Chapter 7: A Day at The Fair

We're Getting Married?

Previous Chapter:


YB: "Oh okay... do you need me to walk you back?" He asked, while he to stood up.


Jessica: "No, I'm good." She said, as she walked away from him.


YB: "Goodnight, Jessica." He said.


Jessica: "Goodnight.. your highness." She said, as she continued walking, then out the door.


Youngbae was kind of dissapointed that she wouldn't even adress him by his name.


YB: "I hope that things will change soon..." He said to himself, as he headed back to his room.




Author's POV


YB: "Today's the day." He said to himself, as he made his way down to the front of the house.


Butler: "Good morning sir." He said, while bowing.


YB: "Ahh good morning." He replied with a small but bright smile.


Butler: "You seem to be in high spirits this morning sir." He said, lifting his head.


YB: "Really?" *chuckle* "I guess so." He said, as his smile began to grow. "Did Jessica come down yet?" He asked, looking around to see if he had missed her.


Butler: "Yes, she is waiting in the car." He said, gesturing towards the sleek black Rolls Royce.


YB: "Oh okay, then I'll see ya when I get back home hyung, bye!" He said, jogging towards the car.


Butler: "Have a wonderful day sir." He said, bowing towards Youngbae.


Youngbae reached the back seat of the car, and opened the back seat to find Jessica, sitting at the other end looking out the window. She was wearing casual clothes, but even so Youngbae couldn't help but think at how cute was.


Jessica: "Umm hello??" She said, waving her hand in front of his face, while giving him an annoyed look.


YB: "Uhh- uh huh?" He said.


Jessica: "How long are you gonna stand there?" She asked.


YB: "Oh yeah! Right." He said, while entering the car quickly.


He said down and strapped himself in with the seat belt and told the driver to head for the festival.


YB: 'Man... I gotta stop acting like such an air head. Ugh, what's wrong with me?' He yelled in his head.


At the other end, Jessica couldn't help but think the same as Youngbae.


Jessica: 'I wonder what's wrong with him, he's always zoning out... weirdo...' She thought, as she looked out the window, watching the outside world around her move in a flash.


YB: "Umm Jessica?" He asked nervously.


Jessica: "Mmm?" She answered, obviously not interested in what he had to say.


YB: "Y-you look really c-cute today." He said shyly, but smiling.


Jessica: 'Where did that come from..?' She thought. "So does that mean I wasn't yesterday?" She asked, arrogantly.


YB: "I-I umm no! Not at all! I just-" He said.


Jessica: "You don't have to lie." She said, cutting off Youngbae.


YB: "But I-......never mind...." He said sadly, while turning towards and looking out the wondow. 'I'm not lying... it's the truth...' He thought to himself.


The ride continued in silence, neither one of them wanting to say anything.


Driver: "Sir, we're here." He said.


YB: "Oh okay. Jessica, let's go we're here." He said, looking at her.


Jessica: "Yeah I heard it the first time." She said coldly, as she got out of the car.


YB: "Oh.. okay." He said softly, as he also got out of the car.


As they entered the fair grounds and walked around, they can smell the sweetness of the kettle corn being popped off to the right and the sizzling of the fresh ears of corn being grilled. The sound of little kids running around, people playing booth games, and the variety of rides with peoples screams here and there. The fair was filled with life.


Jessica: 'The rollercoaster looks so much fun!' She thought, as she eyes the rollercoaster going all directions at high speeds.


Youngbae took a notice at how Jessica, really wanted to go.


YB: 'The rollercoaster huh?' He thought, with a smile.


Without much thought, Youngbae grabbed Jessica's hand and pulled her into the rollercoaster line.


Jessica: "H-hey! What do you think you're doing??" She said pulling her hand free, looking at him with an irritated face.


YB: "You wanted to ride the rollercoaster didn't you?" He smiled.


Jessica: "Pfft no!" She said, turning her eyes away from his.


YB: 'Jessica Jung.. you are such a bad lier' He thought.


Jessica: "How do we get out of here?" She asked, looking around.


YB: "You don't." He answered.


Jessica: "Wai- what do mean?" She asked with an irritated attitude.


Usher: "Ma'am." The man said, gesturing to the rollercoaster in front of them.


Jessica: "Oh sorry.." She said, walking towards the rollercoaster seat. "Well I guess there's no helping it then." She said, stepping into the seat.


YB: 'Again... your lying is so bad.' He thought, stepping into the seat next to her.


The harnesses came down over them and then the riders pull up briefly beneath the control tower. After a brief pause, the music begins and the rockets turn right to ascend in a room where red lights crisscross the walls. At the top of this first lift hill, the rockets wind through a tunnel, surrounded by blue lights streaking past them. Throughout these initial scenes, sound effects and dialogue on the on-board speakers reinforce the idea of the rockets being powered for launch. Next comes the second and longest lift hill, in which a long tube of glowing, red bars appears to rotate around the rockets, disorienting the guests. The music es at the exit of the tube, where the rockets level out to give guests their first look at "space"—in actuality, the dark interior of the mountain, lit with projections of thousands upon thousands of stars, galaxies, asteroids, and other cosmological bodies. Gusts of wind are constantly blowing in the mountain caused by air vents and other rockets. The whole ride was filled with screams from the both of them, as their arms flew up high. They finally came back to the stop of the rollercoaster.


Jessica: "That was so much fun!" She said, smiling.


YB: "I know right!" He said, smiling as well.


After thair short conversation, they continued to go on rides one after the other, until it was 4:30.


They both walked over to a bench in a somewhat quiet area.


As Jessica realized that both of them were acting friendly her attitude changed bringing her smile down.


Jessica: 'No! I'm not having fun with him... this is just... just-' She thought to herself


YB: "Jessica? Is something wrong? I'll go get us something to drink, anything specific?" He asked, looking at her distraught face.


Jessica: "No, not really." She said, coldly. Not even looking at him.


YB: "Oh.. okay. Well I'll be back." He said, turning away and heading towards a drinking vendor. 'And just when I thought things were going well...' He thought, with a frown on his face.


Jessica: "This is so annoying I just wanna go already." She said to her self, looking down at her wristband.


???: "Well why don't you go home with me?" A man's voice said.


Jessica looked up and saw three guys, around her age, looking at her. 


Jessica: 'What the heck are Taecyeon, Junsu, and Nichkhun doing here?' She thought. "Whatever..." She said, looking away.


Junsu: "Aww c'mon let's go miss nerd." He said, reaching out for her hand. Only to get it hit by Jessica.


Nichkhun: "Fiesty.. Just my type, forcefully taking her wrist and lifting her up off the bench.


Jessica: "Stop it!" She said, taking back her wrist.


But Taecyeon to her wrist.


Jessica: 'He's too strong... someone help...' She thought, continuing to struggle.


Taecyeon: "Aww c'mon miss nerd." He said, slowly reaching towards her face with his other free hand.


Suddenly his hand was hit away just as it was about to touch her face, causing Taecyeon to let go of her.


Jessica felt someone grab her waist and pull her towards them.


YB: "Don't you dare lay a hand on her." He said, glaring at the three of them, causing them to freeze up.


Taecyeon, Junsu & Nichkhun: "Youngbae!!!" They all said in unison, standing straight up at attention looking at him in fear.


YB: "Are you okay?" He asked, turning to Jessica.


Jessica: "Mmm.." She answered, giving him a nod.


Youngbae then looked back up at the three of them.


Taecyeon, Junsu & Nichkhun: "Yes Sir!!!" They said, as they ran away.


Youngbae slowly let got of Jessica and turned her around to face him.


YB: "Are you okay?" He asked, deeply concerned about her.


Jessica: "Yeah, I'm good." She said.


YB: "Okay..." He said. 'I know you're lying to me.' He thought.


As Youngbae brought his head up he saw a booth game and grabbed Jessica's hand and brought Jessica over in front of the booth.


YB: "Wait here." He said, stepping foward to the front of the booth.


Usher: "Two scrips." She asked.


YB: "Here ya go." He said, handing the usher two scrips.


In return the lady gave him three darts.


YB: "All I have to do is pop three balloons right?" He asked the usher.


The usher nodded, and with that Youngbae easily popped three ballons.


Usher: "Nice, here's your prize." She said, handing him a stuffed little puppy.


YB: "Thanks." He said, smiling.


He quickly turned to Jessica, and handed her the stuffed puppy.


YB: "Here." He said, smiling brightly, revealing his eye smiles.


Jessica: "T-thanks.." She said quietly, grabbing the stuffed puppy from his hands.


She looked at it and looked at even more.


YB: "You don't like it..?" He asked, thinking that she didn't like puppies since she was still not showing any emotion.


Jessica: "No.. I like it.. thank you..." She said quietly, with a small smile on her face.


YB: "You're welcome." He said, smlling. "We should probably be heading home, it's getting late, and dinner will be ready at around 6:30." He said, taking out his phone dialing the number for his driver. "Ahh hyung it's me.. Yeah we're ready to go.. Oh you are?... Okay we'll be there shortly... Bye." He said, hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket. "The drivers here already, so let's head towards the entrance." He said, smiling at Jessica.


Jessica just nodded and followed closely behind him, until they reached the front of the fair. There waiting for them was the Rolls Royce car.


Youngbae walked over to the backseat opening the door for Jessica. She soon entered, and behind her the door was closed by Youngbae. He walked around the other side and entered the backseat, and fastened himself into the seat.


The ride back to the mansion was silent, but was a lot more comfortable than when they were going to the festival.


When they arrived back at the mansion Seungri was waiting outside for them.


Seungri: "Welcome back hyung, noona." He said, smiling.


YB: "Hey Seungri." He smiled back.


Jessica just gave a light bow.


YB: "So what are you doing out here? Going somewhere?" He asked. Curious to see where his little brother was headed.


Seungri: "Yeah, I need to go to the company and help out dad with some things. But don't worry no need for you to come hyung, just enjoy your time here kay? Well I'll see you two later, bye!" He exclaimed. And with that Seungri headed to the car and left.


YB: 'Hmm I guess it's just the two us then...' He thought. "Jessica, how about we both get cleaned up first, then meet at the dinning hall at 6:30?" He asked.


Jessica: "Umm okay.." She said softly, as she headed towards her room.


Youngbae did the same as he too went to his room.





.Dinning Hall


Youngbae was sitting down at the dinning table  across from Jessica. They had both started eating their food although, Jessica seemed very out of it the whole time, just picking at her food.


YB: 'I wonder if she's still thinking about that..' He thought, while glancing at her.


After they had finished dinner, Jessica went to her room while Youngbae followed behind her.


At the front of Jessica's room, Youngbae turned to her and tapped her shoulder, causing Jessica to turn towards him.


Jessica: "...." 


YB: "I had a really good time today....Good night Jessica." He said with a small smile. 


Youngbae started to head to his room, but was stopped by her voice.


Jessica: ".... Good night...." She said, slowly closing the door to her room behind her.


Youngbae continued to his room, and easily fell asleep.


Later that night, Youngbae had woken up to use the restroom and was heading back to his room when he heard voices coming from Jessica's room.


YB: 'I wonder what's going on..?' He thought, as he leaned in towards the door.


He then heard Jessica crying, and talking to her mom again.


YB: 'Jessica...' 


Jessica: "Mom this is just too much.... I want to be with you..." She cried.


Youngbae froze at the words saying that she wanted to be with her mother. Because he was thinking that she was going to commit suicide to be with her mom. And Youngbae wasn't having any of that.


YB: "Jessica..?" He said, while knocking on the door.


Jessica quickly stopped crying.


Jessica: "Uh- y-yes?" She answered.


YB: "It's me Youngbae.. can I come in...?" He asked, wondering if she would let him in or not.


Jessica: "Alright..." She answered.


He heard footsteps approaching the door, then he saw her.


Jessica's eyes were red, and her cheeks were moist from her tears.


YB: "Jessica, are you okay?" He asked her, looking straight into her eyes with deep concern.


Jessica: "Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" She said, turning her head away, showing him denial of the fact that she wasn't.


Youngbae without a second thought embraced her in his arms, causing Jessica's eyes to widen in shock.


Jessica: "Hey! What are you-" She started, but was cut off.


YB: "I am so proud of you Jessica...I am so proud you. You've been shouldering so much pain by yourself and you have accomplished so much even though that pain was there the whole time. For all that you've done, I am so proud of you..." He said.


Jessica couldn't help but feel touched by his words. For the longest time no one but her mother has spoken to her like that.


Jessica: "Do you think my mom would be proud..?" She asked, with her trembling voice.


YB: "Yes.. she would very proud of you.." He said, still embracing her.


Jessica started to sob as she heard him say that. Soon after that she shoved her head into his chest and cried. His shirt slowly began to get soaked, as the tears kept flowing.


After a while Jessica had calmed down, causing Youngbae to release the hug.


YB: "You alright now?" He asked.


Jessica: *sniff* "Yeah..." She answered while wiping her eyes.


YB: "Okay then... I guess I'll be goi-" He said, turning around.


Jessica: "Wait..." She said tugging on his shirt, cutting Youngbae off.


YB: "Hmm?" He turned around, to Jessica with her head down.


Jessica: "Thank you..." She said, with quiet but sincere voice.


YB: "You're welcome." He said with a big smile, causing his eyes to smile as well.


Jessica: "Don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I like you or anything so.. yeah." She said blushing.


Youngbae couldn't help but chuckle a little at how cute she was.


YB: "I know, I know... now get some sleep. There's school tomorrow. Good night Jessica." He said turning around heading out of Jessica's room.


Jessica: "Well I would've gone to sleep earlier if you didn't knock on the door earlier... idiot.." She said, walking towards her bed. As she got underneath the cover she took the stuffed puppy in her arms, and cuddled with it.


Jessica: "G'night Baxter~" 

















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xxmdkxx #1
Chapter 9: upddate soooooonnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
azntori #2
Chapter 9: please update!! really nice fanfic!!
oh yea.. and those baefanys one too? =p
SennaGolda #3
Chapter 9: Update pleasee:(:(
B-Bang #4
Chapter 9: Their love isn't easy ==! I can't wait for an update :D
cn2theblue #5
Chapter 9: xDD so sweet >...<" nice chapter
4ever9 #6
Chapter 9: Omona they kissed. Sica 1st kiss aww Sweet Youngbae.
SennaGolda #7
Chapter 9: thanks for the update! hope u update soon! i'm really like ur story!
SennaGolda #8
Chapter 8: update soon please!
Alyeezy #9
Chapter 8: I sense jessica starting to like yb ^^
Update soon
Smexy01 #10
Nice update :)