Only tears

Taemin walked into the dimly lit gymnasium to find it surprisingly empty. He carefully scanned every inch until he noticed a piece of paper attached to the wall opposite of him.....a piece of paper with his name on it. He walked over to it and snatched it from the wall then flipped it over: LOCKER ROOM


He sighed and warily walked over to the locker rooms. They had never been his favorite place to go, they were always so filthy and they reeked, and now that it was so dark in there it somehow made it even worse. Although Taemin felt like he had just stepped into the plot of a horror movie he knew he had to be strong, he had to do this for you. He began to walk around mazes of lockers, having to place his hand on them to guide him through the darkness.


“Hello?” He called after finding no sign of who he assumed was Jonghyun. He was about to give up and turn around to find his way back when a sudden and strong force hit him from the side slamming him into the lockers. He sank to ground groaning in pain, he was suddenly yanked up by his shirt collar only to be slammed into the lockers once more.


“Not so tough now are you?” a familiar voice said “Its really a shame your little girlfriend isn't here to see this.”


“Jonghyun” He said confirming what he already knew to be true “What do you want?Why did you send that picture of ______?What are planning on doing with her?!”


Jonghyun smirked and then chuckled a dark chuckle “Well I would tell you what I've been planning to do to her......but I think that would just make you angry.......besides thats not what we're here for. I'm here to tell you what I want you to do with her.”


Oh yeah?” Taemin said, a little agitated with what Jonhyun had just said “and whats that?”


I want you to break up with her.”


Taemin's mind immediately rejected the idea. It was impossible for him to even think of forcing you from his life. “You're insane.” he spat back at Jonghyun, who in return punched him hard in the stomach.


He was doubled over in pain for only a second before being yanked up and and slammed into the lockers again. “Let's try this again.” Jonghyun said “You will break up with ______.”


And if I don't?” Taemin asked, still a little out of breath from the punch “What do you plan on doing then?”


Hmmmmmm” Jonghyun said as if he was carefully choosing an answer “I plan on finding her and finishing what I started that day in the practice room.” he ended with an evil grin.


Taemin's breath caught and his entire body froze. Did he hear correctly? If he didn't break up with you then Jonghyun would find you and....and.....he couldn't bring himself to think the word “If you so much as look at her wrong I swear I will-” he was cut off by Jonhyun's knee ramming into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.


Even if you don't break up with her, do you think you'll be able to protect her 24/7?huh?!trust me I can and will find ways around you.” Now Jonghyun was just getting mad “In fact I can make it so I'm the first one ______ sees when she gets back into town tomorrow.” he placed a hand around Taemin's throat to keep him from talking while his other hand reached around to the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a pair of handcuffs “I can hook you to one of these lockers and I won't come back until after I've gotten what I want.”


Taemin was torn. If he refused again Jonghyun would hook him to one of these lockers and he would be powerless to stop him. But if he didn't refuse....he would be forced to destroy the most important part of his life. “Make your decision NOW!” Jonghyun yelled as he grabbed one of Taemin's wrist,about to attach the handcuff “I'll do it!” he said before he could stop himself “I'll do it.....I'll break up with her!Just please.....don't do anything to her.”


Jonghyun smiled, feeling triumphant. “Good” he released Taemin “I'll give you a month to do it.” and with that he walked away, leaving Taemin broken and alone. As soon as Jonghyun was gone Taemin sank to the floor and let tears escape his eyes


What have I done?


It felt really weird writing this chapter

Jonghyun is INSANE!!!!!

But its okay oppa we all know you're a big dork and sweetheart <33

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Chapter 12: so awkward after seeing woohyun LOL
very nice story btw i loved it
He survived? with nothing wrong? LOL why am i sad about that xD...WOO! Jonghyun isnt a total idiot after all.
IT FINISHED SO QUICKLY T___T Sequal? maybe? *sigh*
...you never know...you could be like sis...you never know...YAY!!!!HES ALIVE!!!!and whew!!!!im guessing thats the last of jonghyun then????yay!!!!fluffy fluff fluff is back!!!!my fave!!!!teehee!!!!and yay!!!!theyre back together!!!!
OMG!!!!HE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR ANYTHING TWINNIE OR ELSE IM GOING TO GO INTO RAGE MODE!!!!...teehee!!!!...he brushed you off when you jumped onto him...why that is funny i dont know...but...ohh...jonghyun...whyd you have to turn out this way...why why why...shakes head...BUT MINNIE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR GONE INTO A COMA OR ANYTHING!!!!
'You jumped on him from behind but he quickly brushed you off, knocking you to the groud.' BAHAHA! Fail xD ANYWAY!...Taemin...why....T____T
...blank stare...do not mention that moment to me twinnie...blank stare...and omg!!!!...jonghyun!!!!you are a real aiohateh arent you????...his thoughts...shakes head...you evil little man...and awww!!!!poor taeminnie!!!!still trying to protect her!!!!
I dont know why, but even though Jonghyunnie is evil in this, that last bit made me think "awwh this guy is the cutest thing alive"
Jonghyun...you did not just say that.