Chapter 8: I'll Be There

We're Getting Married?

Hey there! Sorry about this chapter, I didn't really put a lot of Jessica in it :[ but I will next chapter! :]


And also... Thank you for everyone who has subsribed and commented!!! I really hope that you continue to read!


Again Thank You!!!!



Previous Chapter:


Jessica: "Wait..." She said tugging on his shirt, cutting Youngbae off.


YB: "Hmm?" He turned around, to Jessica with her head down.


Jessica: "Thank you..." She said, with quiet but sincere voice.


YB: "You're welcome." He said with a big smile, causing his eyes to smile as well.


Jessica: "Don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I like you or anything so.. yeah." She said blushing.


Youngbae couldn't help but chuckle a little at how cute she was.


YB: "I know, I know... now get some sleep. There's school tomorrow. Good night Jessica." He said turning around heading out of Jessica's room.


Jessica: "Well I would've gone to sleep earlier if you didn't knock on the door earlier... idiot.." She said, walking towards her bed. As she got underneath the cover she took the stuffed puppy in her arms, and cuddled with it.


Jessica: "G'night Baxter~" 






Author's POV


Youngbae's Room


YB: "That felt nice." He said, while stepping out of the shower.


He quickly grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around his waist, then walked out of the bathroom to the side of his bed. He observed his uniform that he had laid out be fore he went into the shower, and noticed that he was missing something.


YB: "Now where is my tie..." He asked himself as he carefully walked around his room. "Oh yeah, that's right." Remembering that the laundry was washed recently, so he left his room and went down the hall to the laundry room. 'I hope the maids did the dry cleaning yesterday.' He thought, as he continued. But his thoughts were directed toward Jessica who was walking out of her room.


Jessica: "Ugh... So tired.." She said, letting out a yawn.


YB: "Good morning Jessica." He said, smiling. Obviously happy to see her.


Jessica: *yawn* "Good morni-" She started, but just stood their with her eyes wide, and her face starting grow more and more red by the second, as she observed his body that was still a bit wet from the shower. 'OH.MY.GOD.' was all she could think of at that point.


Youngbae on the other hand, was so immersed in seeing her he didn't realize that he was still... half .


YB: "Something wrong? You're face is really red." He asked, completely unaware of what Jessica was thinking, seeing him half , with only a towel to cover him from the waist down.


Jessica couldn't handle it anymore and closed her eyes while covering her face with both her hands.


Jessica: "P-put on some clothes!!" She shouted, still embarressed.


Youngbae looked down and finally remembered that he was only wearing a towel.


YB: "..." He said cursing under his breath as he ran back to his room, his cheeks flashing pink in embarressment.


Jessica kept her eyes shut until she heard the door to his room close.


Jessica: "Okay Jessica, you're alright. It's not you liked seeing him half with only a towel and his body still wet, or that his biceps were good looking, or his abs were... y or anything...." She said, as she started to think of the image of Youngbae's toned and sculted muscles. 'What am I thinking!' She thought, slapping herself mentally.


Maid: "Miss Jessica, breakfast is ready downstairs in the dinning hall." She said from behind of Jessica.


Jessica: "Oh! Uh- Thank you." She said, a little stunned from not noticing the maid behind her. 'Alright, I guess I'll go their now.' She thought, as she walked towards the stairs.


Youngbae's Room


As Youngbae was finishing putting on his shirt, he couldn't help but keep thinking about what he had just done.


YB: 'God! I can't believe I went out their in front of Jessica wearing only a towel!' He yelled in his head.


After tucking in his shirt he let his hands drop to the side of his body while he let out a big sigh. He looked up at the ceiling then closed his eyes, and replayed the whole event in his head over and over again, until he burst out yelling from frustration.


After letting out his frustration, he glanced at his watch and headed out of his room, well more like dragging himself, to the dinning hall knowing that breakfast always starts around 7:00.


YB: 'How am I supposed to face her now!?' He thought while heading down the stairs to the dinning hall.


Youngbae soon reached the doors to the dinning hall, and stood there just for a few seconds before finally walking in.


YB: "Good morning Seungri.... Jessica..." He said, though a little more awkward with Jessica.


Seungri: "Morning hyung." He said, glancing up at his older brother, as he cut his pancake.


Youngbae took a seat took the seat directly across from Jessica, and started to cut his pancakes as well.


Youngbae paused for a moment to look at Jessica. Although when he looked, he saw her staring straight at him.


Jessica immediately put her head down, lightly blushing at the fact that Youngbae caught her staring at him.


Jessica: 'Crap! He saw me staring at him! And why was staring at him in the first place!?' She thought to herself, while quickly grabbing her school bag that was on the ground near the side of her chair, and stood up. "I'll be going now." She said rushing out of the dinning hall.


YB: 'Did I do something...?' He thought, while looking at the dinning hall door, where Jessica ran through.


Seungri: "Oh hyung, there's something I should tell you about something I overheard while I was working last night at the company." He said, after taking a hold of his glass of water.


YB: "What is it?" He asked curiously, turning his head to Seungri.


Seungri took a sip of water then wiped his mouth with a napkin.


Seungri: "Well JYP co. is planning to withdrawl from being one of our supporters." He said in a very serious tone.


Youngbae was quite shocked too hear that one of the biggest, if not the biggest company that supports his fathers company was going to withdrawl.


YB: "Well that'll be huge problem for us. Especially since JYP co. is the major financial management system for our company." He said, looking down, bringing a hand to his chin. "But what is their motive...?" He asked, still looking down.


Seungri: "They want for you and Sunye to get married..." He said, very plainly and straight foward.


YB: "What!?" He said, rasing his voice as he looked up at Seungri. He quickly calmed down after realizing what was going on.


Seungri: "It's exactly what you're thinking hyung." He said looking at Youngbae, knowing that his older brother had already figured it out.


YB: "So their planning to becoming partners with us to secure the future of their family, and company... No wait, that doesn't really explain the marriage part though. I mean both of the companies have supported eachother for over a decade now, and father is also great friends with JYP's president himself, he would have no problem signing a partnership, unless.... someone else is behind it..." He said, with his eyes watching the preperation from the glass drip down, as tried to put the pieces together.


Seungri: "That's where I'm stuck too hyung..." He said, looking down at his hand that were placed on the table. He wanted to impress his brother and help him as much as possible, I mean Youngbae is who Seungri looks up to the most.


Youngbae noticed the tone in Seungri's voice. The sound of dissappointment was obvious, so Youngbae decided that he would drop the subject for now since the atmosphere wasn't all that pleasant.


YB: "It's alright Seungri. The fact that you've pieced so much together already, really makes me proud. We'll work on this together alright?" He said, giving his younger brother a smile, and words that he hoped would cheer him up. 'You worry me too much little brother.' He thought.


Seungri: "Thanks hyung. And yeah we'll definitely work on it!" He said smiling.


YB: "Sounds good. But for now I think we should start heading to school, don't wanna be late." He said, getting out of his chair.


Seungri: "Alright I'll see you later hyung!" He said, running out of the dinning hall.


Youngbae couldn't help but smile at the sight of his younger brother now smiling and cheerful. He just hated seeing Seungri sad, or in a bad mood.


YB: "Well I guess I better head off too." He said, taking his school back and walking to the front of the house.


As he exited the house, he saw the car waiting in front of him. The butler opened the door for him, as Youngbae neared the car.


Butler: "Have a good day at school sir." He said, as he held the door open for Youngbae.


YB: "I will." He said smiling. Then he entered the car, and saw Jessica staring out the window again.


He set his bag down in the middle of the backseat on top of Jessica's school bag.


The driver started the car, and headed off to the academy. Altough the car ride there, wasn't exactly great.


YB: 'Man, this feels awkward... I don't what I should say, let alone say anything at all... geez!' He thought, looking out of the car.


Jessica was also feeling a bit awkward, but kept a did a good job of not showing it.


Jessica: 'C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Just get to the academy already!' She shouted in her head, as she started to think more and more about the incident that happened in the morning.


Soon enough, they arrived at the academy, causing both of them to sigh out of relief.


Baesica: 'Finally!' They thought as they grabbed their bags and exited the car.


As they entered the gates, Youngbae was separted from Jessica by a storm full of girls.


Girls: "Good morning President Youngbae!"


YB: 'Ugh... here we go again..' He thought. "Good morning ladies~" He said with a smile, and of course those warming eye smiles.


Girls: "AAAHHH!!!" They shouted, seeing Youngbae's eye smile. "Neh. Are you really getting married to that nerd girl?" "Yeah are you?" Is Jiyoung just messing with you again?" Neh, what is it?"


The questions kept coming one after the other, until Youngbae finally gave an answer.


YB: "Yes, Jessica and I will be getting married." He said with a smile.


Although the smile didn't do that much good, as there was whining and complaining about his marriage. Which Youngbae didn't mind too much about... until the comments about Jessica started to come.


Girls: "You can't marry her!" "Yeah you can't marry someone poor like her." "She's too ugly for you oppa." "And she's such a loner too."


Youngbae was having trouble controlling his anger, as the comments towards Jessica were endless. He was about ready to snap, until help arrived.


GD: "Girls, girls, girls! Our prince has to get ready for class now, and I'm sure you wouldn't want your prince to be late now would you?" He asked the girls who were still crowded around Youngbae. "Alright let's go Youngbae!" He said, taking Youngbae by wrapping his arm around his shoulder.


After the had gone far enough, they ended up on the roof.


GD: "Yahh~, such a scary face." He said sarcastically, looking at Youngbae sitting on the ground leaning his back against the a wall near the edge of the building.


YB: "Sorry... I almost lost it there..." He said, lifting his head up to look at the sky.


Jiyoung went over to where Youngbae was, and took a seat next to him and looked up at the sky as well.


GD: "I know. Hey Youngbae..." He said.


YB: "Hmm?" He answered.


GD: "Do you love her?" He asked.


YB: "Well.... I don't really know. I mean I really like her, but love... ahh I don't wanna get ahead of myself." He answered.


GD: "Yeah I get what you're saying." He said.


Soon after the school bell rang for their first class, so Youngbae and Jiyoung headed down stairs. As they walked towards their classroom, the business that he and Seungri talked over popped into his head.


YB: "Hey Jiyoung, have you heard any rumors about JYP co. recently?" He asked, looking straight ahead.


GD: "I guess you found out huh?" He said smiling, knowing that Youngbae would've found out sooner or later. But his smile soon faded as he turned his head in front of him. "Want me to look into it?" He said, with more of a serious tone.


Jiyoung's father is the head of police, while his mother does business in the human realtions system with YG co.


YB: "Sorry for troubling you." He said.


GD: "Not a problem." He said. "I've been meaning to look to it anyway, because something is definitly going on." He said.


Both of them reached the classroom and stood in front of the door.


YB: "We'll talk later but for now, let's get through school." He said, removing the seriousness from his face.


GD: "Gotcha!" He said brightfully.


Youngbae and Jiyoung sat near the back of the classroom, and were getting ready for their lesson. Seconds later the teacher walked in and the students gave him their greeting, then too their seats.


Teacher: "Alright class, take out your text books, and turn to page 152 for Calculus." He said.


All the students opened their bags to grab their text books. But when Youngbae opened his school bag he saw that it wasn't his.


YB: 'What the... I don't remember having a pink Hello kitty case...' He thought, with a confused look on his face.


GD: "Nice pencil case Bae." He whispered, trying to hold in his laughter.


Youngbae just ignored his joke as he tried to backtrack on how he could've misplaced his bag, he remembered that in the morning, he had put his back on top of Jessica's. 'Shoot...' He thought.



He was decieding if he should go in the middle of class to grab his bag or just wait until the first class was over. But he decieded to go and grab it since class was just starting.


YB: "Excuse me teacher? I have misplaced my school bag with another student's. Is it alright if I go and get it?" He asked, rasing his hand.


Teacher: "It shouldn't be a problem. You are at the top of your class, so I don't need to worry." He said, giving him a small smile.


YB: "Thank you." He said, walking out of the classroom.


Youngbae walked down the halls of the academy and soon met his destination.


YB: "I'm pretty sure she was in class 2-1." He said to himself, standing in front of a classroom. "Excuse me?" He said opening the door to the classroom.


The teacher and the class all turned to Youngbae as he walked into the back area of the classroom. Jessica who was right in the back of the classroom, was too busy zoning out until.


Teacher: "Youngbae what can I do for you?" She asked.


YB: "Is Jessica Jung in this class? I misplaced her bag with mine, and I'd like to give this back to her." He said holding up the school bag.


Teacher: "Yes she is, Jessica?" She called out looking towards the back of the classroom.


Jessica: "Y-yes?" She stuttered, a little startled.


Teacher: "Youngbae has your bag." She said, pointing at Youngbae.


Jessica turned around to see Youngbae behind her holding up the school bag.


YB: "I think you took my bag this morning miss Jessica." He said with a smile.


Jessica: "Huh?" She said, looking at the school bag that was on the side of her desk. "Oh... well here.." She said, handing it to him.


Youngbae and Jessica exchanged bags, then Youngbae left the classroom.


After he left though, she started to hear whispers about her going around the classroom.


???: "I can't believe she made him bring her bag for her..." "Lucky girl..." "She doesn't deserve him, I mean look how ugly she is.." "She doesn't even mean anything.." "Useless.." "Loner .." 


Jessica could feel the pain in her chest start to ache as she tried to keep a straight face. But the comments kept going. She opened her bag and took out her pencil case, but found a a folded piece of paper in it. She opened it and found that there was writing in it.


Don't listen to what they say Jessica.

You're are not useless, you are beautiful, and you are not a loner because,

you have me now... and I'll be there... always.

I know that you hate me but, everything that I'm saying is really

what I believe okay?

I'll come by your classroom when school ends to pick you up

so stay there! :P

I have a surprise for you! *^-^*




She started to forget about the whispers around her and focused her mind on him.


Jessica: "Idiot... it better be something good." She said smiling at the note.

























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xxmdkxx #1
Chapter 9: upddate soooooonnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
azntori #2
Chapter 9: please update!! really nice fanfic!!
oh yea.. and those baefanys one too? =p
SennaGolda #3
Chapter 9: Update pleasee:(:(
B-Bang #4
Chapter 9: Their love isn't easy ==! I can't wait for an update :D
cn2theblue #5
Chapter 9: xDD so sweet >...<" nice chapter
4ever9 #6
Chapter 9: Omona they kissed. Sica 1st kiss aww Sweet Youngbae.
SennaGolda #7
Chapter 9: thanks for the update! hope u update soon! i'm really like ur story!
SennaGolda #8
Chapter 8: update soon please!
Alyeezy #9
Chapter 8: I sense jessica starting to like yb ^^
Update soon
Smexy01 #10
Nice update :)