Chapter 6: Late Night Snack

We're Getting Married?



She came back out carrying a pink blanket and placed over him.


Jessica: "I can't believe I have to be nice to you.." She said.


Youngbae started to move, which made Jessica jump slightly, in fear he would see her. But just snuggled into the blanket.


Jessica: "Close one." She told herself. "Okay, I need food." She said,  kneeling down to pick up the plate of food.


As Jessica stood up she heard Youngbae's voice, and noticed that he was talking in his sleep.


YB: "Jessi... ca.. I... Iove you..." He mumbled. But just enough for Jessica to hear what he was saying.


Jessica: "He... what..?"





Author's POV


As Jessica stood shocked in front of Youngbae, she completly forgot about the plate of food that was in her hands, and slowly she lost a hold of it.


Jessica: 'Crap!' She yelled in her head, as she tried to catch the falling plate headed towards the ground. But she was too late.


She closed her eyes, as she heard the plate shatter. The sound of the plate shattering caused Youngbae to practically spring from the floor, and look around the hall with his sleepy eyes.


YB: "W-what happened!?" He yelled, looking around aimlessly until he caught Jessica standing in front of him, looking a little shocked, at how Youngbae reacted. "Jessica? What are you-" He started, but trailed off as he saw the plate of food in front of where Jessica was standing, and figured out why she was there.


Maid: "Sir! Is everything alright!? I heard a loud noise!" She asked, as she was very concerned for her masters safety.


Youngbae looked at her, while Jessica, looked away.


YB: "Yes everything is alright, Jessica accidently dropped the plate is all, no harm done." He said, giving her reassurence.


Maid: "I see... Well, I'll get started on the cleaning, so run along you two." She said with a gentle smile.


YB: "Alright, thank you." Then looked at Jessica, "Jessica, I'll make you something to eat, let's go." He said, while smiling and grabbing a hold of her wrist.


Jessica: "I'm not hungry..." She said, giving him the cold shoulder, as she pulled her wrist away.


Youngbae turned around to face her, as he watched her turned around he heard a grumbling sound causing Jessica to stop, while smiled.


YB: "You sure about that?" He asked.


Jessica turned around, with her cheeks blushing a light pink, due to how embarresst she was.


YB: 'Cute." He thought to himself.


She walked towards him with her head facing down, then stood in front of him, and looked him in the eye, causing Youngbae to blush.


Jessica: "You have to make me pizza." She said, then pucnhed his shoulder, and walked past him.


YB: "Oww... What was that for?" He asked, turning around to look at Jessica.


Jessica: "Cause!" She anwered.


YB: "Cause??" He asked, waiting for a more legit answer than that.


Jessica: "Just cause." She answered as she headed towards a door near the end of the hall, but was stopped as she heard his voice.


YB: "That's not where the kitchen is..." He said.


Jessica, stood there with a face that had a 'I can't believe I just did that' face.







Youngbae was at the kitchen counter table, adding the topping to the pizza he was making for Jessica.


Jessica: 'Glad I'm marrying someone who knows how to cook...' She thought while sitting at a small table that was near by, as she watched Youngbae, who was now finished with the toppings, slid the pizza into the oven.


YB: "Alright, it'll be a while but trust me, it's gonna taste good." He said with a smile, as he walked towards her, then took a seat.


The atmoshere quickly got awkward as time went on, with neither of them really knowing what to say. Well more like Jessica was thinking more about the pizza, then thinking of something to say.


YB: 'Well this is awkward... I want to ask her but, now's not the right time.' He thought, as he stared at her. Slowly he started to zone out as he fixated his eyes on her, admiring her beauty. He just couldn't help but have a gentle smile on his face.


Jessica felt him staring at her, and the scene that happened earlier that night, started to find some truth in her mind.


Jessica: 'Does he really love me...?' She thought, as she looked down towards the table.


YB: "Sooo... uhh, did you sleep well?" He asked.


Jessica: "Yeah, I did." She answered, taking a small glance at him, then back to the table.


YB: "Okay, that's good." He said, forcing a smile. He knew the reason why Jessica had stayed in her room, and was worried but tried not to show it. 


Things started to go silent again, until the smell of pizza came to where they were seated. Jessica couldn't believe at how good it smelled, and unconcously hung her jaw open.


Jessica: 'Oh my god....' She thought.


Youngbae on the other hand was trying to hold in his laughter as he saw how she was acting. He even noticed that she was staring to drool, and couldn't help but lean his elbow onto the table and cover his face with his hand while laughing.


Jessica: "What?" She asked, a little bit confused.


YB: *chuckle* "Here." He said, crabbing a napkin from the middle of the table, and handing it to her.


Jessica: "Huh?" She asked, still confused. 


"You're kinda umm drooling.." He said, pointing to the side of his mouth, while holding out the napkin.



Jessica quickly grabbed the napkin and wiped the side of where the drool was, while blushing lightly at the embarressment.


YB: "Hold on, I'll go get the pizza." He said, smiling.


Youngbae went to the oven and took out the pizza. He cut it into four slices, since the pizza was small. After cutting the pizza, he walked back to the table with the pizza on a plate, and placed it in front of Jessica.


YB: "One supreme pizza." He said, as he placed the plate in front of her.


Jessica took one of the slices of pizza, while Youngbae watched her wondering if she would be satisfied with how it tasted. She took a small bite just to see how it would taste, and her eyes slwoly widened at how good it tasted.


Jessica: 'Holy crap! This is like... fantastic!' She thought, as she rushed in for another bite.


Youngbae was a little surpised at how fast she had already downed two slices of pizza.


YB: *chuckle* 'I guess that answers that.' He thought to himself.


Jessica was eating away at the fourth third slice when she had trouble, getting it down. Youngbae noticed this and handed her, her glass of water.


YB: "Here." He said, as she took the glass.


She gulped down the water and lightly pounded her chest, trying to help the food get down.


Jessica: "Wooh.." She said, as she went back to finish the slice.


Youngbae was kind of shocked as she just dove right back into the pizza.


YB: "How was it?" He asked, curiously. 


Even though he could clearly tell she liked it, he wanted to see if she would say anything.


Jessica: "It was good, I guess..." She answered.


YB: 'That's good.." He said, kind of dissapointed at her answer.


Youngbae noticed some tomato sauce on the side of her lips.


YB: "Oh you have a little.." He said, pointing to the side of his lips.


Jessica: "Huh?" She said, oblivious to the tomato sauce that was on .


YB: "Hold still." He said, as he grabbed a napkin and reached over towards her.


As he wiped the sauce away with the napkin, he couldn't help but look at her lips.


Jessica was shocked by his actions, and couldn't move, until Youngbae quickly realized that he was zoning out and quickly sat back down into his chair, as she looked back down at the empty plate in front of her.


Jessica: 'This just makes what he said in his sleep all the more true.' She thought to herself.


YB: "Here I'll take that." He said, as he stood up and took the empty plate and went to the sink to do the dishes. "Do you want some tea or anything?" He asked while washing the dishes.


Jessica: "No.." She answered softly.


After Youngbae finished, he dried his hands and walked back over to Jessica and took a seat, then looked up at her.


YB: "Oh umm I got a call from my dad earlier, and well he insisted that we uhh... go to the fair tomorrow so..." He said nervously.


Jessica: 'Great... a whole entire day with him?' She thought, while rolling her eyes.


YB: "Look... they really want us to go, and if we do I bet they'll stop pestering us?" He said. 'Aww who am I kidding. I'm just saying that so she'll just agree to go tomorrow.' He thought to himself, knowing that she'd probably say no, if he hadn't mentioned that part about both of their dads not bothering them.


Jessica: 'Now that I think about it... having both of them off my back wouldn definite be worth it..' She thought.


YB: 'C'mon say yes! Please!' He shouted in his head.


Jessica: "Mmm... Okay." She said, looking up at him.


Youngbae was so excited, he felt like jumping off the walls... literaly.


YB: 'YES!!' He thought. "Alright then, I'll meet you at the front of the house at 9:30 kay?" He said, trying to hold his small smile from turning into a huge grin.


Jessica: "Okay, well it's getting late so I'm gonna head to bed." She said, as she stood up from her seat.


YB: "Oh okay... do you need me to walk you back?" He asked, while he to stood up.


Jessica: "No, I'm good." She said, as she walked away from him.


YB: "Goodnight, Jessica." He said.


Jessica: "Goodnight.. your highness." She said, as she continued walking, then out the door.


Youngbae was kind of dissapointed that she wouldn't even adress him by his name.


YB: "I hope that things will change soon..." He said to himself, as he headed back to his room.













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xxmdkxx #1
Chapter 9: upddate soooooonnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
azntori #2
Chapter 9: please update!! really nice fanfic!!
oh yea.. and those baefanys one too? =p
SennaGolda #3
Chapter 9: Update pleasee:(:(
B-Bang #4
Chapter 9: Their love isn't easy ==! I can't wait for an update :D
cn2theblue #5
Chapter 9: xDD so sweet >...<" nice chapter
4ever9 #6
Chapter 9: Omona they kissed. Sica 1st kiss aww Sweet Youngbae.
SennaGolda #7
Chapter 9: thanks for the update! hope u update soon! i'm really like ur story!
SennaGolda #8
Chapter 8: update soon please!
Alyeezy #9
Chapter 8: I sense jessica starting to like yb ^^
Update soon
Smexy01 #10
Nice update :)