool!! Don’t say such stupid things! Ambulance will come, you’ll be saved!”

“Hyung.. this is... your.. pencil case..”, Kyuhyun tried to lift his hand which still held Siwon’s pencil case, his blood was also fouled the pencil case.

“Stupid!! Why do you still think about that stupid pencil case?! Kyuhyunnieee!!! Kyuhyunnie!!!”, Siwon yelled. Kyuhyun closed his eyes, his hand fell away.

“KYUHYUNNIEEEE!!!! WAKE UP!!! STUPID, WAKE UP!!!!!”, Siwon hugged him tighter.




Siwon and Kyuhyun’s parents with the hospital attendants were pushing Kyuhyun’s bed toward the ER.

“Sorry, Sir, Ma’am, please wait outside”, a nurse closed the ER door.

“Kyuhyunnie.. Kyuhyunnie.. don’t leave, eomma... Kyuhyunnie..”, Mrs. Cho sobbed. Siwon who was already tired to cry could only stare the ER door.

“This is your fault! Your fault! You make my son being like this! You jerk!”, Kyuhyun’s father beat Siwon’s face. Siwon remained silent, he just let Kyuhyun’s father beat him, tears kept rolling his cheeks.

“Stop it!!! Stop it!!!”, Mrs. Cho  tried to intervene her husband and Siwon.

“Calm down, the doctor said they will do their best. And Siwonnie, thank you for bringing Kyuhyun to the hospital. You better go home, dear. You must be tired”, she said.

“I want to wait Kyuhyunnie here...”, Siwon walked away, leaving Kyuhyun’s parents. From a distance he saw Mr. Kangin and the twins were running toward the ER.

“Siwon!! How is his condition?”, the teacher asked, he was so worried about his student. Ryeowook was crying, he was deep in thought about his friend who just got an accident. Heechul was also in tears.

“He’s still in the ER”, Siwon answered.

“My Goodness.. hopefully nothing will happen to him. Siwon, can you explain what happened exactly?”

“I was opposite the school gate.. then.. he.. called me over there... He.. he said.. I pencil case.. I.. crossed approach him. I.. I.. I didn’t realize at all.. that a truck was...heading to me... he screamed.. Then he pushed me..away..but..”, Siwon’s cries exploded, tears wetted his whole face. Mr. Kangin gave him a hug.

“It’s my fault.. My fault.. He shouldn’t be like this..”, Siwon cried. Heechul and Ryeowook were crying too, they prayed that Kyuhyun would be fine.

“Don’t blame yourself. Calm down, don’t cry anymore”, Mr. Kangin said.

“But how if he dies? He shouldn’t save me! I better die alone!”, Siwon was so sorry for everything.

“Siwonnie, don’t cry. We better pray for him..”, Heechul wiped Siwon’s tears.

“Siwon, did Kyuhyun’s parents already know about it?”, Mr. Kangin asked.

“Already.. they are in front of the ER..”, Siwon answered.

“I see. Thank you. I want to meet their first”, Mr. Kangin left them, he ran to meet Kyuhyun’s parents.

“Siwonnie, let’s go home first. Change your uniform”, Heechul noticed blood spots on Siwon’s uniform.

“We’ll go here again later”, Ryeowook said.

“... I want to stay here! I want to wait the result!”, Siwon replied. Heechul understood Siwon’s

feeling, he opened his bag then he took a shirt.

“If you insist to stay here, wear this. I bring spare clothes”, Heechul said.

“No, thanks”, Siwon decided to sit on the hospital chair. Heechul aslo sat next to him.

“Definitely.. Kyuhyunnie can’t take the graduation exams, on Monday.. He must be still in the hospital. But what about Siwon? He’s his best friend. I’m afraid he fails again this year”, Ryeowook said. Hearing those words, Siwon stunned.

“Ssssh Wookie, don’t talk about the exams now. Siwonnie is still shocked by that accident!”, Heechul glared.

“I.. I want to go home”, Siwon stood up.

“Why all of sudden? You said you are going to wait Kyuhyunnie here”, Heechul said.

“If I keep here, I am getting... can’t forget about him. Don’t you remember we will face the exams on Monday?”, Siwon took his bag and walked away. Heechul and Ryeowook ran after him.

“Siwonnie!!”, Heechul called.

“Sorry I need serenity”

“Believe me, Siwonnie. He will be fine”, Heechul smiled and patted Siwon’s shoulder.




“Doctor, his condition is critical! He lacks a lot of blood!”

“Weakened heartbeat!”

The doctor and some hospital attendants were handling Kyuhyun. Medical devices mounted in Kyuhyun’s body. He suffered severe injures from the accident.



At 8 PM in the hospital. Kyuhyun’s parents were still waiting faithfully for their only child.  Eventually they were called by the doctor about their child’s situation.

“He suffers bleeding in his brain because the accident, his 6 ribs are also broken. We can do the surgery, but the possibility of success only 20%”

Mrs. Cho bursted into tears instantly as she heard the doctor’s statement. Her husband held his wife, he was also surprised to hear his son’s condition in critical.

“Whether our son has the chance to live?”

“It all depends on the surgery. I mean this time, I’m asking for Mr. And Mrs. Cho approval to do the surgery.  Kyuhyun’s parents stared into each other. They whispered quitely, discussing their decision.

“Doctor, please do the surgery tonight!”



Operation lamp was , a nurse was preparing the injection of drugs. And other staffs are preparing surgical instruments. Kyuhyun’s eyes slowly opened, but returned to close when looking at such a blinding light from  the operation lamp.

“Siwon-hyung..”, Kyuhyun’s lips moved feebly calling that name. Kyuhyun felt his arms was stabbed by a needle pushers, his body suddenly became limp. His eyes closed slowly.

“Let’s begin the surgery!”



Siwon sank his face into the bathtub. Then his head back to the water surface. His eyes still filled with tears, as if still in disbelief that the accident had just happened to his friend.


“Why did this have to happen?  Why?! Why must you?! I’ve promised to protect you.. but I couldn’t even keep my promise..”, Siwon hugged his knees. “You always say.. so I can graduate this year.. But we’re friends, how can I pass alone without you? How can that be?” Siwon’s shouts echoed in the corner of the bathroom.


At 10 AM in Siwon’s mansion, Mr. Kangin, Siwon’s teacher at school, came to his mansion. Siwon’s stepmother greeted the teacher. they talked in the living room. Siwon had just come out his room, he went down the stairs of his house. He heard the people’s sounds chatting downstairs.

“Who is that?”, Siwon asked his servant.

“Your homeroom teacher, Master”

“Mr. Kangin?”, Siwon ran toward the living room, he peeked from behind a large cupboard.

“Yesterday, he just had the surgery. It went fluently, but he hasn’t shown signs of recovery. The doctor said, he was in coma, he condition was very critical.... and maybe..his life is just counting the days...”, Mr. Kangin said.

“My goodness it’s terrible”, Siwon’s stepmother startled to hear that bad news.

“Therefore, I want Mrs. Choi not to say this to Siwon. I am just afraid, he will fail again this year. I don’t want.. the same thing happened again just like 2 years ago, when Siwon’s parents died in an accident”, Mr. Kangin said. “And Mrs. Choi, maybe a warm family atmosphere is really necessary, so that Siwon can become calmer. And never bring up about his friend’s problem. Better to get rid of items that can remind him of Kyuhyun”

“I see.. Since last night, he locked himself in his room..”, the woman who sat wth her legs crossed nodded.

“What does he mean? Kyuhyun is in coma? Just counting the days? Does it mean he will die?!”, Siwon minded, trying to control his tears. Not long ater Siwon heard both laughters.

“Siwon I know won’t only cry and blame everything. It’s also not good to be late in the dumps. I think.. Kyuhyun will be sadder if Siwon doesn’t graduate this year”

Mr. Kangin’s words reached Siwon’s ears, his heart suddenly thrilled.

“. I think.. Kyuhyun will be sadder if Siwon doesn’t graduate this year”, those words were boggling Siwon’s mind.



The night before the exams...

Siwon was studying in his room. Tomorrow, he had to face the exams that would last for 3 days. Since he knew Kyuhyun was in coma he’d never come back to the hospital to visit him.

“Siwon! Siwonnie!”, a woman knocked the door. Siwon rose from his seat and opened the door. He saw his stepmother in front of him.

“Siwon”, she called.

“Without you told me to study I could study myself”

“You must already know that your friend is in coma”

“Please don’t talk about him again..”

“I understand. You definitely don’t want to not pass again this year”, that woman rubbed her stepson’s hair. “If the exams already accomplish, you can visit him”, she hugged him who was about to cry. Maybe it was the first time Siwon could feel his stepmother was being nice. It was the first time he could feel warmth and comfort from his stepmother...



Finally the test was still going even without Kyuhyun. There was an empty desk behind Siwon, Kyuhyun was supposed to sit there if the accident didn’t happen.

Meanwhile in the hospital, Kyuhyun was still lying on his bed. The mother was sitting on the chair beside his bed, holding her son’s wrist tightly.

“Today.. Your friends at school are taking exams..”, Mrs. Cho talked to her son.

“I’ll bet you’d love to take them exams too, Kyu..”, she smiled.


Days passed quickly, the exams were now over. And Kyuhyun was still not aware of his coma. Most students took college entrance exams. When the exams were over, Siwon started the courage to meet Kyuhyun accompanied by the twins who were always with him when Kyuhyun wasn’t there. Since that arrival, Siwon more often came to see Kyuhyun. Talking to him, reading him a story, and also telling him what evens he experienced in his day. The flower in the vase on the table next to Kyuhyun’s bed also never dried, because Siwon always changed the flower everyday.  The walls of Kyuhyun’s  hospital room also Siwon decorated with cranes which he made with his friends.


“Kyuhyunnie...”, Siwon called that name softly.

“ our graduation day.. For the first time, I will attend the ceremony that day. Kyu, I can be like... because of you. you’ve helped me a lot”, Siwon said as he Kyuhyun’s brown hair.

“Kyuhyunnie, whereas I really want to pass our school together with you. I’m sorry. I even pass alone without you.. So..rry..”, Siwon had tears in his eyes.

“I hope.. we can be together again, Kyu. I miss you.. I want us to..laugh together again, make jokes, and have fun just like before.. “

“Kyuhyunnie, please wake up!  Wake up... I promise, when you wake up, I’ll be a good friend for you! I’ll do anything for you I promise!”, Siwon shook Kyuhyun’s hand.

Suddenly a doctor and a nurse opened the door. Siwon hastily wiped his tears.

“Excuse me, The visit time is up. We come here to do the inspection”, the nurse said.

“Oh.. Yes, I get it”, Siwon stood up, He stared at Kyuhyun, then whispered something to Kyuhyun’s ears.

“Kyuhyunnie, this is the last day I’m here.. Thank you for everything, Kyuhyunnie.. I love you”, Siwon smiled as he patted Kyuhyun’s cheek gently.


And it came the graduation day. The 3rd grader students were smiling happily. The boys  wore suits and the girls wore blouses. It had been determined, after the graduation, Siwon and Heechul and their families would fly to America to hold the 2 men wedding.

Siwon stared at his graduation certificate, he managed to graduate with a B+, the satifactory value though not in line with his expectations, graduating with an A+. After the ceremony, he just heard the statement that Cho Kyuhyun did not pass this year.

“What does that mean?! He is in coma, of course he couldn’t take the exams! Don’t you know he is smart student? He has also been in this school achievement!”, Siwon prostesed to the principal.

“He is already in coma, isn’t he? For what a person who is in coma was given a certificate of graduation?”

“But it can’t be like that! Sir, couldn’t you feel a little of his misery?”

“Never mind, Choi Siwon. it’s your graduation day. You are already fighting for today, aren’t you? Just gather with your friends there. Is Kyuhyun your only friend?”

“Sir... maybe I have thousands friends who I love in this world. But Kyuhyun is the only friend who can get thousands love from me. Thank you”, Siwon smiled, a smile that was difficult to decipher by the principal. Siwon walked away toward his friends who were gathering. They hugged each other and congartulated on their success.


Then the graduation ceremony was over, Siwon’s stepmother was busy chatting with Heechul’s family. Siwon had been alone with Heechul, staring at the river from the bridge.

“Siwonnie.. congratulation for your graduation”

“Hey.. how many times do you say that?”



“Today is our wedding day.. I am so happy”


“Hey, you’re supposed to say me too!”

“I am not...”


“Heechul.. Can I.. for the last time visit Kyuhyun?”

“Didn’t you already visit him yesterday? We have to go soon you know”

“Okay, I’ll accompany you”

“Yes”, Siwon nodded. Leaving the bridge he used to lean, they both went to the hospital where Kyuhyun treated. When he got there, Siwon immediately to the administration.

“Why did you go there?”, Heechul asked when Siwon just got back.

“Helping to pay his hospital expenses.. I can not bear to look at Kyuhyun’s father who worked until overnight. Never mind, take it easy”

Siwon and Heechul went to Kyuhyun’s room. In front of that rom there were Kyuhyun’s mother and father who were almost a month in the hospital.

“you guys have passed high school? Congratulation!”, Kyuhyun’s mother greeted them, hugging Siwon and Heechul one by one. Kyuhyun’s father stared at Siwon cynically, Siwon replied him with a smile.

“Aunty, why don’t you get into Kyuhyun’s room?”

“I’m bored to be there. Sometimes it’s boring to talk with someone who never answers.. even though he’s my son”

“I am sorry.. It happened because of me..”

“It’s not your fault. This is destiny”

“If so.. Aunty, may I enter Kyuhyun’s bedroom?”

“Of course, please”

“Thank you”, Siwon opened the door and entered in. He walked toward Kyuhyun, looking at comatose body.

“Kyuhyunnie, how are you? Today.. I have passed high school, Kyu. I passed!”, Siwon smiled. The same as ever, Kyuhyun didn’t answer at all.

“Kyuhyunnie.. I.. (interrupted)”

“Siwonnie, come on! We have been waiting for!”, Heechul said as he opened the door.

“Yes, 5 minutes!”, Siwon nodded. He hurriedly opened his bag, he took a notebook and a pink highlighter. He put the doll and the higlighter on the table, then he took the elephant doll that Kyuhyun ever gave to him and put it beside  Kyuhyun’s bed.

“Siwon, hurry! What are you writing?”

“Yes, yes, wait me!!”, Siwon accelerated his writings.

“Goodbye, darling..”, Siwon closed the notebook and put it near the elephant doll. Siwon and Heechul said goodbye to Kyuhyun’s parents before leaving the hospital. Their both families were waiting in the hospital lobby.

“Where have you been? You go for a long time!”, Heechul’s mother said.

“Ah I haven’t said goodbye to Kyuhyunnie”, Ryeowook said.

“We haven’t many times, we have to go soon! Let’s go!”

“Mom, can I go to toilet first?”

“Aish.. Heeechulie, just pee in the airport later!”

“I can’t take it anymore!!”

“Why not from earlier you go to the toilet?”, Siwon asked.

“Go there, fast!”, Mrs. Kim said. Heechul ran leaving them.

“Sorry, Mrs. Choi”, Mrs. Kim bowed.

“Ahahaha it’s okay”

No one knew, actually Heechul didn’t go to toilet but he went to Kyuhyun’s room. He went there with a reason he left his book there. He saw there was an elephant doll and a notebook colored blue beside Kyuhyun.  With curiousity, he took the book and opened it.


Kyuhyunnie, forgive me..

Today I graduate alone without you. I get a B+, is that bad? I am sure you’d be able to get better grades than me. Kyuhyunnie, I am happy to have a good friend like you. Every night I pray that we can be together. But forgive me, Kyu. I am going away for a while. But I must be back. Take care of yourself here. This doll, I give it back to you to replace when I am not there. So, you won’t be alone. Kyuhyunnie, I’ll be honest with you. I like you. I fall in love with you. Someday, I’ll be a well established and succesful. At the moment that will come later, I am going to marry you and happy you. then wait for me until I come back. I will always send you letters. Goodbye.



Choi Siwon


There had been countless amount of tears that dripped from Heechul’s eyelid when he read the letter.

It’s true.. The person who Siwon loves...just him. Heechul minded.


The car drove at high speed towards the airport. Siwon was sitting beside Heechul, staring out the window. Heechul was silent and bowed his head. They didn’t speak a word.

“Kyuhyunnie, I’ll be back soon..”



In the hospital, Kyuhyun’s father was astonished by a notebook and an elephant doll beside his son. He found there were writings on the notebook, then he tried to read it.

“Tch.. that kid again”, Mr. Cho broke the paper.



That Friday was the day of Siwon and Heechul’s wedding day. At a church in United States, the wedding was attended by friends and business associates families both partners. Siwon wore a whilte tuxedo, he looked very handsome. And Heechul wore similiar clothing. They stood face to face in front of the church podium. There was a pastor existing among them.

“Choi Siwon, will you have this man to be your wedded wife, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?”

“I.... do”, Siwon answered.

“Kim Heechul, will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?”

“....”, Heechul didn’t answer anything.

Siwon blinked, intending to provide code so Heechul immediately answered. Heechul’s mother also felt uneasy with her son who remained silent. Heechul walked closer, he took something from his suit pocket. Siwon startled, something which Heechul took was an airplane ticket.

“Siwonnie.. I know you love him”, Heechul whispered, he lifted Siwon’s hand then he put the ticket on Siwon’s palm.

“Go see him now.. Don’t mind about me”, Heechul said.

“Heechul..”, Siwon was frightened.

“Come back to Korea. Run!”



Siwon ran from the podium quickly. Everyone was shocked. Siwon forced open the church door and continued to run, even though he didn’t know where to run. Heechul sat down and cried. Some people were running after Siwon, he quicken his steps to make the people who chased him lost his track. When Siwon was already away from them, Siwon felt a little relieved. Suddenly he heard a horn that surprised him when he was crossing the street.

“Kyuhyunnie....”, Siwon fell crashing to the street.


In the hospital, Korea.

“It’s paid off?”, Kyuhyun’s father was surprised. He was going to pay the hospital costs.

“Mr. Cho! Mr. Cho!”, a nurse ran calling the old man.


“Your son is awake!”





Mrs. Cho opened the mailbox, she found out a letter there.

“From Choi Siwon? He sends letter everyweek for Kyuhyunnie..”, Mrs. Cho said as she stared the letter. “Hmm.. Maybe this time I should give it to him. So Kyuhyunnie can let Siwon know that he will be moving house and told him his new address”, she was going to approach her son.

“What is that?”, her husband came. He looked tired after inserting some items into the truck which would bring their stuffs from the old house.

“Choi Siwon again?”, Mr. Cho snatched it, he broke the letter and threw it away.

“Hon..honey.. don’t do that”

“Kyuhyun must forget him!”, Mr. Cho left his wife.

Kyuhyun went out his room after preparing his own stuffs. Chairs, tables, television, and other things were already wrapped in cardboards. His daddy and a staff put the boxes into the truck.

“You already prepared everything, Kyu?”, his mommy asked.

“Yes, eomma”, Kyuhyun nodded.

“Kyuhyunnie, help me to bring this! It’s heavy!”


That little family was busy taking care of their moving house. Finally, everything were already in the truck.

“Kyuhyunnie, your xbox? Why you don’t put it into the truck?”

“I don’t need it anymore.. Sell it, or give it to our neighbor..”

“Kyuhyunnie? Why—“


“Oh okay, Kyuhyunnie. Your dolls are still in your bedroom, you want to leave them there?”

“I also don’t need them..”

“But those dolls are the memories from your friend, right?”

“Friend? Who?”, Kyuhyun walked into his bedroom again. He closed the door slowly. The room was empty. He saw the dolls, and also his face sketch which Siwon ever made for him. His tears rolled down his cheek.

Kyuhyun, forgive me. I have to go away..

 I’ll go to get married in America..

 You should never wait for me. Forget about me..

 This doll, I return it to you. I haven’t needed it anymore..

 Forget about me, I hope you will have a great future.


Those sentences was filling his mind, everytime he remembered them he never stopped to cry. He took the frame and stared at his own face sketch.

“I HATE YOU!!!”, Kyuhyun threw the frame.. Sound of the broken glass made his mother shocked.

“Kyuhyunnie, what is that voice?!”

“N...nothing”, Kyuhyun turned to his mother. mrs. Cho saw her son’s face, tears rolling down her son’s cheeks.

“Oh my God, Kyuhyunnie.. why do you break that? That’s......”

“Eomma....”, Kyuhyun hugged his mother.

“Kyuhyunnie..”, the loving mother rubbed his back gently.

“Eomma, why did he leave me? Why?! Why did he leave me, eomma?”, Kyuhyun cried in his mom’s arms.









4 years later.......

In a broadcast studio at the end of snowy December...

“Yesung-sshi, I wanna go home! Go home!”

“Hey, 5 minutes more! You really want Mr. Producer not pay us today?”

“So.. what do we have to do for this 5 minutes?”

“Hmm... How if we read unread message from listeners?”


“We have Pinky here.. good evening, Pinky!”

“What does she say?”

“Good evening, YeHyun! My resolution in 2013 is to lose weight. I feel I am too fat, maybe if I’m slimmer I’ll be able to have boyfriend. Thank you, YeHyun”

“Aaaaaah Pinky, I agree with you! I also want to lose weight too!! I am really annoyed when I look myself in the mirror”

“Why, Kyu?”

“I hate my fat on my belly”

“Hahahahaha alright Pinky, thank you! We wish your resolution will come true! Hmm actually if you want to have boyfriend, you can ask Cho Kyuhyun. He is single!”

“Ahahahaha Yesung-sshi! Heeey it’s already 8 PM! I wanna go home!”

“Ah that’s right, it’s already time to say goodbye! Sorry for the message that we haven’t read”

“Yeah, we hope you guys, understand. You know, messages which come to our radio over 800”

“Wow you are so arrogant, Cho Kyuhyun!”

“You forget YeHyun’s motto? Even though we are poor, one important is we are arrogant!”

“Aish.. Do not ever hear that, kids! Alright, we have to say goodbye! This is Kim Yesung!”

“And I am Cho Kyuhyun!”

“Bye-bye! See you tomorrow evening! Stay tune at 89.5 Teen Radio!!”

Yesung and Kyuhyun took off their headphones. The producer came to them.

“Thank you Yesung, Kyuhyun! Most listeners really like your broadcast!”

“Our rating goes up!”, Kyuhyun said exctitedly. Yesung only smiled.

“Yesung-sshi, let’s go home together! I don’t want to anywhere else..”





Yesung was driving his car with Kyuhyun.  He wanted to accompany him to his cousin’s apartment. Kyuhyun opened Yesung’s car window. Yesung glanced at his friend, he knew what his friend was going to do. Kyuhyun took a cigarette then burned it with lighter.

“You never think to stop smoking?”, Yesung asked.

“To think about it I also should be having a smoke”, Kyuhyun answered while on his cigarette and exhaled the smoke. Yesung sighed, he was annoyed by the smoke from Kyuhyun’s cigarette.


Kyuhyun’s POV

“Bye! Thank you, Yesung-sshi!”, I waved to Yesung who already accompanied me to my cousin’s apartment. Every I went back at late night, I came to stay in my cousin’s apartment. Because her apartment was the nearest place from the place where I worked.

My cousin had married a man but they didn’t have children. They adopted Sungmin as their child. Did you remember him? A cute boy who I ever met in the orphanage when I was high school student.

“What? Aish.. if think you and your husband are still busy with your work, don’t adopt a child!”

“Please, Kyu. You also don’t work tomorrow, right?”

“Where is his school?”

“He will show it to you, I’ve told him about it. C’mon, I won’t do it if I can come to his school parents meeting. You are a good uncle, right?”

“Fine, fine. But when you get back from Tokyo, you must give a lot of food and sovenirs!”

“Alright,  I love you, Kyuuu! Once, you get married later, I promise I’ll help you with anything you want. Do  you have someone that you want to marry?”

“Heey I am still 20 years old, I am not interested in marriage!”

“Okay, I get it. Ah Kyuhyunnie, tomorrow Sungminnie will perform a song with his classmates, please record it too!”

“Yeees I know, I want to sleep! I am tired!! Thank you for the coffee”, I rose from my seat and walked towards Sungmin’s bedroom. He already fell asleep. There was a blue sofa that I used to sleep when I came here. I layed myself on it, staring at the dark room. In the darkness, I could see the elephant doll on Sungmin’s desk.

It has been 4 years I wait for you...

And you still never come back...



[In Sungmin’s school]

“Your school is large enough”, Kyuhyun was walking in school corridor with his nephew, Sungmin.

“Of course, it’s my school!”, Sungmin giggled. Then suddenly his friends approached him.

“Hey Sungmin, with whom do you come here?”

“With my uncle”

“Aah I see. Do you want to play cards?”

“Count me in!!”, Sungmin left Kyuhyun and joined his friends.

“Sungminnieee!! Where are you going? I don’t know where is your class!”, Kyuhyun shouted.

“3-2, just search it yourself!”, Sungmin replied.

“Tch..what a naughty kid..”, Kyuhyun grumbled. He kept walking the corridor. Trying to find the place he never visited was his weakness.

“(Aish.. where is his class?! 3-2? I don’t see 3-2 at all!!)”, Kyuhyun was already walking around the 3rd floor. He got an idea to ask someone there, he saw a tall man was walking there. He thought the man was a teacher.

“Sir!”, Kyuhyun called that tall man.

“Sir, excuse me. Can you......”, Kyuhyun stopped his question. He widen his eyes. His heart missed a beat when he saw the man’s face. The man was also surprised, they stared each other.

“Uhm.. Can you tell me.. where is 3-2 located? I come to parents meeting”

“3-2? It’s on the second floor, near the health room..”

“Second floor? Oh.. Thank you”, Kyuhyun turned away. He quickened his pace, walking away from the man who helped him.

“Kyuhyunnie!”, that man chased Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stopped his step, his lips trembled.

“Kyuhyunnie! You are Cho Kyuhyun, right?”, that man smiled, he stood beside Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stared at the man’s face.

“Do I know you?”







-To be continued-



Sorry for making you wait so looong!! Finally I can continue this fic, well this is my christmas gift for you ^^ hehe even though I don’t celebrate christmas, there’s no wrong to enjoy the atmosphere :D this is the saddest chapter I’ve ever made T_T I couldn’t stop crying when I typed this fic L I felt pity for Kyuhyunnie, and Siwon... he actually was so selfish here!

Now we will enter to the time where they are adults! I’ll give the pictures how do they look like next chapter. And for next chapter maybe I’ll update next year. Thank’s for reading, guys! Happy new year! ^_^

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Chapter 1: They're so cute togetherr~
Eonni when are you going to update? I love your fic <3 I'll be waiting!! ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 8: Kyu don't accept da girl, you're only for Siwon.. ^^
Chapter 3: Wow this chapter is cute and your drasing is amazing! (*^o^*)
Chapter 2: I'm a new reader and your fic is amazing! How come I read this only in 2015 -_- thanks for sharing a good story ♡
Your story is really great. I really like the way Kyu is. He is cutest.
Chapter 13: Please update soon!! I really love this story to death!!!
Chapter 13: What a turning event! I can't believe Siwon cut off his pinky :(
And Kyu is smoking? aaaaah they need to talk it out!
I'm curious to know what the hell is going on between Siwon and Yesung! Aiiich hope nothing that will hurt Kyunnie :(

Update soon! ^^
Saravy #9
Chapter 13: Siwon is a lot more mature now, too bad Kyu isn't.^^

So is Siwon really missing his pinky? And what are Yesung and Siwon up to? Hmmm, please update soon so we can find out. ^^
Chapter 13: Yaaaaaaaaay an update ^^finally ..
Oh I was soooo mad at Siwon (dont ask me why )he was so calm I dont know he just annoyed me ...but them his finger oh my god Siwoonie T^T you didnt have to do it ..and mmmmmmmm oh right there is the new characters Donghae LOOOOOOL he is soooooo prev kekekeke oh and what the hell Yesung is doing with Siwon and and where is Heechul..I have a bad feeling about him *worried*

update soon please thought u will not hehehe & thanks....saraneh^^