Chapter 9: I Love You

We're Getting Married?


Previous Chapter:


Jessica could feel the pain in her chest start to ache as she tried to keep a straight face. But the comments kept going. She opened her bag and took out her pencil case, but found a a folded piece of paper in it. She opened it and found that there was writing in it.


Don't listen to what they say Jessica.

You're are not useless, you are beautiful, and you are not a loner because,

you have me now... and I'll be there... always.

I know that you hate me but, everything that I'm saying is really

what I believe okay?

I'll come by your classroom when school ends to pick you up

so stay there! :P

I have a surprise for you! *^-^*




She started to forget about the whispers around her and focused her mind on him.


Jessica: "Idiot... it better be something good." She said smiling at the note.





YB: "Jessica!" He shouted while waving his hand at the front of the classroom door.


Jessica just hurried out of her seat, embarrassed at Youngbae who was drawing attention to both of them.


Jessica: 'Does he really have to shout!?' She thought, walking towards him.


She walked up to him, but then went right passed him leaving Youngbae at the door.


YB: "Jessica, wait up." He said, jogging up to her side.


As they walked down the halls of the school, people stared at the two of them while whispering to one another.


Jessica: "They're all staring at us..." She whispered.


YB: "We're almost there." He assured her, as they walked closer to the gate of the school.


They saw the car waiting for them, and got inside and headed to their destination.


YB: "Aren't you curious to know what I got planned?" He asked with a smile.


Jessica: "Uh no..." She said, although it was pretty clear to Youngbae that she did.


YB: "Okay." He said.


Soon they arrived at Klenfield, which was a bridal shop a nearby mall.


YB: "Okay let's go in, shall we?" He said, opening the door for Jessica.


Jessica ignored him, and walked into the store. Youngbae just sighed as he followed her in.


When they walked in, they saw many beautiful bridal dresses.


YB: "You can choose anyone you want. Which one do you like?" He asked, looking at her.


Jessica was looked at all the dresses but really couldn't decide. They were all beautiful. 


Jessica: "Wow..." She said quietly, as she walked over to one of the dresses.


YB: "You like this one?" He asked, walking to her side.


Jessica: "Uhh well I-"


YB: "Excuse me? My fiance would like to try on this dress." He asked an employee.


Worker: "Of course, this way miss." She said, pulling Jessica into the changing room.


Jessica: "Wai- wait!" She said, but was pulled into the changing room.


Youngbae waited patiently, until her heard footsteps behind him.


YB: "Do you like it Jessica-"


He couldn't help but be speechless at how beautiful she was.


Jessica: "I look weird.." She said.


YB: "You look beautiful." He said, looking straight into her eyes.


Jessica could only be drawn closer to Youngbae the more he stared into his eyes. But she soon found herself blushing, and ran back to the changing room.


Jessica: "I'll get this one!" She shouted.


Youngbae turned around and chuckled to himself.


YB: "A second more and I might've kissed you..." He said to himself.


They paid for the dress, and continued on with Youngbae's surprise.


YB: "Now, I need to get you a cellphone." He said, walking towards a mobile phone shop.


Jessica: "Why? I don't really need one.." She said.


YB: "Because, if you want to talk to me then you can call or text me." He said smiling.


Jessica: "Hah! And why would I want to talk to you?" She said with a sassy tone.


YB: "Because I don't want to have you cry alone anymore..." He said.


Jessica looked at him with a surprised face, but turned her head away.


YB: "Okay, choose anyone you like." He said, entering the store while he held the door open for her.


Jessica: "Mmm how about that one then." She said, eyeing a pink Samsung smartphone.


YB: "Excuse me sir can we get this phone?" He asked the employee.


Worker: "Of course." He said taking the phone.


Youngbae paid for it, then took the phone.


YB: "Okay, there!" He said smiling, giving the phone to Jessica.


Jessica: "What did you do..?" She asked.


YB: "I put my number in, so you can call or text me." He said, still smiling.


Jessica: "Oh.. well it's not like I'm gonna call or text you anyway." She said, looking at her new phone. She was really pleased about the phone.


All of a sudden Youngbae's phone rang.


YB: "Hello?" He answered.


YB's Dad: "Youngbae, I'm having guests over now and I need you home now, no exceptions." He said, then hung up.


YB: 'Are you kidding me???' He thought, as he sighed in disbelief. 'This was supposed to be a fun day...' He thought. "Jessica, I need to go to the house for about an hour, it's an emergency. Here I'll give you my credit card, buy anything you want, I'm sorry bye!" He said as he handed her his credit card, then took off.


Jessica: "Are you kidding me...?" She said to herself, as she stood there in the mall by herself. "Well... he did say anything." She said, looking down at the credit card.


Jessica headed from shop to shop, just window shopping really. But she couldn't help but get the feeling someone was following her the whole time. She looked back and saw a few girls from her school tailing her. They were the same ones who soaked her in water the last time, so she tried to lose them throughout the mall and various stores, but found no luck. So she went into a small bookstore where she hid in the last row.


Jessica: 'I don't wanna get embarassed again....' She thought, as she started to have flashbacks of the incident with the girls from school. 'I guess... I'll call him...' She said, taking out her phone.


Jessica called a number of times but it always went to voice mail, so she sent text messages.


Jessica: 'Pick up.... please..' She thought, as she sat herself down in the last isle, waiting for someone to help her.




Youngbae's House


Youngbae was eating an early dinner with his father, and well.... JYP's president and his daughter, Sunye. The fact that Youngbae had to leave Jessica for this, really irritated him.


YB's Dad: "Youngbae so where were you?" He asked, while cutting his food.


YB: "I was out with Jessica." He said, cutting his food as well.


Sunye, who was sitting next to Youngbae, grew bitter at what he said.


The dinner continued with conversations here and there for almost an hour. Youngbae was dreadful at this point, and wanted to leave. He his phone to check the time and saw that he had ten missed calls, and a text message from Jessica. He was curious to see why she would call him, I mean she did say that she wouldn't.


YB: 'I wonder what it is...' He thought as he opened the text.


His eyes widened at her message.


To Youngbae

From Jessica:

I'm in the book store at the mall.... please... help me...?


Without much thought, he sat up.


YB's dad: "Youngbae, where are you going?" He asked.


YB: "I need to go see Jessica." He said, rushing out of the dinning hall.


YB's dad: "Youngbae!!!" He shouted. But it was too late, Youngbae was long gone.


Sunye on the other hand didn't show it, but was fuming.


Youngbae rushed over to the car and drove himself, racing down to the mall.


YB: "Jessica...." He said to himself, as he parked in the malls parking lot.


He ran throughout the mall, trying to find the book store.


YB: "Here it is." He said, opening the doors to the store.


Jessica: 'He's probably not coming...' She thought to herself, as she continued to sit, curled up until she hear a voice.


YB: "Jessica..?" He said, standing above her.


She looked up at him and saw the look in his eyes.


Jessica: 'He did come...' She thought, as he took his hand to help her up.


YB: "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked her impatiently.


Jessica: "Well the girls that dumped water on me, have been following me for the past hour.... and I was scared to go outside again.." She said quietly.


Youngbae looked out side, from the side of the isle and saw a few girls waiting near by the bookstore.


YB: "Alright! Do you trust me?" He said, looking into her eye.


Jessica: "I-I..." She stuttered.


YB: "I'll take that as a yes. Now come on." He said, grabbing her hand pulling her out of the bookstore.


Jessica: "Wa- wait." She said, catching up to him.


As they walked outside the girls approached them, causing Jessica to look down.


Girl1: "Oppa... why are you keeping up this for the nerd?"


Girl2: "Yeah, she's worthless and poor." 


Girl3: "Why go through all of this for her?"


YB: "Why?" He asked.


Youngbae let go of Jessica's hand and brought her head towards his, caressing her cheek, looking into her eyes.


YB: "Because I love her." He said.


Then he brought her chin up towards him, and leaned in closer with a smile. Their eyes closing almost naturally, then his lips softly met hers with a warmth that filled her up with butterflies, leaving her in full bliss.


The girls scoffed at the sight, and trampled off.


Youngbae departed his lips from Jessica, and looked around to see if they were gone.


YB: "They finally left... Jessica?" He said, looking Jessica who was blushing deeply.


Jessica: 'My...first kiss...'


YB: "I'm so sorry, please don't beat me up?" He pleaded, realzing that he had just kissed the girl whom he had feelings for.


Jessica: "No... you only did that to get them to leave so.. it's okay.." She said, looking away.


YB: "Oh umm yeah... okay well... you hungry?" He asked with a smile.


Jessica: "Yeah... can we cook something like last time...?" She asked shyly.


Youngbae was a little shocked at Jessica's actions, but smiled anyway.


YB: "Sure. Let's go back to the house then." He said, gesturing her to walk with him.


Jessica: "Kay..." She said quietly.


As they walked side by side, Jessica didn't feel all that bad about being with Youngbae.


Jessica: 'I honestly don't know if it's a good idea to get close with him but... maybe... I should try and trust him a little.' She thought, as she smiled unknowlingly, as she and Youngbae walked side by side.

















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xxmdkxx #1
Chapter 9: upddate soooooonnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
azntori #2
Chapter 9: please update!! really nice fanfic!!
oh yea.. and those baefanys one too? =p
SennaGolda #3
Chapter 9: Update pleasee:(:(
B-Bang #4
Chapter 9: Their love isn't easy ==! I can't wait for an update :D
cn2theblue #5
Chapter 9: xDD so sweet >...<" nice chapter
4ever9 #6
Chapter 9: Omona they kissed. Sica 1st kiss aww Sweet Youngbae.
SennaGolda #7
Chapter 9: thanks for the update! hope u update soon! i'm really like ur story!
SennaGolda #8
Chapter 8: update soon please!
Alyeezy #9
Chapter 8: I sense jessica starting to like yb ^^
Update soon
Smexy01 #10
Nice update :)