Only tears


It's been a week since Taemin ended things. You weren't sad, you weren't angry, you were numb. And as cheesy as it sounds nothing held any meaning without him. He had left a hole in you and it felt like you would never be complete again. You were wondering the school hallways when you bumped into someone.


Oh I'm so-” you started to say until you noticed who it was, it was Jonghyun.


No, it was completely my fault.” he said. You turned and started to walk away but he caught your arm “I heard what happened between you and Taemin.” The mention of that name stirred up so many emotions but you quickly suppressed them “I hate it......I hate what he's done to you. I hate seeing you suffer. And I know I have no right to say that but ______ …...you should know that I regret what happened that day......I should have never let things get out of hand like that and I am sorry for any pain I caused you.” he gently turned you until you were facing him “______..........I still care about you......nothing about my feelings ever changed.” he pulled you in for a hug “I'm here for you.” he whispered in your ear.


You were too shocked to speak. It felt wrong being in Jonghyun's arms instead of Taemin's but at the same time it felt good to have someone embrace you like this, in a comforting way that let you know you weren't alone. You closed your eyes and pretended you were in Taemin's arms.





Taemin had seen the whole thing


He heard Jonghyun comfort you, watched him pull you into his arms. He felt jealousy and anger at the sight. Then his heart sank as he watched you close your eyes in content.


Is she really moving on?




Sorry my chapters have been so bad recently!!! It's gonna start picking up soon I just need to fill in a few things in the story~~

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Chapter 12: so awkward after seeing woohyun LOL
very nice story btw i loved it
He survived? with nothing wrong? LOL why am i sad about that xD...WOO! Jonghyun isnt a total idiot after all.
IT FINISHED SO QUICKLY T___T Sequal? maybe? *sigh*
...you never know...you could be like sis...you never know...YAY!!!!HES ALIVE!!!!and whew!!!!im guessing thats the last of jonghyun then????yay!!!!fluffy fluff fluff is back!!!!my fave!!!!teehee!!!!and yay!!!!theyre back together!!!!
OMG!!!!HE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR ANYTHING TWINNIE OR ELSE IM GOING TO GO INTO RAGE MODE!!!!...teehee!!!!...he brushed you off when you jumped onto him...why that is funny i dont know...but...ohh...jonghyun...whyd you have to turn out this way...why why why...shakes head...BUT MINNIE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR GONE INTO A COMA OR ANYTHING!!!!
'You jumped on him from behind but he quickly brushed you off, knocking you to the groud.' BAHAHA! Fail xD ANYWAY!...Taemin...why....T____T
...blank stare...do not mention that moment to me twinnie...blank stare...and omg!!!!...jonghyun!!!!you are a real aiohateh arent you????...his thoughts...shakes head...you evil little man...and awww!!!!poor taeminnie!!!!still trying to protect her!!!!
I dont know why, but even though Jonghyunnie is evil in this, that last bit made me think "awwh this guy is the cutest thing alive"
Jonghyun...you did not just say that.