Only tears


The next day you and Taemin walked to school hand in hand as usual. The sound of whistling caught your attention. You looked towards where it was coming from and groaned and at the same time Taemin tensed beside you. That whistle could only belong to one person: Kim Jonghyun


Jonghyun was an older boy who attended your school and, honestly, you used to be very close to him. When you first moved to this school Jonhyun befriended you right away. He was always so caring and sweet, in a few months the two of you had started going out. A few weeks into the relationship you started to notice a different side of Jonghyun. He began to get more vulgar and started to use his hands more than you were comfortable with. For a while, you brushed it off, telling yourself “Boys will be boys” but then there was that day..........when you were alone in the practice room.......Jonghyun found you........to this day you shudder to think of what would've happened if Taemin hadn't come to practice too.


You looked over at your boyfried, his eyebrows slightly creased and jaw clenched, you could tell he was also thinking of that day in the practice room. He had been your Saviour that day and you'd been with him ever since. But Jonghyun held a grudge against Taemin and ever since then he's been trying to steal you back.


Jonghyun was now approaching you and Taemin wrapped an arm protectively over your shoulder, pulling you to him.


“Good Morning ______! Beautiful day isn't it?” He said as if you were good friends.


“Good Morning, Jonghyun.” You mumbled looking at the ground.


“Good Morning, Taemin!” Taemin didn't respond “Don't you think it's a beautiful day?” he got closer and whispered in your ear “and you look extra beautiful today” he placed a his hand on your and before you could even gasp Taemin had grabbed Jonghyun by his collar and slammed him against the nearest wall. Now by this time you were close enough to school that several other students who had been walking could see you, including most of Jonghyun friends.


If you ever lay another finger on her I swear to God it'll be the last thing you ever do”


You placed a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. There was now a small group of students starting to for around you and you knew it wouldn't be long before a teacher got involved. “Taemin, it's okay, I think we need to leave soon.” Taemin held on for a few more seconds, just to prove that he could. He let go of his hyung , grabbed your hand, and the two of you quickly walked to the school.



To say that Jonghyun was angry would be an understatement, he was furious. He hated being pushed around, especially by a guy he hated. If there weren't so many people around he would've beaten Taemin right on the spot. And to add to his fury he had just been humiliated in front of his friends who would never let him live this down. Lee Taemin He thought I will make you pay for this.





So I wrote this when I  couldn't sleep at like 3AM while watching SuJu on SNL Korea(HILARIOUS!)

Sorry of this chapter is short and ........I had issues figuring out how to introduce Jonghyun!

I feel awful f or making Jonghyun the bad guy!

I mean how can this adorable derp be bad?



But the story must go on! And Jonghyun has to continue being a creep hehe~

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Chapter 12: so awkward after seeing woohyun LOL
very nice story btw i loved it
He survived? with nothing wrong? LOL why am i sad about that xD...WOO! Jonghyun isnt a total idiot after all.
IT FINISHED SO QUICKLY T___T Sequal? maybe? *sigh*
...you never know...you could be like sis...you never know...YAY!!!!HES ALIVE!!!!and whew!!!!im guessing thats the last of jonghyun then????yay!!!!fluffy fluff fluff is back!!!!my fave!!!!teehee!!!!and yay!!!!theyre back together!!!!
OMG!!!!HE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR ANYTHING TWINNIE OR ELSE IM GOING TO GO INTO RAGE MODE!!!!...teehee!!!!...he brushed you off when you jumped onto him...why that is funny i dont know...but...ohh...jonghyun...whyd you have to turn out this way...why why why...shakes head...BUT MINNIE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR GONE INTO A COMA OR ANYTHING!!!!
'You jumped on him from behind but he quickly brushed you off, knocking you to the groud.' BAHAHA! Fail xD ANYWAY!...Taemin...why....T____T
...blank stare...do not mention that moment to me twinnie...blank stare...and omg!!!!...jonghyun!!!!you are a real aiohateh arent you????...his thoughts...shakes head...you evil little man...and awww!!!!poor taeminnie!!!!still trying to protect her!!!!
I dont know why, but even though Jonghyunnie is evil in this, that last bit made me think "awwh this guy is the cutest thing alive"
Jonghyun...you did not just say that.