Only tears

A couple of days passed and neither you or Taemin saw much of Jonghyun. This didn't bother you at all but Taemin couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong. You had to leave town for a bit to go to a wedding, unfortunately, your boyfriend couldn't come due to his exams.


This was the longest the two of you had ever been apart and it was weird for Taemin to walk around the school knowing he wouldn't see you. He sighed and opened his locker. As he did so something fell out, something he never remembered putting in there, a small white envelope.


“If this is another secret admirer.....” he muttered angrily as he bent down to pick it up. He opened it and froze. His heart beat picked up as he stared in horror at the contents. It was picture of you, in your school uniform, sitting in one of your class, with an eerie red X crossing out your image.


Taemin's mind went wild with questions; Who would do this? Why would they do this? Are they going to kidnap her? Have they already?


He was starting to panic and flipped the picture over to see something written on the back:


Meet me in the gym after school. Come alone.


He roughly kicked his locker shut. There was no doubt in his mind, He knew exactly who had sent this.



so I don't know where this inspiration is coming from but here's another update for ya!

Again sorry that its on the short side but I didnt feel like it needed anything else

Hope you like the story so far!




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Chapter 12: so awkward after seeing woohyun LOL
very nice story btw i loved it
He survived? with nothing wrong? LOL why am i sad about that xD...WOO! Jonghyun isnt a total idiot after all.
IT FINISHED SO QUICKLY T___T Sequal? maybe? *sigh*
...you never know...you could be like sis...you never know...YAY!!!!HES ALIVE!!!!and whew!!!!im guessing thats the last of jonghyun then????yay!!!!fluffy fluff fluff is back!!!!my fave!!!!teehee!!!!and yay!!!!theyre back together!!!!
OMG!!!!HE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR ANYTHING TWINNIE OR ELSE IM GOING TO GO INTO RAGE MODE!!!!...teehee!!!!...he brushed you off when you jumped onto him...why that is funny i dont know...but...ohh...jonghyun...whyd you have to turn out this way...why why why...shakes head...BUT MINNIE BETTER NOT HAVE DIED OR GONE INTO A COMA OR ANYTHING!!!!
'You jumped on him from behind but he quickly brushed you off, knocking you to the groud.' BAHAHA! Fail xD ANYWAY!...Taemin...why....T____T
...blank stare...do not mention that moment to me twinnie...blank stare...and omg!!!!...jonghyun!!!!you are a real aiohateh arent you????...his thoughts...shakes head...you evil little man...and awww!!!!poor taeminnie!!!!still trying to protect her!!!!
I dont know why, but even though Jonghyunnie is evil in this, that last bit made me think "awwh this guy is the cutest thing alive"
Jonghyun...you did not just say that.