Only tears




Taemin was at your house while you were studying


You both were sitting on the couch in your living room. He groaned loudly.


“I'm bored!” he whined like a little kid.


“Didn't I tell you would be?! Now be quiet and let me study! Its my turn for exams.”


He his aegyo “Can't you take a break from studying and spend some time with you're amazing boyfried?” He gave you that puppy dog look that made your heart jump.


“Aish, if you're gonna be annoying go somewhere else!”


“Bwoh?What did you just say?”


“You heard me!”


“Take it back!”




He attacked your stomach and started ticking you and you instantly screamed out with laughter. “N-No Taemin stop!” your books and notes were now getting pushed off the couch.


“Not until you take it back!” you were now laying beneath him as he continued to tickle you.


“O-kay! I take it back!Now s-stop!”


“What was that? I can't hear you!”




“Good” he stopped tickling you and pulled you against his chest. “Now isn't this much better than studying?”


“Mmmmm....” you sighed in content as you snuggled closer to him, you never felt more safe and protected than when you were in his arms “If I fail I'm blaming you.”


“Nonsense!My jagi is the smartest!” He kissed your nose and you giggled. Just then the doorbell rang and you sighed.


“guess I should get that.” Taemin groaned and reluctantly released you from his hold.


“Guess I'll go get a snack or something.” He muttered as you walked towards the door and him towards the kitchen


You smiled as you walked towards the door, but that smile disappeared when you opened it and found Kim Jonghyun standing on your porch.


It was the first time you had seen him since that night. Your eyes grew wide and you froze with fear. Jonghyun just stared at you, an unreadable expression on his face.


“______-ah?” Taemin called from the kitchen when he noticed how quiet the living room was “who is it?” he set his snack down on the counter and walked to the living room. He froze in place when he saw who was standing in front of you. He rushed to your side and placed a protective arm around your waist, staring daggers at Jonghyun.


Jonghyun awkwardly looked down at the ground “ I guess I deserve those reactions...”


“What were you expecting?A hug?” Taemin's tone was icy.


Jonghyun looked up at you, his expression was almost....sad. “May I come in?” You managed a nod.


He came inside, Taemin's arm never left your waist. “How are you feeling Taemin?”


“You mean since you tried to kill me and my girlfriend? Just peachy.”


Jonghyun looked down at the ground again. If you didn't know better you would say he looked.....ashamed? “ I am sorry about that Taemin.....I wasn't in my right mind.” Taemin scoffed.


This was a side of Jonghyun you had never seen before, you weren't sure if it was another act or not. “I actually came here hoping to talk to you, _____. There are some things I need to say to you” He glanced at Taemin ,then you, and hesitantly added “alone....”


Taemin's arm tightened around your waist “You must be crazy if you think I'm leaving her alone with you.”


“Taemin” you spoke up and he looked at you confused “It's alright....just go upstairs for bit.”


“Are you sure?”


You glanced at Jonghyun and then nodded “Yeah....I'm sure.”


Taemin didn't like this one bit but he decided to do it for you. He kissed you on the forehead “I'll be right upstairs if you need me.” he shot one last warning glare towards Jonghyun before heading upstairs.


You lost your sense of security as soon as he left and started to regret your decision.


“Would you like to sit down?” you asked breaking the awkward silence.


“Yes, please.” he sat down on the couch and you sat down in a chair across from him. “Well....I think you knocked some sense into me with that tree branch” he awkwardly laughed and you managed to crack a smile. His laughter died down and he became serious “I've been going to counseling and therapy the last few weeks. It's really helping me a lot.....it's helping me see things clearly for the first time....” he got off the couch and dropped to his knees in front of you “There is no excuse for what I've done to you. I regret it down to my very core. ______ I am so so sorry for the pain that I have caused you.” you could tell he was on the verge of tears. You placed your fingers under his chin to make him look at you. You searched his eyes and saw something you had never seen there before, something you always see in Taemin's eyes, honesty and sincerity. You knelt down in front of him and helped him up.


“I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive you.....”


“I don't expect you too....I just needed you to hear that.”


“Thank you, Jonghyun. I wish you the best of luck, I really do.”


He chocked back tears and gave you a slight nod. After giving you a small smile he walked out of your front door.


“Wow......” Taemin's voice made you jump and you turned around to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs. Of course he was listening in you thought. You walked up to him and he took you in his arms , making you feel safe again.


He gently your hair “Are you okay?” he whispered


“I think so......and I think Jonghyun is gonna be okay too.”


The two of you stood there like that until Taemin broke the silence “Now where were we before that happened?Oh, right!” he scooped you up in his arms bridal style causing you to squeal and protest “I was getting back at you for calling me annoying! Honestly, that hurt jagiya!” He dropped you on the couch and gave you a fake pout.


“You're such a pabo!” You said between laughs.


He climbed on top of you and pecked you on the lips “But I'm your pabo.”


I'm sorry, I couldnt leave Jonghyun with that crazy evil image!

And thus ends my very first fanfic! Sorry I had to rush it due to school T_______T Did it turn out okay??



Omo such lovely grease ><




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Chapter 12: so awkward after seeing woohyun LOL
very nice story btw i loved it
He survived? with nothing wrong? LOL why am i sad about that xD...WOO! Jonghyun isnt a total idiot after all.
IT FINISHED SO QUICKLY T___T Sequal? maybe? *sigh*
...you never know...you could be like sis...you never know...YAY!!!!HES ALIVE!!!!and whew!!!!im guessing thats the last of jonghyun then????yay!!!!fluffy fluff fluff is back!!!!my fave!!!!teehee!!!!and yay!!!!theyre back together!!!!
OMG!!!!HE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR ANYTHING TWINNIE OR ELSE IM GOING TO GO INTO RAGE MODE!!!!...teehee!!!!...he brushed you off when you jumped onto him...why that is funny i dont know...but...ohh...jonghyun...whyd you have to turn out this way...why why why...shakes head...BUT MINNIE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR GONE INTO A COMA OR ANYTHING!!!!
'You jumped on him from behind but he quickly brushed you off, knocking you to the groud.' BAHAHA! Fail xD ANYWAY!...Taemin...why....T____T
...blank stare...do not mention that moment to me twinnie...blank stare...and omg!!!!...jonghyun!!!!you are a real aiohateh arent you????...his thoughts...shakes head...you evil little man...and awww!!!!poor taeminnie!!!!still trying to protect her!!!!
I dont know why, but even though Jonghyunnie is evil in this, that last bit made me think "awwh this guy is the cutest thing alive"
Jonghyun...you did not just say that.